Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 508
AS - Asia 105
EU - Europa 32
Totale 645
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 500
SG - Singapore 103
BE - Belgio 8
CA - Canada 8
FI - Finlandia 8
GB - Regno Unito 6
LT - Lituania 6
DE - Germania 3
CN - Cina 2
IT - Italia 1
Totale 645
Città #
Santa Clara 474
Singapore 78
Brussels 8
Helsinki 8
Toronto 5
London 4
Frankfurt am Main 3
Ottawa 3
Guangzhou 2
Galesburg 1
Novara 1
Phoenix 1
Seattle 1
Totale 589
Nome #
On the macroseismic attenuation from the probabilistic perspective. Applications in European countries. 14
Applying the disruption index procedure to evaluate the urban seismic risk in the Mt. Etna area (Italy) 13
Insight and subjective measures of quality of life in chronic schizophrenia 13
A beta-binomial model for macroseismic attenuation. Case studies in European countries 13
Pitfall of using absolute Framingham risk score for primary prevention strategy in schizophrenia 13
On the macroseismic attenuation from the probabilistic perspective. 12
Probabilistic modelling of macroseismic attenuation and forecast of damage scenarios 12
On assessing importance of components in dysfunction urban systems given an earthquake: the case of Mt Etna region 12
Spatial distribution and samplig plans for gravepine palnt canopy-inhabiting Scaphoideus titanus nymphs 12
A study on the equivalence of controlled and uncontrolled visual experiments 12
Insight into illness and uncooperativeness in chronic schizophrenia 12
Task B - Probabilistic analysis of macroseismic data to forecast damage scenarios 12
Absolute risk versus risk ratio in Framingham scoring algorithm for prevention of cardiovascular risk 11
Research and management oriented sampling plans for vine inhabiting Scaphoideus titanus grape leafhopper nymphs 11
Macroseismic attenuation from probabilistic perspective in European countries 11
Comparing image preference in controlled and uncontrolled viewing conditions 11
Pitfalls of using absolute risk score for risk assessment and subtyping 11
Bayesian tools for optimizing adaptive clinical trials 11
Mining Macroseismic Fields to Estimate the Probability Distribution of the Intensity at Site 11
Pitfall of using absolute risk score for risk assessment and prevention 11
Probabilistic analysis of macroseismic data: results. 10
A strategy for predicting seismic scenarios 10
Exploiting CART methodology in digital color imaging: summary of an experience 10
Human computer interaction:legibility and contrast 10
Validation of macroseismic scenarios from a beta-binomial model. 10
Aspirin resistence determined with PFA-100 does not predict thrombotic events in patients with stable ischemic cerebrovascular disease 10
D11.1 - Project report detailing the control model and its validation against experimental data. Demonstration activities, Progetto Zero Waste PCBs (Protocollo ITIA n. 141 del 18/01/2013; Protocollo ITIA n. 165 del 31/01/2014.). 10
Probabilistic analysis of macroseismic data: modelling. 10
The role of the urban system dysfunction in the assessment of seismic risk in the Mt. Etna area (Italy) 10
The intensity attenuation of Colfiorito and other strong earthquakes: the viewpoint of forecasters and data gatherers 10
Valutazione di immagini in condizioni controllate e non controllate di osservazione 10
Influenza di componenti dell habitat a diversi livelli spaziali sul tasso di attacco dei parassitoidi oofagi della processioanria del pino (Traumatocampa pityocampa (Den. & Schiff.)) 10
Web-based vs. controlled environment psychophysics experiments 10
Semantic labelling of digital photos by classification 9
Assessing very low birth weight infants mortality using Cart trees 9
A color selection tool for the readability of textual information on Web pages 9
Using forest to classify digital images 9
A hierarchical classification strategy for digital documents 9
Automatic classification of digital photographs based on decision forests 9
The disruption index evaluation in the urban Mt. Etna area (Italy). 9
On the detection of phornographic images 9
Probabilistic analysis of macroseismic fields: Iceland case study 9
Absolute risk versus risk ratio in Framingham scoring algorithm for prevention of cardiovascular risk in psychiatric disorders 9
Alterazioni del profilo lipidico e polimorfismo 4G/5G del gene PAI-1 9
A statistical procedure for predicting macroseismic fields: Colfiorito 1997 test 9
An effect of PAI-1 4G/5G polymorphism on cholesterol levels may explain conflicting associations with myocardial infarction and stroke 9
Estimation of macroseismic scenarios in European countries. 9
Estimation of macroseismic scenarios in European countries 9
Predicting macroseismic fields 9
An application of bagging to tree-based image classification 9
The hybrid classical-Bayesian approach: some examples related to clinical trials design and monitoring 9
Understanding the readability of colored text by crowd-sourcing on the Web 9
Urban disaster-prevention strategies using macroseismic fields and fault sources 9
Stochastic analysis of natural hazards 8
Una prima analisi delle relazioni tra alcuni polimorfismi genetici e la malattia cerebrovascolare ischemica 8
ZeroWaste PCBs project D3.1: Report on shredding process modeling and simulation 8
Improving prediction with decision forests 8
Assessing very low birth weight infants mortality using CART trees 8
Bayesian predictive power for adaptive designs 8
A color selection tool ensuring legibility of textual information on Web pages 8
Bayesian analysis of weighted-Z tests in adaptive trial design 8
Content-based digital-image classification 8
Rappresentazione di informazioni testuali sul web: la leggibilita' come requisito nella scelta dei colori 7
Impatto dei cambiamenti climatici sulle produzioni agricole: strategie di adattamento ai processi di desertificazione nelle aree mediterranee. Report intermedio - Parte B. 7
Totale 645
Categoria #
all - tutte 2.071
article - articoli 459
book - libri 31
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 2.561

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/20243 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0
2024/2025642 15 1 67 37 413 109 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 645