Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 273
AS - Asia 191
EU - Europa 97
Totale 561
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 273
SG - Singapore 166
IT - Italia 76
CN - Cina 19
FI - Finlandia 11
DE - Germania 3
FR - Francia 3
KR - Corea 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AT - Austria 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
IE - Irlanda 1
JP - Giappone 1
NL - Olanda 1
SE - Svezia 1
Totale 561
Città #
Santa Clara 235
Singapore 124
Guangzhou 14
Helsinki 11
Palermo 11
Milan 5
Bologna 3
Cavallino 3
Seoul 3
Venice 3
Falkenstein 2
Forest City 2
Genoa 2
Rome 2
Amsterdam 1
Bari 1
Dublin 1
Hong Kong 1
Naples 1
Trieste 1
Totale 426
Nome #
The Fishery and Oceanography Observing System (FOOS): a tool for oceanography and fisheries science 25
Relazione tecnica sulle attività della campagna oceanografica EVATIR 2018 17
A pattern recognition approach to identify biological clusters acquired by acoustic multi-beam in Kongsfjorden 16
A Morphometric Approach to Understand Prokaryoplankton: A Study in the Sicily Channel (Central Mediterranean Sea) 15
Rapporto tecnico sulle attività della Campagna Oceanografica “MedSudMed Libya 2008” e primi risultati 13
Dispositivo pinger adattativo per l'interazione intelligente con i mammiferi marini 13
Kit Basato sulle tecnologie ICT e sensoristiche per l'ambiente marino e la pesca ecosostenibile. 12
Rapporto tecnico sulle attività della Campagna Oceanografica “ACUSCAL 2015” 12
Environmental drivers influencing the abundance of round sardinella (Sardinella aurita) and European sprat (Sprattus sprattus) in different areas of the Mediterranean Sea 12
Relazione tecnica sulle attività della campagna oceanografica “Ancheva 2015” 12
Rapporto finale della campagna oceanografica ANCHEVA 2003. Acustica applicata alla valutazione delle risorse pelagiche e oceanografia 12
Spatio-temporal dynamics of a planktonic system and chlorophyll distribution in a 2D spatial domain: Matching model and data 11
2019-2021 CTD casts around Sardinia (IDMAR project) 11
Relationship between coccolithophores and the physical and chemical oceanography of eastern Libyan coastal waters 11
Relazione tecnica sulle attività della Campagna Oceanografica “Ancheva 2014” 11
Trasferimento tecnologico a supporto della sicurezza e del risparmio energetico sulle imbarcazioni da pesca 11
Relazione tecnica sulle attività della campagna oceanografica “Evatir 2015” 11
Observing meteotsunamis ("Marrobbio") on the southwestern coast of Sicily 10
Stretto di Sicilia: Rapporto tecnico sui campionamenti biologici ed acustici eseguiti durante l'echo-survey "Ancheva 2013" 10
Mar Tirreno: Rapporto tecnico sui campionamenti biologici ed ittioplanctonici eseguiti durante l'echo-survey "Evatir 2013" 10
Relazione tecnica sulle attività della campagna oceanografica “Evatir 2011” 10
Piattaforma per l’inserimento dei parametri di campionamento del Bongo e della Calvet sul Sistema Informativo di Capo Granitola. 10
Influence of environmental variability on anchovy early life stages (Engraulis encrasicolus) in two different areas of the Central Mediterranean Sea 10
Juvenile Anchovy, Engraulis Encrasicolus, Habitat Conditions and Daily Growth in the Central Mediterranean Sea. 9
An agent-based system for maritime search and rescue operations 9
Scheda a quattro canali di ingresso riconfigurabile per acquisizione ed elaborazione di dati acustici marini in tempo reale 9
Age and Growth of European Sardine (Sardina pilchardus) in the Central Mediterranean Sea: Implication for Stock Assessment 9
Identifying small pelagic Mediterranean fish schools from acoustic and environmental data using optimized artificial neural networks 8
Modeling of Sensory Characteristics Based on the Growth of Food Spoilage Bacteria 8
Sistema elettromeccanico di calibrazione per echosounder. 8
Artificial Neural Networks for Fault Tollerance of an Air-Pressure Sensor Network 8
Automatic classification of acoustically detected krill aggregations: A case study from Southern Ocean 8
Growth variability in Atlantic horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus (Linneus, 1758) across the central Mediterranean Sea: contrasting latitudinal gradient and different ecosystems 8
New Evaluation of Postovulatory Follicle Degeneration at High-Temperature Regimes Refines Criteria for the Identification of Spawning Cohorts in the European Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) 8
Spawning ecology of the European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) in the Strait of Sicily: Linking variations of zooplankton prey, fish density, growth, and reproduction in an upwelling system 8
iSAFETY-Integrated system for an automatic support to fishing vessel security 8
Variation in size at maturity by horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) within the central Mediterranean Sea: Implications for investigating drivers of local productivity and applications for resource assessments 8
Linking air-sea energy exchanges and European anchovy potential spawning ground 7
