Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 163
AS - Asia 110
EU - Europa 66
OC - Oceania 1
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 341
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 163
SG - Singapore 94
IT - Italia 49
KR - Corea 9
FI - Finlandia 8
CN - Cina 6
DE - Germania 2
FR - Francia 2
NL - Olanda 2
AT - Austria 1
AU - Australia 1
BR - Brasile 1
IE - Irlanda 1
PH - Filippine 1
RS - Serbia 1
Totale 341
Città #
Santa Clara 148
Singapore 81
Pisa 9
Seoul 9
Helsinki 8
Cascina 7
Guangzhou 6
Genoa 4
Nuvolento 4
Milan 3
Rome 3
Springfield 3
Amsterdam 2
Ashburn 2
Falkenstein 2
Montecchio Precalcino 2
Turin 2
Boardman 1
Dublin 1
Florence 1
Grenoble 1
Livorno 1
Mladenovac 1
Naga 1
Pistoia 1
Sydney 1
São Paulo 1
Venice 1
Vienna 1
Totale 307
Nome #
Biological Assessment of Green Waste and Dredged Sediment Co-Composting for Nursery Plant Cultivation 18
Vermicomposting Nursery Green Waste: A Circular Economy Approach 15
A multifunctional alternative lawn where warm-season grass and cold-season flowers coexist 15
Wildflowers 14
Mediterranean extensive green roof self-sustainability mediated by substrate composition and plant strategy 14
Bioaugmentation with PGP-trace element tolerant bacterial consortia affects Pb uptake by Helianthus annuus grown on trace element polluted military soils 14
Potential of Castanea sativa for biomonitoring As, Hg, Pb, and Tl: A focus on their distribution in plant tissues from a former mining district 14
Phytosociological approach to implement a sedum-Dominated plant community in extensive Mediterranean green roofs 13
Isotope signature and ecoenzymatic stoichiometry as key indicators of urban soil functionality 13
Establishing wildflower meadows in anthropogenic landscapes 12
Co-Composting of Green Waste and Dredged Sediments Can Reduce the Environmental Impact of the Potted Nursery without Affecting Plant Growth 12
Zeolite and Winery Waste as Innovative By-Product for Vineyard Soil Management 11
A low impact sediment and green waste co-compost: can it replace peat in the nursery sector? 10
Report on analysis and full characterization of co-composted sediments:. Deliverable Action C1 10
Posidonia-Based Compost and Dredged Sediment in Growing Media Improve Tolerance and Nutrient Uptake in Ornamental Plants 10
Recovery and environmental recycling of sediments: the experience of CNR-IRET Pisa 10
Influence of green roof substrate composition on the establishment of native herbaceous species in a dry climate 9
Landfarming efficiently recovers marine dredged sediment for pomegranate cultivation 9
Use of coarse substrate to increase the rate of water infiltration and the bearing capacity in tree plantings 9
Short-term abandonment versus mowing in a mediterranean-temperate meadow: effects on floristic composition, plant functionality, and soil properties - a case study 9
AGRISED LCA. Deliverable Action C4 9
Low productivity substrate leads to functional diversification of green roof plant assemblage 8
The suitability of de-inked paper sludge as growing media amendment for ornamental potting plants 8
Relazione sulla sperimentazione di vermicompostaggio di materiale di rifiuto effettuata presso il CNR-Pisa 8
Inoculated seed endophytes modify the poplar responses to trace elements in polluted soil 7
Recommendations for using marine sediment as growing media 7
Monitoring and validation of the use of remediated sediments as a substrate for nursing and cultivation: food crop production". "Physical, chemical and biochemical properties of the growing media". Deliverable action C.3.3: 7
Less is more, soil and substrate quality as an opportunity for urban greening and biodiversity conservation 7
Report on the cultivation of plants in a nursery site using substrates with co-composted materials: Deliverable Action C2 7
Biodiversity of flora and fauna 6
Wildflowers: From conserving biodiversity to urban greening--A review 6
Deinking sludge in the substrate reduces the fertility and enhances the plant species richness of extensive green roofs 6
Wildflowers: dalla conservazione della biodiversità alla progettazione del paesaggio 6
Landfarming as a sustainable management strategy for fresh and phytoremediated sediment 6
Use of co-composted materials as components of substrates mix for plant nursing. Deliverable action B3 5
Sediment and green waste co-composting and analysis of the process. Deliverable Action B2 5
De-inked paper sludge and mature compost as high-value components of soilless substrate to support tree growth 5
Effects of compost and mowing on the productivity and density of a purpose-sown mixture of native herbaceous species to revegetate degraded soil in anthropized areas 5
Caratterizzazione di miscele di fanghi e compost nell'ambito del progetto Bio2Energy - Caratterizzazione 2020 4
Biodiversità e gestione delle praterie semi-naturali: indagine preliminare nella Riserva Naturale del Padule di Fucecchio 4
Totale 367
Categoria #
all - tutte 1.592
article - articoli 1.133
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 108
Totale 2.833

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202432 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 5 18 2
2024/2025335 9 2 55 53 161 51 4 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 367