Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 963
AS - Asia 395
EU - Europa 166
SA - Sud America 2
AF - Africa 1
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 1.528
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 959
SG - Singapore 357
IT - Italia 115
KR - Corea 18
FI - Finlandia 17
CN - Cina 9
DE - Germania 9
NL - Olanda 7
FR - Francia 4
BD - Bangladesh 3
BE - Belgio 2
CR - Costa Rica 2
GB - Regno Unito 2
IE - Irlanda 2
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 2
PE - Perù 2
PT - Portogallo 2
TW - Taiwan 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AL - Albania 1
AT - Austria 1
AU - Australia 1
EE - Estonia 1
EG - Egitto 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
JM - Giamaica 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MX - Messico 1
PL - Polonia 1
UA - Ucraina 1
Totale 1.528
Città #
Santa Clara 860
Singapore 239
Rome 20
Seoul 18
Helsinki 17
Naples 11
Bitonto 10
Los Angeles 9
Falkenstein 6
Milan 6
Messina 5
Guangzhou 4
Parma 4
Bari 3
Chittagong 3
Cosenza 3
Novara 3
San Giovanni al Natisone 3
Sommariva del Bosco 3
Brussels 2
Cazzano Sant'Andrea 2
Dublin 2
Lima 2
Loulé 2
Monza 2
Pescara 2
Phoenix 2
San José 2
Sedico 2
Sesto Fiorentino 2
Springfield 2
Valenza 2
Almaty 1
Amsterdam 1
Ashburn 1
Attapeu 1
Bishkek 1
Bressa 1
Buffalo 1
Cairo 1
Camerino 1
Castignano 1
Florence 1
Forest City 1
Genoa 1
Hong Kong 1
Kyiv 1
London 1
Mexico City 1
Oxford 1
Paris 1
Riga 1
Sanxia District 1
Seregno 1
Tallinn 1
Tirana 1
Trieste 1
Turin 1
Vienna 1
Vientiane 1
Totale 1.281
Nome #
Archivio storico immagini satellitari 45
RST-FIRES, an exportable algorithm for early-fire detection and monitoring: description, implementation, and field validation in the case of the MSG-SEVIRI sensor 20
Abrupt change in greenhouse gases emission rate as a possible genetic model of TIR anomalies observed from satellite in Earthquake active regions 19
Robust Satellite Technique (RST) for timely detection of forest fires by geostationary satellite data 18
Optimal Setting of Earthquake-Related Ionospheric TEC (Total Electron Content) Anomalies Detection Methods: Long-Term Validation over the Italian Region 17
Fire Characterization by Using an Original RST-Based Approach for Fire Radiative Power (FRP) Computation 17
RST-FIRES, an exportable algorithm for early-fire detection and monitoring: Description, implementation, and field validation in the case of the MSG-SEVIRI sensor 17
A robust multitemporal satellite technique for volcanic activity monitoring and its possible impacts on volcanic hazard mitigation 16
Issues and Possible Improvements in Winter Fires Detection by Satellite Radiances Analysis: Lesson Learned in Two Regions of Northern Italy 16
Sistema di supporto alle decisioni durante le campagne AIB per l'identificazione tempestiva dei principi di incendio tramite tecniche satellitari avanzate 16
Pollino project action D: a multiscale approach in the space-time domain to environmental risk monitoring 15
On the use of temporal vegetation indices in support of eligibility controls for EU aids in agriculture 15
Detection Of Saharan Dust By Spatial/Spectral Signatures In Vis-Tir Satellite Radiances 15
From visual comparison to Robust Satellite Techniques: 30 years of thermal infrared satellite data analyses for the study of earthquake preparation phases 15
Rapporto scientifico finale 14
Robust Satellite Techniques (RST) for monitoring earthquake prone areas by satellite TIR observations: The case of 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake (Taiwan) 14
Rapid flooded area detection by appllying robust satellite techniques on different geostationary data 14
Integrated Satellite System for Fire Detection and Prioritization 14
Valutazione della pericolosità da rilascio di amianto da materiali naturali: un esempio dal Parco Nazionale del Pollino (Italia meridionale) 14
Identificazione automatica degli incendi da dati satellitari multi-piattaforma 13
Correction to: Long-Term RST Analysis of Anomalous TIR Sequences in Relation with Earthquakes Occurred in Greece in the Period 2004-2013 (Pure and Applied Geophysics, (2016), 173, 1, (285-303), 10.1007/s00024-015-1116-8) 13
PRE-EARTHQUAKES, an FP7 project for integrating observations and knowledges on earthquake precursors: Preliminary results and strategy 13
4DEOS (4 Dimensions Environmental ObServation) 13
