Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 769
AS - Asia 318
EU - Europa 50
Totale 1.137
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 768
SG - Singapore 285
FI - Finlandia 27
CN - Cina 19
IT - Italia 14
KR - Corea 14
DE - Germania 7
CA - Canada 1
GB - Regno Unito 1
SE - Svezia 1
Totale 1.137
Città #
Santa Clara 723
Singapore 201
Helsinki 27
Seoul 14
Falkenstein 7
Guangzhou 6
Rome 6
Imperia 3
Naples 3
Phoenix 3
Ottawa 1
Totale 994
Nome #
Proocedings of Internation Conference 12
Fuel and Lubricant Formulations for High Depolluted Engines (FLOLEV). Second periodic report of activities of IstitutoMotori. 1st January 1996 to 31th December 1996. 11
Third Periodic Report, 1.10.1999 - 31.3.2000, ENGINE TESTS - EU Contract JOR3-CT97-0253 "BIO FUEL OIL: Upgrading by Hot Filtration and Novel Physical Methods" 11
Energy & Transport. Current Status and Future Trends of Scientific Research 11
Experimental characterization of combustion behaviour of new Diesel fuels for low emission engines 11
Analisi sperimentale dell influenza dei parametri operativi sulle prestazioni ed emissioni di un motore monocilindrico da ricerca funzionante con Low temperature combustion (LTC) 10
Multidimensional modeling of advanced Diesel combustion system by parallel chemistry 10
Characterization of the sooting tendency of Diesel fuels by shock tube and engine experiments 10
Diesel engines fueled by wood pyrolysis oil: Feasibility and perspectives 10
The impact of different stiff ODE solvers in parallel simulation of Diesel combustion 10
Running light-duty Diesel engines with wood pyrolysis oil 10
Laser diagnostic of particles exhaust emission from advanced Diesel combustion systems 10
Characterization of exhaust emissions from advanced common-rail Diesel engine. 10
Formazione ed agglomerazione del particolato carbonioso in condizioni controllate di pressione e temperatura 10
Le ricerche del Dipartimento Sistemi di Produzione del CNR e lo sviluppo delle prospettive internazionali 9
Combustion and pollutant emissions from light duty Diesel engines: the influence of mixing process and transient operating conditions 9
Fuel and Lubricant Formulations for High Depolluted Engines (FLOLEV). Third periodic report of activities of IstitutoMotori. 1st January 1997 to 31th December 1997. 9
PROJECT FP6 "D-ISELE: Diesel Injection for Small Engines with Low Emissions"-Contract n° G3RD-CT-2000-2532 - Final Report 9
Combustion of pure hydrocarbons in a Diesel engine: exhaust emissions analysis 9
Il motore Diesel veloce per la trazione stradale 9
Initial results on the impact of automotive Diesel oil on unregulated emissions of a d.i. light Diesel engine 9
Influenza delle qualità dei gasoli e delle tecnologie di raffinazione sulle emissioni dei motori Diesel 9
Introducing Combustion-Turbulence Interaction in Parallel Simulation of Diesel Engines 9
2065 Collasso energetico 9
Studio della formazione di particolato carbonioso in condizioni controllate di temperatura e pressione mediante tecniche ottiche 9
Behaviour of DI and IDI engines burning low quality fuels 9
Diesel combustion and emissions of fuels with different properties 9
Parallel simulation of combustion in Common Rail Diesel engines by advanced numerical solution of detailed chemistry 9
Fuel and Lubricant Formulations for High Depolluted Engines (FLOLEV). First periodic report of activities of IstitutoMotori. 1st January 1996 to 30th June 1996. 9
Optical Characterization of Nanoparticles from an Advanced Common-Rail Diesel Engine 9
Report Finale, ENGINE TESTS - EU Contract JOR3-CT97-0253 "BIO FUEL OIL: Upgrading by Hot Filtration and Novel Physical Methods" 9
In-cylinder sampling of high molecular weight hydrocarbons from a d.i. light duty Diesel engine 8
The influence of fuel composition on particulate emissions of d.i. Diesel engines 8
Dynamic testing of light duty Diesel engine: characterization of combustion parameters evolution 8
Multidimensional modeling of the air flow field in d.i. Diesel engines: Numerical computations and experimental validations 8
Soot and unburnt liquid hydrocarbon emissions from Diesel engines 8
Diesel engine emissions control by water fuel emulsions 8
Indagine numerico sperimentale sui fenomeni di mixing e combustione in un motore Diesel ad iniezione diretta 8
Critical aspects on the control in the low temperature combustion systems for high performance DI Diesel engines 8
Chemical markers for multi-method ODE solvers in Diesel engines combustion modeling 8
Application of a multi-method ODE software component for simulations of ultra-low emissions Diesel engines. 8
Behavior of a fuel oil during the combustion cycle of a direct injection Diesel engine 8
La simulazione multidimensionale del moto d aria e del mixing nei motori a c.i.: influenza delle condizioni iniziali e del modello di turbolenza 8
Effects of transient operating conditions on gaseous and particulate emissions from d.i. Diesel engines 8
The influence of fuel structure on unregulated emissions of Diesel engine 8
Relazione tecnica sullo studio del processo di combustione in un motore HCCI con geometria convenzionale a basso rapporto di compressione 8
Spray evolution in small bore d.i. Diesel engines with different injection strategies. 8
Some insight on premixed combustion in Diesel engine with late injection: the influence of air and fuel parameters 8
A multi-method ODE sftware component for parallel simulation of diesel engine combustion 8
Uso di trappole catalitiche allo scarico dei Diesel 7
