Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 467
AS - Asia 71
EU - Europa 21
Totale 559
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 467
SG - Singapore 70
IT - Italia 11
UA - Ucraina 5
FI - Finlandia 3
NL - Olanda 2
CN - Cina 1
Totale 559
Città #
Santa Clara 448
Singapore 47
Helsinki 3
Kryvyi Rih 3
Cormano 2
Milan 2
Pasadena 1
Pieve a Nievole 1
Totale 507
Nome #
Analysis of the performances of the EPB excavation system in urban areas. 15
3D slope stability analysis of a limestone quarry expansion in Northern Italy 14
The influence of rock mass fracturing on splitting and contour blasts 14
An experimental research on diamond cutting tools operation on rocks. 13
Indagini sperimentali per l'ottimizzazione di scavi a cielo aperto in prossimità di un'area sensibile e densamente popolata 12
Precision Rock Excavation: Beyond Controlled Blasting and Line Drilling 12
Experimental analysis of snowpack effects induced by blasts 12
Tecnologie di demolizione: dalla progettazione allo smaltimento. 11
I geotubi per la filtrazione e il contenimento dei materiali fini. 11
A Coupled Stress and Energy Criterion for Natural and Artificial Triggering of Dry Snow Slab Avalanches. 11
Analysis of possible alternatives for the exploitation and hauling system in a marl mine (Tavernola BG, Italy) 10
Combined use of explosives and cutting machines in urban demolition. 10
Innovative method to recover and recycle the technological materials used in dimension stones processing 10
Optimising quarrying techniques and practices 10
Analysis of the Tunnel Boring Machine Advancement on the Bologna-Florence Railway Link 10
Analysis of the techniques for assessing the features of blast-induced fragmentation in an open pit quarry 10
Le emulsioni esplosive 10
Bentonite in two-component grout applications 10
Combined use of explosives and cutting machines in urban demolition 10
La stima delle caratteristiche meccaniche dei terreni e delle rocce attraverso la misura automatica dei parametri della perforazione. 10
Theoretical and Experimental Results fom Laboratory Tests by ILCM 10
Analysis of the collapse of a building demolished by explosive blasting and mechanical weakening 10
Criteri di previsione del danneggiamento di opere sotterranee da lavori di scavo con esplosivo- Parte I 10
Analysis of landslides in the Tavernola Bergamasca Mining Area (Italy) 10
Innovative method to recover and recycle the technological materials used in dimension stones processing 10
An Assessment of Blasting Vibrations: A Case Study on Quarry Operation 10
Dimension Stone Extraction as a Co-product of a Civil Engineering Work: a Case Study. 10
Diamond Wire Saws for Different Applications: Requirements and Performances. 10
Analiza danych uzyskanych podczas monitorowania pracy maszyny TBM w trakcie budowy tuneli kolejowych 10
Volate con monitoraggio 10
Combined use of explosives and cutting machines in urban demolition 10
Laboratory Test Campaign Aimed at the Analysis of an Uncommon Wear Phenomenon in a Marble Quarry 10
A critical review of the site laws for blasting vibrations control. 10
Bonifiche con esplosivo 10
Two-component bulk emulsions: a revolution in the explosives manufacturing 10
New developments of the separation equipments for aggregate beneficiation 9
A study on the feasibility of dimension stone extraction as a co-product of civil engineering work 9
Modello meccanico per l'innesco di valanghe di neve 9
Tecnologie di riciclaggio: impianti di trattamento ed applicazioni sperimentali d'impiego. 9
Evoluzione tecnologica ed aspetti di sicurezza del lavoro nelle attività di lavorazione delle pietre ornamentali: analisi preliminare nelle realtà produttiva del Verbano Cusio Ossola. 9
An example of preliminary seismic survey to evaluate the feasibility of blasting works in proximity of a sensitive monument 9
Analysis and interpretation of monitoring data during tunnelling excavation using TBMs. 9
The exploitation of Syenite in the Piedmont Alps (Italy): present relevance of the stone and future technological prospects for its sustainable exploitation. 9
Un criterio per la previsione del danno arrecato a strutture in roccia da brillamenti sotterranei-Parte II 9
Sublevel stoping at a large underground quarry: studies for the improvement of the production blastin 9
La rivoluzione dei bicomponenti 9
Tecnica dei Sondaggi 9
Analysis of predictor equations for determining the blast-induced vibration in rock blasting 9
Predictability and Prediction of Ground Vibrations in Demolition Blasting. 9
Sublevel stoping at a large underground quarry: the improvement of the development and exploitation design. 9
Innovative method to recover and recycle the technological materials used in dimension stones processing. 9
I porfidi del Trentino 9
Experimental research on the wear on diamond impregnated beads in hard rock cutting. 9
Haulage alternatives in a dolomitic limestone quarry for aggregates: a technical-economical and environmental comparison 9
Experimental research on the "Geo-tubes" technology 8
The 5
Totale 559
Categoria #
all - tutte 1.687
article - articoli 928
book - libri 60
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 34
Totale 2.709

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/20241 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
2024/2025558 0 9 57 38 395 59 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 559