Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 296
AS - Asia 114
EU - Europa 28
Totale 438
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 295
SG - Singapore 81
CN - Cina 29
IT - Italia 13
FI - Finlandia 7
DE - Germania 5
IN - India 4
LT - Lituania 2
CA - Canada 1
IE - Irlanda 1
Totale 438
Città #
Santa Clara 281
Singapore 63
Guangzhou 18
Milan 8
Helsinki 7
Falkenstein 4
Brescia 3
Salem 3
Rome 2
Dublin 1
Seattle 1
Toronto 1
Totale 392
Nome #
Opportunities of Federated Learning in Connected, Cooperative, and Automated Industrial Systems 25
A Multisensory Edge-Cloud Platform for Opportunistic Radio Sensing in Cobot Environments 20
A Random Forest Approach to Body Motion Detection: Multi-sensory Fusion and Edge Processing 19
Electromagnetic-Informed Generative Models for Passive RF Sensing and Perception of Body Motions 18
Processing of body-induced thermal signatures for physical distancing and temperature screening 17
An Energy and Carbon Footprint Analysis of Distributed and Federated Learning 16
On the Use of Stray Wireless Signals for Sensing: A Look beyond 5G for the Next Generation of Industry 15
Device-Free RF Human Body Fall Detection and Localization in Industrial Workplaces 13
Federated learning based on asynchronous and adjusted client training 13
Deliverable D3.1: RadioSense system architecture and specification 12
A Cooperative Localization Algorithm Exploiting a Mobile Device in Cognitive Radio Networks 12
Joint RIS-Assisted Localization and Communication: A Trade-off Among Accuracy, Spectrum Efficiency, and Time Resource 12
Radar and Infra-Red array Sensor Fusion in a Robotized Environment: An Experimental Study 12
A cloud-IoT platform for passive radio sensing: challenges and application case studies 11
Occupancy Pattern Recognition with Infrared Array Sensors: A Bayesian Approach to Multi-body Tracking 11
A cloud-IoT model for reconfigurable radio sensing: the Radio.Sense platform 11
SafeCobot Project Report 11
Wireless Sensing for Device-Free Recognition of Human Motion 11
Distributed signal processing for dense 5G IoT platforms: Networking, synchronization, interference detection and radio sensing 11
Calibration-Free Target Detection Based on Thermal and Distance Sensor Fusion 11
null 11
A framework for energy and carbon footprint analysis of distributed and federated edge learning 11
Enviradar Project Report 10
Leveraging RF signals for human sensing: fall detection and localization in human-machine shared workspaces," 10
Energy-efficient and Mobile-aided Cooperative Localization in Cognitive Radio Networks 10
Device-Free Radio Vision for Assisted Living: Leveraging wireless channel quality information for human sensing 10
D3.2: Deployed RadioSense infrastructure inside the testing plant: cloud and data structures 10
Towards a factory-of-things: Channel modeling and deployment assessment in PetroEcuador Esmeraldas oil refinery 10
People Counting by Dense WiFi MIMO Networks: Channel Features and Machine Learning Algorithms 10
Cellular data analytics for detection and discrimination of body movements 10
Is someone moving around my cell-phone? Tracing cellular signals for passive motion detection 10
Sensor Free Wireless Activity Recognition for Smart Retail 9
Leveraging MIMO-OFDM radio signals for device-free occupancy inference: system design and experiments 9
null 9
Pre-deployment performance assessment of device-free radio localization systems 9
A dynamic Bayesian network approach for device-free radio vision: Modeling, learning and inference for body motion recognition 9
Tracking of frequency selectivity for device-free detection of multiple targets 9
null 8
Physical Model-based Calibration for Device-Free Radio Localization and Motion Tracking 8
Wireless Cloud Network for Augmented Communication and Sensing in 5G Massive Industrial IoT 8
Wireless communication test solutions for Cellular and WLAN systems 8
User Location Uncertainty in RIS-Aided Channel Optimization 5
On the Energy and Communication Efficiency Tradeoffs in Federated and Multi-Task Learning 2
null 2
A Joint Decentralized Federated Learning and Communications Framework for Industrial Networks 1
Federated Learning with Mutually Cooperating Devices: A Consensus Approach Towards Server-Less Model Optimization 1
Totale 500
Categoria #
all - tutte 1.495
article - articoli 646
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 38
Totale 2.179

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202434 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 3
2024/2025466 2 0 62 33 253 116 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 500