Robust Satellite-Based Identification and Monitoring of Forests Having Undergone Climate-Change-Related Stress 13
Long-Term RST Analysis of Anomalous TIR Sequences in Relation with Earthquakes Occurred in Greece in the Period 2004-2013 13
Sistema di supporto alle decisioni, operativo presso il Dipartimento Nazionale di Protezione Civile, per il monitoraggio Real-Time dell evoluzione degli incendi 13
Start-up di imprese innovative: spin-off ricerca 13
A Robust Satellite Technique (RST) For Dust Storm Detection And Monitoring: The Case Of 2009 Australian Event 12
Statistical Correlation Analysis Between Thermal Infrared Anomalies Observed From MTSATs and Large Earthquakes Occurred in Japan (2005-2015) 12
A satellite-based analysis of the Val d'Agri Oil Center (southern Italy) gas flaring emissions 12
Identificazione automatica degli incendi da dati satellitari multi-piattaforma 12
A Method to Determine the Optimal Period for Field-Scale Yield Prediction Using Sentinel-2 Vegetation Indices 12
Integration of independent TIR satellite observations at the time of l Aquila (Abruzzo) April 6th 2009 earthquake: lesson learnt and perspectives 12
Identificazione automatica degli incendi da dati satellitari multi-piattaforma 12
GRIDCC (U.E.) 12
Progetto V3-LAVA - Realization of the lava flow hazard map at Mount Etna and set up of a method for its dynamic update, Research Unit: RU V3/10 12
Sperimentazione applicativa per la detection degli incendi con sistema satellitare avanzato per la Provincia di Palermo e la Regione Basilicata 12
A review of RSTVOLC, an original algorithm for automatic detection and near-real-time monitoring of volcanic hotspots from space 12
A Multi-temporal Robust Satellite Technique (RST) for forest fire detection. 11
Correction: Marchese et al. Mt. Etna Paroxysms of February-April 2021 Monitored and Quantified through a Multi-Platform Satellite Observing System. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 3074 11
Mt. Etna paroxysms of february-april 2021 monitored and quantified through a multi-platform satellite observing system 11
Supporto operativo alla Regione Basilicata, per l identificazione tempestiva dei principi di incendio tramite tecniche satellitari avanzate 11
Toward the development of a multi parametric system for a short-term assessment of the seismic hazard in Italy 11
A decade of RST applications to seismically active areas monitoring by TIR satellite observations 11
Landslides Detection and Mapping with an Advanced Multi-Temporal Satellite Optical TechniqueSatellite Optical Tech 11
THE PRE-EARTHQUAKES EU-FP7 PROJECT : PRELIMINARY RESULTS OF THE PRIME EXPERIMENT FOR A DYNAMIC ASSESSMENT OF SEISMIC RISK ( DASR ) BY MULTI- we expect to obtain false alarm rates and precision ( in the space-time domain ) of the earthquakes long up to the 11
Fire monitoring from space: from research to operation 11
RST Analysis of Anomalous TIR Sequences in Relation with Earthquakes Occurred in Turkey in the Period 2004-2015 11
Improving and integrating ground and satellite based observational technologies for earthquake precursor studies: the case of Abruzzo earthquake (April 6, 2009; ML~5.8) 11
Comparing Two Independent Satellite-Based Algorithms for Detecting and Tracking Ash Clouds by Using SEVIRI Sensor. 11
MSG/SEVIRI, NOAA/AVHRR and EOS/MODIS TIR observations during the Abruzzo 6 April 2009 earthquake (ML~ 5.8) 11
Emergenza MERAPI 11
Sperimentazione del rilievo satellitare ai fini della previsione e delle procedure di lotta agli incendi boschivi 11
A robust multitemporal satellite technique for volcanic activity monitoring: Possible impacts on volcanic hazard mitigation 10
RST-FIRES Plug-in per Google Earth visualizzazione dei prodotti satellitari di monitoraggio degli incendi attivi 10
Sistema satellitare avanzato per il riconoscimento tempestivo ed il monitoraggio real-time degli incendi boschivi 10
Catena automatica/Plugin Google Earth® per la visualizzazione speditiva di prodotti satellitari RST-based 10
From Pre-eartquakes to EQUOS - how to exploit multi-parametric observations within a novel system for time-dependent assessment of seismic hazard (t-dash) in a pre-operational civil protection context 10
Analisi RST della radiazione TIR in occasione del terremoto del 6 Aprile in Abruzzo 10
Comparing independent observations at the time of Abruzzo April 6th 2009 earthquake 10
Modulo di classificazione e caratterizzazione eventi sulla base del modello di integrazione dati-prodotti indipendenti 10
