Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 753
AS - Asia 210
EU - Europa 61
SA - Sud America 2
Totale 1.026
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 751
SG - Singapore 197
IT - Italia 23
FI - Finlandia 15
CH - Svizzera 9
CN - Cina 5
DE - Germania 5
HK - Hong Kong 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
AR - Argentina 2
CA - Canada 2
GB - Regno Unito 2
NL - Olanda 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
AL - Albania 1
BE - Belgio 1
IL - Israele 1
JP - Giappone 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
RU - Federazione Russa 1
Totale 1.026
Città #
Santa Clara 689
Singapore 115
Helsinki 15
Milan 6
Boretto 4
Brescia 4
Phoenix 4
Timonium 4
Aclens 3
Banská Bystrica 2
Cologno Monzese 2
Durham 2
Forest City 2
Geneva 2
Lausanne 2
Machagai 2
Morrens 2
Toronto 2
Turin 2
Antwerp 1
Ashburn 1
Council Bluffs 1
Duchesne 1
Hong Kong 1
Rimsting 1
Tirana 1
Tokyo 1
Totale 872
Nome #
Diagenesis of juvenile skeletal remains: A multimodal and multiscale approach to examine the post-mortem decay of children's bones 18
A new laboratory‐based method to experimentally induce diagenetic modifications in human bone tissue using archaeological gravesoils 15
The Pederneira Pegmatite, Minas Gerais, Brazil: Geology and Gem Tourmaline 14
Vigezzite and associated Oxides of Nb-Ta from Emerald-bearing Pegmatites of the Vigezzo valley, Western Alps, Italy. 14
The gem-quality tourmaline occurring in the Adamello Park natural reservation, Central Southern Alps, Italy 14
The influence of raw materials on the mineralogy and microstructure of fired sanitary-ware vireous body by syncrotron X-ray computed thomography 13
The spessartine-almandine garnet from Val Codera pegmatite, Central Alps, Italy: a new insight on the crystallochemistry and a 3D image analysis of its inclusions 13
Garnets from Val d'Ala Rodingites, Piedmont, Italy: An Investigation of Their Gemological, Spectroscopic and Crystal Chemical Properties 13
Control of the amorphous content in traditional ceramics by means of alternative fluxing agents 12
Equation of state, structural behavior and phase diagram of synthetic MgFe2O4, as a function of pressure and temperature. 12
Tsavorite and other Grossulars from Itrafo, Madagascar 12
Lower mantle hydrogen partitioning between periclase and perovskite: A quantum chemical modelling 12
Green andradite stones: gemmological and mineralogical characterisation 12
How stacking disorder can conceal the actual structure of micas: the case of phengites 12
The notion of "distinguishibility" between bulk elastic parameters on the basis of the Gibbs energy deformation energy. 12
Some effects on sanitari-ware induced by varying firing temperature and time, and quartz graine size 12
Aquamarine, Maxixe-type beryl, and hydrothermal synthetic blue beryl: analysis and identification. 12
Demantoid and topazolite from antetezambato, Northern Madagascar: Review and new data 12
Sanitary-ware vitreous body characterization method by optical microscopy, elemental maps, image processing and x-ray powder diffraction 12
A multi-methodological study of a gem-quality synthetic dark blue beryl 12
Characterization of Omphacite Jade from the Po Valley, Piedmont, Italy 12
Gemmological investigation of a synthetic blue beryl: a multi-methodological study. 12
The magnetite ore districts of the southern Aosta Valley (Western Alps, Italy): a mineralogical study of metasomatized chromite ore 12
Influence of raw materials on the mineralogy and microstructure of fired sanitary-ware vitreous body by synchrotron X-Ray Computed Microtomography and Diffraction Tomography 12
Andradite variety demantoid from Val Malenco, Italy 12
Micro-Raman spectroscopy as a routine tool for garnet analysis. 11
Kinetic study of mullite growth in sanitary-ware production by in situ HT-XRPD. The influence of the filler/flux ratio. 11
Nb Ta Sn oxides association from the Malpensata granitic pegmatite, Central Southern Alps (Lecco province, Italy): magmatic differenziation, crystallization mechanism and geochemical inferences. 11
