Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 375
AS - Asia 143
EU - Europa 71
Totale 589
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 373
SG - Singapore 124
IT - Italia 45
CN - Cina 12
DE - Germania 7
KR - Corea 7
FI - Finlandia 6
GB - Regno Unito 5
NL - Olanda 4
BE - Belgio 2
CA - Canada 2
AT - Austria 1
LT - Lituania 1
Totale 589
Città #
Santa Clara 346
Singapore 90
Cavallino 8
Genoa 7
Seoul 7
Guangzhou 6
Helsinki 6
Milan 5
Falkenstein 4
Mogliano Veneto 4
Phoenix 3
Amsterdam 2
Brussels 2
Cassina de' Pecchi 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
Middlesbrough 2
Sala Baganza 2
Toronto 2
Bitonto 1
London 1
Naples 1
Pavia 1
Valenza 1
Vienna 1
Totale 506
Nome #
null 18
Mathematical Methods for the Shape Analysis and Indexing of Tangible CH Artefacts 17
Challenges in the digitisation of a high-reflective artwork 16
Streamlining the preparation of scanned 3D artifacts to support digital analysis and processing: the GRAVITATE case study 14
3D Shape Matching through Topological Structures 13
Towards immersive urban digital twins 13
A Change of Support Model Optimization for Environmental Monitoring 12
Mesh segmentation - a comparative study 11
Adaptive sampling of environmental variables (ASEV) 11
The shape and semantics modelling group 11
Adaptive environmental sampling: The interplay between Geostatistics and Geometry 11
Shape and Semantics Modelling: la ricerca dell'IMATI - CNR per la rappresentazione, l'analisi e la documentazione di modelli digitali 3D e le sue applicazioni ai Beni Culturali 10
Mobile Laser Scanning of Challenging Urban Sites: a Case Study in Matera 10
A pipeline for the preparation of artefacts that provides annotations persistence 10
Computational methods for understanding 3D shapes 10
ShapeAnnotator - Multi-segmentation and semantic annotation of 3D surface meshes 10
Smart and Efficient Marine Water Monitoring 10
An ontology of virtual humans: incorporating semantics into human shape 9
Sea Monitoring Made Simple and Efficient 9
Potential of the geometric layer in urban digital twins 9
Multi-Segmentation and Annotation of 3D Surface Meshes 9
A computational approach for 3D modeling and integration of heterogeneous geo-data 9
Real-time volumetric modelling based on adaptive sampling of environmental scalar fields derived by uncertainty maps 9
A first step towards cage-based deformation in Virtual Reality 9
The Role of Semantics in Shape Modeling and Reasoning 9
Computer Graphics Recipes for Endowing 3D Shapes with Semantics in Virtual Worlds 8
Evaluating the effectiveness of serious games for cultural awareness: the Icura user study 8
An innovative sampling strategy for the monitoring of pollutants in harbours 8
Design and implementation of a semantic layer aimed at serious game development 8
Hierarchical Convex Approximation of 3D Shapes for Fast Region Selection 8
ProTailor: a Parallel Operator for Extremely Fast Shape Analysis in Bioinformatics Applications 7
An automatic approach for the classification of ancient clay statuettes based on heads features recognition 7
3D Virtual environments as effective learning contexts for cultural heritage 7
Robotics and adaptive sampling techniques for harbor waters monitoring: the MATRAC-ACP project 7
Deliverable D3.4 - serious games application fields 7
3D shape retrieval based on best view selection 7
Semantics and 3D media: Current issues and perspectives 7
Learning cultural heritage by serious games 7
Skeletal structures 7
Investigating the Deployment of Serious Games in Secondary Education: A Pilot Study Inspired by Design-Based Research 7
Topological, Geometric and Structural Approaches to Enhance Shape Information 7
Shape analysis techniques for the Ayia Irini case study 7
3D modeling and integration of heterogeneous geo-data 7
Deliverable D1.4.1: Road map for Future Research 6
From geometric to semantic human body models 6
Best practices for an effective design and evaluation of serious games 6
3D Annotation Transfer 6
The challenge of cultural heritage visitation: A problem demanding new approaches 6
A multi-resolutive extraction of geometric descriptors for virtual shapes and humans 6
Advancing Environmental Modeling with Unstructured Meshes: Current Research and Development 6
Blowing Bubbles for Multi-Scale Analysis and Decomposition of Triangle Meshes 5
GaLA Sixth Quarterly Report - CNR 5
An overview on properties and efficacy of topological skeletons in Shape Modelling 5
GALA CNR Year Two Report 5
SHREC'12 track: stability on abstract shapes 5
An ontology of virtual humans: incorporating semantics into human shapes 5
Geometry and context for semantic correspondences and functionality recognition in man-made 3D shapes 5
Semantic-driven best view of 3D shapes 5
GaLA Fourth Quarterly Report - CNR 5
GALA Network of Excellence - Third Annual Report (CNR) 5
An ontology of virtual humans-incorporating semantics into human shapes 4
Knowledge-based extraction of control skeletons for animation 4
Semantics-driven best view of 3D shapes 4
GALA Network of Excellence - Fourth Annual Report (CNR) 4
Plumber: a method for a multi-scale decomposition of 3D shapes into tubular primitives and bodies 4
Affine-invariant skeleton of 3D shapes 4
Bridging Geometry and Semantics for Object Manipulation and Grasping 4
PLUMBER: an interactive interface for multi-scale segmentation of triangulated surfaces 4
Reasoning About Shape in Complex Datasets: Geometry, Structure and Semantics 4
GaLA Fifth Quarterly Report - CNR 4
Geometric and topological tools for quantitative analysis in archaeology: the Ayia Irini case study 4
Introduction to special issue on serious games for cultural heritage 4
Shape covering for skeleton extraction. 4
GaLA Third Quarterly Report - CNR 4
GALA CNR Year One Report 4
Quarterly report on progress of CNR activities and outputs in the EC Network of Excellence c (GaLA) - First and Second Quarters 4
Unveiling California history through serious games: Fort Ross virtual warehouse 4
Animatable Human Body Reconstruction from 3D Scan Data using Templates 4
Hierarchical Convex Approximation of 3D Shapes for Fast Region Selection 3
Building semantic segmentation from large-scale point clouds via primitive recognition 2
Semantic Segmentation of High-resolution Point Clouds Representing Urban Contexts 1
Totale 595
Categoria #
all - tutte 2.460
article - articoli 594
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 78
Totale 3.132

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202427 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 20 4
2024/2025568 3 7 93 50 306 81 28 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 595