Sistema automatico di prioritizzazione delle anomalie termiche rilevate dal sistema satellitare integrato 10
An innovative system for sharing, integration and visualization of heterogeneous 4D-information 10
One year of RST based satellite thermal monitoring over two Italian seismic areas 10
Accordo di collaborazione scientifica finalizzata alla sperimentazione di tecniche satellitari robuste per il riconoscimento tempestivo di principi di incendio. Report finale 10
Identification of dust outbreaks on infrared MSG-SEVIRI data by using a Robust Satellite Technique (RST) 10
Robust Satellite Techniques (RST) for Active Volcanoes Monitoring 10
Chapter 22: Pre-Earthquakes: Processing Russian and European Earth observations for earthquake precursors studies 10
Assessment of the Robust Satellite Technique (RST) in real time detection of summer fires 10
Early Warnings and Alerts 10
Tecniche Satellitari Robuste per il riconoscimento tempestivo dei principi di incendio (attività B). Report finale 9
MONITORAT - Monitoraggio in tempo reale delle anomalie termiche 9
Robust Satellite Techniques for Detecting Preseismic Thermal Anomalies 9
Aerial remote sensing hyperspectral techniques for rocky outcrops mapping 9
A Robust Satellite Technique (RST) for detection and monitoring of dust storms 9
A satellite-based analysis of the Val d{\textquotesingle}Agri (South of Italy) Oil Center gas flaring emissions 9
Reducing atmospheric noise in RST analysis of TIR satellite radiances for earthquakes prone areas satellite monitoring 9
Robust TIR Satellite Techniques for monitoring the Earthquake active regions: main achievements, limits and perspectives 9
Automatic recognition of rocky outcrops from MIVIS data: a test case on a selected area of the Pollino National Park (southern Italy) 9
Investigating Volcanic Plumes from Mt. Etna Eruptions of December 2015 by Means of AVHRR and SEVIRI Data 9
Progetto AVVISA- AVVistamento Incendi da SAtellite nella regione Basilicata 9
Assessing the potential of thermal infrared satellite surveys for monitoring seismically active areas: The case of Kocaell (Izmit) earthquake, August 17, 1999 9
Using RST approach and EOS-MODIS radiances for monitoring seismically active regions: a study on the 6 April 2009 Abruzzo earthquake 9
Guida ai prodotti RST-FIRES generati nell'ambito del progetto Pollino Future 9
RST (Robust Satellite Techniques) analysis of GOES/W TIR radiances at the time of the Hector Mine earthquake (October 16th 1999, MW 7.1) 9
Long term validation of Robust Satellite Techniques (RST) for thermal volcanic activity monitoring 9
A robust satellite data analysis technique (RST) for saharan dust detection and monitoring 9
Robust Satellite Techniques for Volcanic and Seismic Hazards Monitoring 9
Using Space Technologies for a timely detection of forest fires: the experience of end-users in 3 Italian Regions 8
A Robust Satellite Technique (RST) for multi-hazard monitoring and investigation. 8
A study on the Abruzzo 6 April 2009 earthquake by applying the RST approach to 15 years of AVHRR TIR observations 8
A New Approach for Detecting and Monitoring Saharan Dusts from Space 8
Assessment and improvement of a robust satellite technique (RST) for thermal monitoring of volcanoes 8
Report WP3 "Studio di fattibilità volto alla ricerca di indicatori per l'identificazione speditiva di aree potenzialmente coltivabili per scopi energetici-non alimentari" 8
Robust satellite techniques for seismically active areas monitoring: a sensitivity analysis on September 7, 1999 Athens's earthquake 8
An automatic satellite system for near real time volcanic activity monitoring. In Global Monitoring for Security and Stability (GMOSS), 8
The use of MSG-SEVIRI for rapid detection of security-related events 8
A multi-sensors analysis of RST-based thermal anomalies in the case of the Abruzzo earthquake 8
Assessment of a Robust Satellite Technique for forest fire detection and monitoring by using a Total Validation Approach 8
Totale 1.162
Categoria #
all - tutte 6.251
article - articoli 1.757
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 148
Totale 8.156

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/2024107 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 23 27 34
2024/20251.519 19 19 291 125 850 76 65 74 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.626