Phosphate assemblages from the Brissago granitic pegmatite, western Southern Alps, Switzerland. 11
P-V and T-V Equations of State of natural biotite: An in-situ high-pressure and high-temperature powder diffraction study, combined with Mössbauer spectroscopy. 11
The crystal chemistry of londonite [(Cs,K,Rb)Al4Be5B11O28]: a single-crystal neutron diffraction study at 300 and 20 K. 11
Characterization and comparison of natural and Zachery-treated turquoise: new data 11
Influence of composition on some industrially relevant properties of traditional sanitary-ware glaze 11
Demantoid garnet from Val Malenco, Italy: review and update 11
An (EMPA+SIMS) investigation of silicate inclusions in Troodos chromitites 10
Phosphates from Piona granitic pegmatites (Central Southern Alps, Italy). 10
The role of fluorine complexes in REE geochemistry and the importance of 4f electrons : some examples in minerals 10
Alteration process of a graftonite + sarcopside + triphylite primary phosphate association from Luna pegmatitic dike, Lecco province, Italy 10
A crystal-chemical investigation of alpine gadolinite 10
High pressure and high temperature behaviour of natural biotite. 10
PGE zoning and mineralogy within the cumulate sequence of the Nurali massif (Southern Urals, Russia). 10
High-pressure synchrotron X-ray diffraction study of spessartine and uvarovite: A comparison between different equation of state models 10
Crystallisation and phase transformation processes during clinkering in portland cement (pc) by means of in situ and ex situ analyses 10
An (EMPA+SIMS) investigation of silicate inclusions in Troodos chromitites. 9
Vigezzite and associated Nb-Ta oxides of emerald pegmatitic deposits of Vigezzo Valley (Western Alps, Italy). 9
Mineralogical characterization of the gem-variety pink clinozoisite from Val Malenco, Central Alps, Italy 9
Gem-quality rhodonite from Val Malenco (Central Alps, Italy) 9
New Insights for Gem-Quality Mn-Bearing Diopside-Omphacite, Violane Variety, from Saint Marcel (Val D'Aosta, Italy): Its Trace Elements and Spectroscopic Characterization 9
Chukhrovite-(Ca), IMA 2010-081. 9
Linking U - Th - Pb monazite dating to partial melting microstructures: application to the Valpelline Series (Austroalpine domain, Western Alps) 9
Alpine monazite: further data 9
Synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction study of natural P2/n-omphacites at high pressure conditions 9
Uncertainties on elastic parameters and occupancy factors: how do they affect the accuracy of the calculated Gibbs energy of minerals at (P,T) conditions? The case of 3T- versus 2M1-phengite. 9
Cld-st-and-bearing assemblages in the central southalpine basement: Markers of an evolving thermal regime during variscan convergence 9
Soda-lime-silica-glass/quartz particle size and firing time: Their combined effect on sanitary-ware ceramic reactions and macroscopic propertiesSoda-Lime-Silica-glass/quartz particle size and firing time: their combined effect on sanitary-ware ceramic reactions and macroscopic properties. 9
The formation of scandium minerals as an example of the role of complexes in the geochemistry of rare earths and HFS elements 9
Karenwebberite, IMA 2011-015. CNMNC Newsletter No. 10, October 2011, page 2551 9
Deciphering the tectonic-geodynamic context of the gem-quality "noble serpentine" deposit formation combining microstructural, chemical and micro-Raman analyses in Palaeozoic olivine-bearing marbles and serpentine-hosting rocks (Pizzo Tremogge, Margna unit - Austroalpine, Val Malenco - Central Alps, Italy) 9
Die Mineralien der Pegmatite von Brissago, Tessin, Schweiz: Außergewöhnliche Neufunde 1999-2001 9
Gem-quality serpentine from Val Malenco, central Alps, Italy 9
Fe-periclase reactivity at Earth's lower mantle conditions: Ab-initio geochemical modelling 9