Development of new combustion chambers for d.i. Diesel engines by multidimensional computer simulation 7
Relazione Finale PNR Ambiente - Linea 1.1 - Soluzioni Prototipali di Motorizzazioni Diesel ID due valvole per cilindro per i limiti di emissioni in vigore dopo l'anno 2000 7
Influence of the air-path operating parameters on the low temperature combustion in a single-cylinder Diesel engine 7
Control of regulated emissions with additive technology in base Diesel fuels of varing quality 7
Sistema di combustione per Motori Diesel ad Iniezione Diretta 7
The role of mean motion and turbulence structure on gaseous and particulate emissions of d.i. Diesel combustion system 7
Performance evaluation of particulate traps for passenger car Diesel engine 7
Il rilievo del campo di moto d aria in un motore a c.i. e suo confronto con i risultati di una simulazione multidimensionale 7
Downsizing of Common Rail D.I. engines: influence of different injection strategies on combustion evolution 7
Motori Diesel per autoveicoli: iniezione diretta 7
Analisi nella combustione nei motori Diesel e trattamento allo scarico 7
First Technical Report of European Project "D-ULEV - Low CO2 ULEV Diesel Passenger Car" EU CONTRACT N°: G3RD-CT-2000-00291, EU PROJECT N°: GRD1-CT-2000-25233. Period from 01/01/2002 to 31/08/2002 7
Dynamic pollutants behaviour of a d.i. Diesel engines 6
Contributi della ricerca di base per il miglioramento del sistema di combustione Diesel. Parte II 6
Formation and emission of organic pollutants from Diesel engines 6
Relazione Finale PNR Ambiente - Linea 1.2 - Soluzioni Prototipali di Motorizzazioni Diesel ID due valvole per cilindro per i limiti di emissioni in vigore dopo l'anno 2000 6
Study of the compression ratio influence on the performance of an advanced automotive diesel engine operating in conventional and PCCI combustion mode 6
A coupled Diesel combustion and soot formation model for KIVA-II code: characteristics and experimental validation 6
L'impiego del calcolo parallelo per la simulazione multidimensionale della combustione Diesel 6
Analysis of Diesel combustion process by means of in-cylinder sampling and chemical measurements of soot and light and heavy-species 6
An experimental characterization of the formation of pollutants in DI diesel engines burning oxygenated synthetic fuels 6
In-cylinder flow measurements by LDA and numerical simulation by KIVA-II code 6
Application of a reduced kinetic model for soot formation and burnout in three-dimensional Diesel combustion computations 6
Assessment of the effect of low cetane number fuels on a light duty CI engine: preliminary experimental characterization in PCCI operating condition 6
L impiego integrato dell anemometria e della modellistica multidimensionale per l analisi del comportamento fluidodinamico dei m.c.i.. 6
A new parallel numerically improved KIVA3V program for Diesel combustion computations 6
Rating of d.i. Diesel combustion system configuration by mixing indexes 6
In-cylinder soot and NOx concentration measurements in d.i. Diesel engine fed by fuels of varying quality 6
Sistema di combustione ad alto tasso di ricircolo per motori Diesel , in particolare per autotrazione 6
L impiego di camere di combustione ad elevata microturbolenza in motori Diesel ad iniezione diretta 6
The combustion chamber shape parameters and their influence on emissions of a direct injection turbocharged (TC) Diesel engine 6
Calcolo parallelo per l'uso di cinetiche dettagliate nei modelli di combustione per motori Diesel 6
Studio della formazione ed ossidazione del particolato in un motore Diesel ad iniezione diretta 6
Studio di soluzioni innovative del sistema di combustione per ottimizzare le emissioni di NOx e particolato solido da motori Diesel i.d. 6
Soot formation in a shock tube inferred by optical techniques 6
The influence of high EGR rate on emissions of a d.i. Diesel engine 6
A study of EGR and fuel quality on Diesel particulate formation process 6
Influenza della geometria della camera di combustione sulle emissioni inquinanti dei motori Diesel veloci ad iniezione diretta 6
In-cylinder study of soot and polycyclic aromatyc hydrocarbon formation during the combustion cycle of a d.i. Diesel engine burning tetradecane 6
Pyrolysis and oxidation of n-tetradecane during combustion in a Diesel engine 6
Pyrolisis and oxidation of a Diesel fuel oil during the early stages of Diesel combustion 6
3D calculation of air flow field inside an open chamber engine with different grid types and their comparison with LDV data 6
Effect of combustion chamber geometry on turbulence in Diesel engines 5
L' innovativa struttura delle smart grid . La moltiplicazione delle rinnovabili 5
Performance evaluation of simple autoignition models Ford 3D Diesel combustion computations 5
Assessment of soot loading in Diesel engines by two colour pyrometry 5
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, un ruolo guida 5
Experimental and numerical analysis of a Diesel spray 5
Design of a small displacement transparent research engine equipped with a common rail Diesel injection system 5
An experimental characterization of the formation of pollutants in DI diesel engines burning oxygenated synthetic fuels 5
Totale 754
Categoria #
all - tutte 5.618
article - articoli 1.970
book - libri 150
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 249
Totale 7.987

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202437 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 33 0
2024/20251.100 6 17 200 126 661 90 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.137