Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 419
AS - Asia 227
EU - Europa 62
Totale 708
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 419
SG - Singapore 183
IT - Italia 36
CN - Cina 32
FI - Finlandia 15
KR - Corea 11
DE - Germania 4
FR - Francia 3
PT - Portogallo 2
AT - Austria 1
NL - Olanda 1
PH - Filippine 1
Totale 708
Città #
Santa Clara 394
Singapore 143
Guangzhou 27
Helsinki 15
Seoul 11
Rome 8
Castelfranci 5
Fisciano 5
Falkenstein 4
Montella 3
Almada 2
Andria 2
Matera 2
Partinico 2
Amsterdam 1
Bacolod City 1
Cascina 1
Naples 1
Novi Velia 1
Phoenix 1
Springfield 1
Vienna 1
Totale 631
Nome #
Indagini conoscitive preliminari all intervento di restauro della Cripta del Crocifisso (Ugento, Lecce): primi dati 19
Sulle tracce del cibo. Le analisi dei residui organici nelle ceramiche per la ricostruzione dei paesaggi della Puglia settentrionale tra Tardoantico e Medioevo 16
null 12
La conservazione delle calcareniti tenere utilizzate nel patrimonio costruito: dalle sperimentazioni in laboratorio al monitoraggio degli interventi in situ 11
Tecniche microscopiche ed approccio multianalitico per lo studio della pittura parietale in Puglia 11
null 11
null 11
Documentation and assessment of the most important conservation treatments carried out on Lecce stone monuments in the last two decades 10
Diagnosis, products and procedures for the conservation of built heritage 10
Crystal growth and Hall effect of the non-centrosymmetric superconductor α-BiPd and the topological superconductor β-Bi2Pd 10
Investigations by FT-IR spectroscopy on residues in pottery cosmetic vases from archaeological sites in the Mediterranean basin 10
null 10
null 10
Applicazioni di TiO2 nanostrutturato per la protezione di superfici lapidee in ambiente esterno 10
Analisi FTIR per l'individuazione del contenuto di ampolle in vetro rinvenute nella cappella del castello aragonese di Taranto 10
A deep knowledge of the behaviour of multi-component products for stone protection by an integrated analysis approach 10
Durability assessment of nanostructured TiO2 coatings applied on limestones to enhance building surface with self-cleaning ability 10
Lo studio di residui organici su reperti archeologici attraverso un approccio interdisciplinare 9
Violent death of a warrior in the destruction of Roca Vecchia, Apulia, Italy: Insights on hostilities and Aegean connections in the Bronze Age 9
Influence of the Distribution of a Spray Paint on the Efficacy of Anti-Graffiti Coatings on a Highly Porous Natural Stone Material 9
Nanostructured TiO2 based coatings for protection and self-cleaning of compact and porous stones 9
Nanostructured TiO2 for stone coating: assessing compatibility with basic stone's properties and photocatalytic effectiveness 9
Limestones coated with photocatalytic TiO2 to enhance building surface with self-cleaning and depolluting abilities 9
Microscopic techniques and a multi-analytical approach to study the fire damage of the painted stuccoes from the Petruzzelli Theatre (Bari, Southern Italy) 8
FT-IR spectroscopy applied to the study of the curing process of epoxy-amine systems: a literature review 8
Environmental Effects on Epoxy Adhesives Employed for Restoration of Historical Buildings 8
The mosaic of the crypt of St. Nicholas in Bari (Italy): integrated GPR and laboratory diagnostic study 8
Field performances of nano-sized TiO2 coated limestone for a self-cleaning building surface in an urban environment 8
Microscopic techniques (OM, ESEM) and a multianalytical approach (EDX, FTIR, XRD, TGA-DTA) to assess the fire damage on the painted stuccoes from the Petruzzelli theatre (Bari, Southern Italy). 8
Durability issues and challenges for material advancements in FRP employed in the construction industry 8
null 8
The monitoring of the conservation treatments on Lecce stone monuments: measure of the water-repellent characteristics 8
Analisi mediante spettroscopia infrarossa a trasformata di Fourier (FTIR) su reperti vitrei e legnosi rinvenuti nella cappella del castello di Taranto 8
null 8
Photocatalytic TiO2 coatings on limestone 8
L'analisi funzionale delle ceramiche altomedievali nel Salento: il contributo delle indagini sui residui organici 8
Eco-Friendly Protective Coating to Extend the Life of Art-Works and Structures Made in Porous Stone Materials 8
null 8
The role of the petrophysical characteristics on the durability and conservation of some porous calcarenites from Southern Italy 8
Applications of sustainable polymer-based phase change materials in mortars composed by different binders 8
Analisi dei residui organici rinvenuti in alcuni vasi della Stipe di Alaimo a Lentini (SR), mediante analisi di spettroscopia infrarossa a trasformata di Fourier (FTIR) 7
null 7
Analisi chimiche dei residui organici 7
Assessment of compatibility and durability of photocatalytic TiO2 for stone coating 7
TiO2 Nanocrystal Based Coatings for the Protection of Architectural Stone: The Effect of Solvents in the Spray-Coating Application for a Self-Cleaning Surfaces 7
Effects of humid environment on thermal and mechanical properties of a cold-curing structural epoxy adhesive 7
Surface characterization and effectiveness evaluation of anti-graffiti coatings on highly porous stone materials 7
Non - Destructive and laboratory diagnostic study on the mosaic of the crypt of St. Nicholas (Bari, Italy) 7
Analisi diagnostiche sul fastigio della Basilica di Santa Croce in Lecce 7
Le malte a cocciopesto del Palombaro di Matera: un nuovo esempio di eccellenti prestazioni dei materiali tradizionali 7
Field study in an urban environment of simultaneous self-cleaning and hydrophobic nanosized TiO2-based coatings on stone for the protection of building surface 7