Pelagic Species Identification by Using a PNN Neural Network and Echo-Sounder Data 7
Acoustically detected pelagic fish community in relation to environmental conditions observed in the Central Mediterranean sea: a comparison of Libyan and Sicilian-Maltese coastal areas 7
Age and growth of Atlantic horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) in the eastern Tunisian and southern Italian waters 7
Reproductive traits and seasonal variability of Merluccius merluccius from the Tunisian coast 7
Oocyte batch development and enumeration in the European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) 7
Circuito di pilotaggio ad alto voltaggio per piezo-elettrici. 7
Assessing population structure of European Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) in the Central Mediterranean by means of traditional morphometry 7
Fishery Oceanography Observing System (FOOS) 7
Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) early life stages in the Central Mediterranean Sea: connectivity issues emerging among adjacent sub-areas across the Strait of Sicily 7
Seismic stratigraphy of the north-westernmost area of the Malta Plateau (Sicily Channel): The Middle Pleistocene-Holocene sedimentation in a tidally influenced shelf 6
First hydroacoustic evidence of marine, active fluid vents in the Naples Bay continental shelf (Southern Italy) 6
Small pelagic fish assemblages in relation to environmental regimes in the Central Mediterranean 6
Computer-aided Maritime Search and Rescue Operations 6
Reproduction and Sexual Maturity of European Sardine (Sardina pilchardus) in the Central Mediterranean Sea 6
Compressing big data: When the rate of convergence to the entropy matters 6
The Autonomous Underwater Data Acquisition System for Physical and Chemical Parameters (AUDAS-PCP) onboard a fishing vessel 5
Pattern Classification from Multi-beam Acoustic Data Acquired in Kongsfjorden 5
First annulus formation in the European anchovy; a two-stage approach for robust validation 5
Effects of habitat conditions at hatching time on growth history of offspring European anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus, in the Central Mediterranean Sea 5
Space utilization by key species of the pelagic fish community in an upwelling ecosystem of the Mediterranean Sea 5
Banco di filtri a banda passante di ordine elevato per applicazioni in sistemi SO.D.A.R. 5
The Mediterranean fishery management: A call for shifting the current paradigm from duplication to synergy 5
Habitat suitability modelling for a key small pelagic fish species (Sardinella aurita) in the central Mediterranean sea 5
Habitat selection response of small pelagic fish in different environments. Two examples from the oligotrophic Mediterranean Sea 5
Environmental processes driving anchovy and sardine distribution in a highly variable environment: the role of the coastal structure and riverine input 5
Influence of environmental variability on anchovy early life stages (Engraulis encrasicolus) in two different areas of the Central Mediterranean Sea 5
Unsupervised Classification of Acoustic Echoes from Two Krill Species in the Southern Ocean (Ross Sea) 5
The impact of landfills on the air quality of towns: a simple heuristic model for the city of Palermo. 4
Daytime pelagic schooling behaviour and relationships with plankton patch distribution in the Sicily Strait (Mediterranean Sea) 4
Acoustic correction factor estimate for compensating vertical diel migration of small pelagics 4
Stochastic dynamics of two picophytoplankton populations in a real marine ecosystem 4
Estimation of biogas produced by the landfill of Palermo, applying a Gaussian model 3
Dispositivo per lo smistamento dei segnali NMEA da singolo ingresso su 5 uscite simultanee. 3
Onboard acoustic remote sensing system for air-sea interaction studies 3
The impact of landfills on the air quality of towns: A simple heuristic model for the city of Palermo 3
Hydroacoustic evaluation of spawning behaviour of Engraulis encrasicolus, along the Sicilian Channel coast. 3
Distribution of fish schools and plankton patches along the southern coast of Sicily in relation to hydrology. 3
Onboard Acoustic remote sensing system for air-sea interaction studies. 2
Acoustic evaluation of anchovy larvae distribution in relation to oceanography in the Cape Passero area (Strait of Sicily). 2
Estimation of biogas produced by the landfill of Palermo, applying a Gaussian model 2
Spatio-temporal behaviour of the deep chlorophyll maximum in Mediterranean Sea: Development of a stochastic model for picophytoplankton dynamics 2
Dynamics of Two Picophytoplankton Groups in Mediterranean Sea: Analysis of the Deep Chlorophyll Maximum by a Stochastic Advection-Reaction-Diffusion Model 2
Totale 613
Categoria #
all - tutte 2.961
article - articoli 1.933
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 4.894

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202433 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 1 23 2
2024/2025580 7 2 119 40 288 88 36 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 613