Istituto per la Protezione Sostenibile delle Piante - IPSP - Sede Secondaria Sesto Fiorentino (FI)
Genome assembly of two California isolates of Seiridium cardinale (BM-138-000494 and BM-138-000479)
2024 Scali, Edoardo; Rocca, Gianni Della; Danti, Roberto; Garbelotto, Matteo; Barberini, Sara; Emiliani, Giovanni
Insights on the fungal communities associated with needle reddening of the endangered Abies nebrodensis
2024 Frascella, Arcangela; Barberini, Sara; Della Rocca, Gianni; Emiliani, Giovanni; Di Lonardo, Vincenzo; Secci, Stefano; Danti, Roberto
Sequence and assembly of the genome of Seiridium unicorne, isolate CBS 538.82, causal agent of cypress canker disease
2024 Scali, Edoardo; Rocca, Gianni Della; Danti, Roberto; Garbelotto, Matteo; Barberini, Sara; Baroncelli, Riccardo; Emiliani, Giovanni
An Optimized Protocol for In Vitro Regeneration of Ocimum basilicum cv. FT Italiko
2023 Barberini, S; Forti, C; Laura, M; Ciorba, R; Mascarello, C; Giovannini, A; Ruffoni, B; Savona, M
Characterization of Trichoderma species from forest ecosystems by high-throughput phenotypic microarray
2023 Frascella, A; Sarrocco, S; Jona Lasinio, G; Pollice, A; Emiliani, G; Danti, R; Barberini, S; Della Rocca, G
Fungal pathogens associated with twig canker of shrub species in Tunisia: Considering the effect of the factors correlated
2023 Hlaiem, S; Yangui, I; Ezzine, O; Della Rocca, G; Barberini, S; Danti, R; Ben Jamâa, Ml
Genome sequence and assembly of the causal agent of Cypress Canker Disease Seiridium cupressi, isolates BM-138-000234 and BM-138-000515
2023 Scali, E; Della Rocca, G; Danti, R; Garbelotto, M; Barberini, S; Frascella, A; Emiliani, G
Highly Efficient CRISPR/Cas9 Mediated Gene Editing in Ocimum basilicum 'FT Italiko' to Induce Resistance to Peronospora belbahrii
2023 Laura, M; Forti, C; Barberini, S; Ciorba, R; Mascarello, C; Giovannini, A; Pistelli, L; Pieracci, Y; Lanteri, Ap; Ronca, A; Minuto, A; Ruffoni, B; Cardi, T; Savona, M
Biocontrol of Phytophthora xcambivora on Castanea sativa: Selection of Local Trichoderma spp. Isolates for the Management of Ink Disease
2022 Frascella, A; Sarrocco, S; Mello, A; Venice, F; Salvatici, C; Danti, R; Emiliani, G; Barberini, S; Rocca, Gd
Genotypic and environmental effect on male flower production in Cupressus sempervirens clones and selection of genotypes with reduced pollen emission
2022 Danti, R; Barberini, S; Di Lonardo, V; Della Rocca, G
Innovative In Situ and Ex Situ Conservation Strategies of the Madonie Fir Abies nebrodensis
2022 Frascella, A; Della Rocca, G; Barberini, S; Emiliani, G; Secci, S; Lambardi, M; Benelli, C; Tarraf, W; Izgu, T; Schicchi, R; Germana, Ma; Jouini, N; Amato, F; Di Noto, G; La Placa, G; Geraci, A; Bonomo, P; Arista, M; Balao, F; Terrab, A; Del Valle, Jc; Lo Meo, V; Danti, R
Ultrastructure of Terpene and Polyphenol Synthesis in the Bark of Cupressus sempervirens After Seiridium cardinale Infection
2022 Della Rocca, G; Papini, A; Posarelli, I; Barberini, S; Tani, C; Danti, R; Moricca, S
Different polyphenolic parenchyma cell and phloem axial resin duct-like structures formation rates in Cupressus sempervirens clones infected with Seiridium cardinale
2021 Della Rocca, G; Posarelli, I; Morandi, F; Tani, C; Barberini, S; Danti, R; Moricca, S; Papini, A
Diplodia Species Causing Dieback on Pinus Pinea: Relationship between Disease Incidence, Dendrometric and Ecological Parameters
2021 Hlaiem, S; Yangui, I; Della Rocca, G; Barberini, S; Danti, R; Ben Jamaa, Ml
First report of Pestalotiopsis biciliata associated with twig canker and dieback of Pinus pinea in Tunisia
2021 Hlaiem, S; Yangui, I; Della Rocca, G; Barberini, S; Danti, R; Jamaa, Mlb
Morphological and molecular identification of /Fusarium oxysporum/ f. sp. /lycopersici /associated with /Olea europaea/ var. /sylvestris/ decline phenomenon in Tunisia.
2021 Hlaiem, S; Della Rocca, G; Barberini, S; Danti, R; Ben Jamâa, Ml
Il cancro del cipresso, un esempio del potenziale distruttivo delle specie aliene invasive
2020 Danti R.; Barberini S.; Emiliani G.; Di Lonardo V.; Della Rocca G.
Different clonal responses to cypress canker disease based on transcription of suberin-related genes and bark carbohydrates' content
2018 Danti R.;Rotordam M.G.; Emiliani G.; Giovannelli A.;Papini A.;Tani C.;DellaRocca G.;Barberini S.
Identification and Pathogenicity of Pestalotiopsis chamaeropis, Causal Agent of White Heather (Erica arborea) Dieback, and in vitro Biocontrol with the Antagonist Trichoderma sp.
2018 Hlaiem S.; ZouaouiBoutiti M.; Ben Jemâa M.L.; Della Rocca G.; Barberini S.; Danti R.
Strategies for Fast Multiplication and Conservation of Forest Trees by Somatic Embryogenesis and Cryopreservation: a Case Study with Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens L.)
2018 Lambardi, M; Ozudogru, Ea; Barberini, S; Danti, R