Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale - ISPC - Sede Secondaria Roma
Innesti architettonici e concatenazioni archeologiche. prospettive di riconnessione per due paesaggi archeologici del Montenegro
2023 Di Palma, B; Alberti, L; Colosi, F
Differenti gradi di (in)visibilità: le città romane di Municipium S e Doclea in Montenegro
2022 Alberti, L.; Colosi, F.; Di Palma, B.; Merola, P.
Archeologia e indice di permeabilità. Riflessioni sull'uso di alcuni termini in archeologia egea
2021 Alberti, L
Contemporary transit itineraries Prospects for the enhancement of the archaeological landscape of the inner Balkans
2021 Di Palma, B; Alberti, L; Colosi, F
How many tentacles? Octo-pus and X-pus in the Aegean Bronze Age: A new archaeo-zoological approach
2021 Alberti, L; Bello, G
'No hugging, dear, I'm British': i viaggi di Sir Arthur Evans nel Mediterraneo fra natura, archeologia e coinvolgimenti (an-) emozionali
2020 Alberti, L
A multiscalar research project, following an ancient decumanus in Montenegro
2020 Alberti, L; Colosi, F; Merola, P
Combining remote sensing, archaeological survey and geophysical prospections for the enhancement of Roman Doclea, Montenegro
2020 Alberti, L; Cozzolino, M; Di Palma, B; Gentile, V; Koprivica, T; Merola, P
From Italy to Montenegro: cultural contaminations and discipline exchanges for the enhancement of the Roman town of Doclea
2020 Alberti, L; Di Palma, B
Over the rainbow: places with and without memory in the funerary landscape of Knossos during the II millennium BC
2020 Alberti, L
Return ticket, 'Minoan' and 'Mycenaean' tholos tombs at Knossos
2020 Alberti, L
"Lessons from the past: Some Greek bronze age responses to natural disasters and their modern counterparts,,
2019 Alberti, L
Before the Romans: the historical and geographical framework of the Doclea Valley
2019 Alberti, L
Building bridges. An introduction
2019 Alberti, L
Clash of cultures or melting pot? Some identity issues in the southern Balkans and Crete: material cultures during the 2nd millennium BC
2019 Alberti, L
Interconnections in the Mediterranean through time: Montenegro and Italy, Proceedings of the Bilateral Round Table (Podgorica, 23th September 2016)
2019 Alberti, L
2019 Alberti, L
Laboratorio Archeologico Congiunto Archaeological survey in the Doclea valley (Podgorica, Montenegro): walking from Prehistory to early Medieval ages (ArcheoLab Italia Montenegro), Relazione 2018
2019 Alberti, L
Preface of the Special Issue: Lessons from the Past: The Evolution of Seismic Protection Techniques in the History of Building
2019 Alberti, L; Clemente, P; Azzara, Rm
Progetto "Ricognizione Archeologica nella valle di Doclea (Podgorica, Montenegro): camminare dalla Preistoria al Medioevo", Relazione 2018 - MAECI Archeologia
2019 Alberti, L