Influence of the raw materials on the mineralogy and microstructure of fired sanitary-ware vitreous body by synchrotron X-Ray computed microtomography 9
Gem-quality garnets: correlation between gemmological properties, chemical composition and infrared spectroscopy. 9
P-V equation of State, thermal expansion, and P-T stability of synthetic zincochromite (ZnCr2O4 spinel). 9
Bone diagenesis in archaeological and contemporary human remains: an investigation of bone 3D microstructure and minero-chemical assessment 9
Micro-tomography, LA-ICP-MS and electron microprobe investigation of garnet from Val Codera granitic pegmatite (central Alps, Italy) 9
Geochemistry of Chromites and PGE from Nurali and Kalkan serpentinite melanges (Southern Urals, Russia). 9
Gem-quality zoisite from Merelani (Northeastern Tanzania): review and new data 8
Characterization of traditional sanitary-ware glazes using classical and unconventional analytical methods 8
Significato tettonico della transizione Cld-And nelle metapeliti de Basamento Sudalpino (Alta Val Camonica). 8
Probe and SIMS investigation of clinopyroxene inclusions in chromites from the Troodos chromitites (Cyprus): Implications for dunite-chromitite genesis 8
Tsavorite and other grossular garnets from Itrafo, Madagascar 8
The crystal structure of Mckelveite-(Y)-2M, a new monoclinic polytype from Val Malenco, Italian Alps. 8
Modelling of thermo-chemical properties over the sub-solidus MgO-FeO binary, as a function of iron spin configuration, composition and temperature 8
Perrierite-chevkinite in igneous ultrapotassic rocks from Central Italy: chemical data and their petrological significance 8
HP-HT (Mg,Fe)O sub-solidus reaction modelling implications for lower mantle geochemical heterogeneities 8
Permian evolution of the Valpelline Series (Western Italian Alps): preliminary geochronological data. 8
Influence of alternative mineralisers in traditional ceramics 8
The importance of accurate crystal structure determination of uranium Minerals. I. Phosphuranylite KCa(H3O)3(UO2)7(PO4)4O4.8H2O 8
Schiavinatoite, (Nb,Ta)BO4, the Nb analogue of behierite 8
Materiali vetrosi da Grotta Manaccora e Coppa Nevigata: inquadramento archeologico e archeometrico nell'ambito della civiltà del Bronzo italiana. 8
Protohistoric vitreous materials of Italy: from early faience to final bronze age glasses. 8
A single-crystal neutron and X-ray diffraction study of elbaite 8
The profile of trace elements, including the REE, in gem-quality green andradite from classic localities 8
A comparison of selected Precambrian Brazilian chromitites: chromite, PGE-PGM, Re/Os as parental source indicators. 8
Tanzanite and other zoisites from Merelani (NE Tanzania): new gemological and chemical data 8
The Cr-PGE mineralization of the Melange Zone of the Nurali Massif (Southern Urals, Russia). 8
The chemical composition of xenotime from fissure and pegmatites in the Alps. 7
Effects of particle size distribution and starting phase composition in Na-feldspar/kaolinite system at high temperature 7
Carboniferous to Permian migmatite formation in the Austroalpine continental basement (Valpelline unit) and its implication for the onset of the Alpine convergence 7
Equation of state and compressibility of phlogopite by in-situ high-pressure X-ray power diffraction 7
Pressure-Volume-Temperature equation of state of andradite and grossularia, by high-pressure and -temperature powder diffraction. 7
Karenwebberite, Na(Fe2+,Mn2+)PO4, a new member of the triphylite group from the Malpensata pegmatite, Lecco Province, Italy 7
A comparison of electron microprobe (EMP) and Laser Ablation Microprobe ICP-MS techniques for trace element analysis on zircons. 7
Totale 993
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.085
article - articoli 2.759
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 6.844

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202410 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 7 2
2024/20251.025 4 9 118 72 669 50 12 49 42 0 0 0
Totale 1.035