Monitoring long run performances of multifunctional coatings for environmental protection of stone building surface 7
Understanding of materials used in historical, architectural and archaeological artefacts 7
Bismuth chalcogenide topological insulators crystals grown by the optical floating zone technique 7
Ibridi epossi-silice per il consolidamento di materiali lapidei: risultati preliminari dell'applicazione su pietra leccese 7
Performances and Coating Morphology of a Siloxane-Based Hydrophobic Product Applied in Different Concentrations on a Highly Porous Stone 7
Anti-Graffiti behavior of Oleo/Hydrophobic nano-filled coatings applied on natural stone materials 7
A deep knowledge of the behaviour of multi-component products for stone protection by an integrated analysis approach 7
Colloidal Nanocrystalline Semiconductor Materials as Photocatalysts for Environmental Protection of Architectural Stone 7
Cultural heritage study: Microdestructive techniques for detection of clay minerals on the surface of historic buildings 7
Infrared spectroscopic characterization of residues on archaeological pottery through different spectra acquisition modes 6
Monitoraggio sostenibile dei trattamenti conservativi su pietre a bassa durabilità: il caso di Lecce 6
Cripta della Basilica di San Nicola in Bari: indagini diagnostiche sulle tessere e sulle malte dei mosaici 6
Prediction of durability of cold-curing epoxy resins: comparison between natural and artificial weathering 6
Natural and artificial weathering effects on cold-curing epoxy-resins 6
Indagini diagnostiche finalizzate alla comprensione dei processi di degrado in atto su una fontana in Pietra leccese. 6
Surface protection treatments of highly porous building stones and sustainability problems 6
Phase change materials for energy efficiency in buildings and their use in mortars 6
Photocatalytic nanostructured TiO2 for protection of porous and compact stone 6
L'apparato decorativo della Cripta della Cattedrale di Bari: indagini diagnostiche per la conoscenza e la conservazione 6
Polydopamine-Coated Poly-Lactic Acid Aerogels as Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering Applications 6
Novel attribute of organic-inorganic hybrid coatings for protection and preservation of materials (stone and wood) belonging to cultural heritage 6
Oleo/hydrophobic coatings containing nano-particles for the protection of stone materials having different porosity 6
Mortars with phase change materials (PCM) and stone waste to improve energy efficiency in buildings 6
Adesivi nanocopositi ibridi di elevata durabilità per l'impiego in applicazioni di restauro della pietra di Lecce 6
Mortars Containing Sustainable PCM's for the Energy Efficiency of Buildings 6
Nuovo Mercato di Testaccio: analisi mediante spettroscopia infrarossa a trasformata di Fourier (FTIR) su campioni di contenitori ceramici 6
Novel cold-cured epoxy-silica hybrids as potential adhesives for concrete/masonry rehabilitation: environmental aging 6
The assessment of protection treatments on highly porous stones with relation to the sustainability of the interventions on the historical built heritage 6
Spin-orbit coupling induced Van Hove singularity in proximity to a Lifshitz transition in Sr4Ru3O10 6
Procedures conditioning the absorption/desorption behavior of cold-cured epoxy resins 5
Nanostructured semiconductors in photocatalytic processes for protection of stone materials 5
Protezione, consolidamento e pulitura di materiali lapidei caratteristici della regione Puglia: sperimentazione di prodotti a basso impatto ambientale e monitoraggio dei trattamenti 5
Innovative nanostructured materials as cold-cured adhesive/matrix of FRP for strengthening of building structures 5
Un caso di degrado accelerato di pietra di Lecce: la fontana dell Hotel Bellagio di Las Vegas (Nevada) 5
Teatro margherita di Bari. Le decorazioni a stucco del prospetto principale: Indagini diagnostiche per l identificazione dei materiali costituenti e la qualificazione del degrado 5
Pattern Formation by Electric-Field Quench in a Mott Crystal 5
Ball–milled TiO2/biochar hybrid system as a heterogeneous photocatalyst for tannery dyes removal in aqueous solution 5
In situ evaluation of stone protection treatments: a contribution to the knowledge and limits of a multi-years campaign performed by contact sponge test 4
Sviluppo, caratterizzazione e verifica dell'applicabilità su pietra di protettivi fotopolimerizzabili di nuova formulazione 4
Il silicato d'etile nel consolidamento di pietre calcaree molto porose 4
Poly(2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene) oxide/atactic poly(styrene) fibers with nanoporous crystalline phase 4
Effects of Natural and Accelerated Artificial Aging on Durability of Cold-Curing Epoxy Resins 4
Surface finishes on historic buildings in the Salento Peninsular (Apulia, South Italy): early data 4
Durability prediction of cold-curing epoxy resins subjected to natural and artificial weathering: preliminary results 4
Surface engineering on natural stone through TiO2 photocatalytic coatings 4
Teatro margherita di Bari. Le decorazioni pittoriche della cupola: Indagini diagnostiche per l identificazione dei materiali costituenti e la qualificazione del degrado 4
Novel cold cured epoxy-silica hybrids as potential adhesives for concrete rehabilitation 4
Totale 729
Categoria #
all - tutte 2.726
article - articoli 1.224
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 264
Totale 4.214

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202446 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 42 3
2024/2025727 6 12 155 60 382 112 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 773