Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 582
AS - Asia 220
EU - Europa 87
AF - Africa 1
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 891
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 582
SG - Singapore 182
IT - Italia 48
CN - Cina 23
FI - Finlandia 21
KR - Corea 11
DE - Germania 7
RU - Federazione Russa 5
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 4
FR - Francia 2
AT - Austria 1
AU - Australia 1
BE - Belgio 1
IE - Irlanda 1
NL - Olanda 1
SC - Seychelles 1
Totale 891
Città #
Santa Clara 556
Singapore 137
Helsinki 21
Rome 15
Seoul 11
Recanati 7
Falkenstein 3
L’Aquila 3
Milan 3
Ashburn 2
Bologna 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
Naples 2
Palermo 2
Rimini 2
Boardman 1
Brisbane 1
Brussels 1
Dublin 1
Fort Worth 1
Guangzhou 1
Görwihl 1
San Giovanni al Natisone 1
Vienna 1
Totale 777
Nome #
Detection of Critical Areas Prone to Land Degradation Using Prisma: The Metaponto Coastal Area in South Italy Test Case 23
Pollino project action D: a multiscale approach in the space-time domain to environmental risk monitoring 15
On the relevance of accurate correction and validation procedures in the analysis of AVHRR-NDVI time series for long-term monitoring 14
Analysis of landscape evolution and shoreline changes in coastal wetlands 12
Combining habitat suitability models and fluvial functionality data for a multilayer assessment of riverine vulnerability 12
Multi-Decadal Assessment of Soil Loss in a Mediterranean Region Characterized by Contrasting Local Climates 12
Characterization of Badlands area 11
I-AMICA an infrastructural Italian project for monitoring South Italian Mediterrean regions: remote sensing activities for atmospheric composition variability 11
Individuation of fluvial areas needing restoration through the analysis of a target species, the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra L.) 11
Approccio multidisciplinare allo studio dell intrusione salina nella riserva forestale dell area costiera di Metaponto 11
Going Conservative or Conventional? Investigating Farm Management Strategies in between Economic and Environmental Sustainability in Southern Italy 11
I-AMICA: a high technology infrastructure for south Italian Mediterrean environmental and climate monitoring 11
Multiscale assessment of landscape structure in heterogeneous forested area 10
Monitoring of forested patterns: Multitemporal analysis of landscape metrics 10
Sistema interoperabile per MESIMEX 10
I-AMICA: Infrastructure of High Technology for Integrated Climate and Environmental Monitoring in Southern Italy. 10
Land degradation study in Mediterranean areas at different scales: results of two years of activities in the framework of MILDMAP-MEDIA project 10
Integration of ecological niche factor analysis and iff measurements for supporting correct restoration strategies in fluvial habitats 10
Watershed influence on fluvial ecosystems: an integrated methodology for river water quality management 10
Analysis of Landscape Structure and Connectivity at watershed scale 10
Land degradation study in Mediterranean areas at different scales: results of two years of activities in the framework of MILDMAP-Media project 9
A new index for the evaluation of land management in the framework of land degradation assessment 9
Automatic Filtering and Classification of Low-Density Airborne Laser Scanner Clouds in Shrubland Environments 9
Analyzing Space-Time Coherence in Precipitation Seasonality across Different European Climates 9
Analysis of landscape evolution in a vulnerable coastal area under natural and human pressure 9
I-AMICA: infrastructure of high technology for environmental and climate monitoring in Southern Italy 9
Inter-calibration of Landsat-TM/ETM scenes in heterogeneous areas 9
Forest fire danger estimation in the Italian peninsula based on the integration of satellite AVHRR data and topographic factors 9
Integrated analyses for a better calibration of fluvial habitats restoration interventions 9
Analysis of Multipsectral Time Series for supporting Forest Management Plans 9
Satellite data and soil magnetic susceptibility measurements for heavy metals monitoring: findings from Agri Valley (Southern Italy) 9
Multi-Technique Application for Waste Material Detection and Soil Remediation Strategies: The Red Mud Dust and Fly Ash Case Studies 9
Landscape-scale characterization of vegetation phenology by using AVHRR-NDVI and Landsat-TM data 9
An integrated approach to a complex case study of land degradation due to human and natural factors 8
Satellite-based landscape characterization 8
A first assessment of the Sentinel-2 Level 1-C cloud mask product to support informed surface analyses 8
Advanced Infrastructure for Enabling Collaborative Research in a Wide Area Network 8
Indicators for the estimation of vulnerability to land degradation derived from soil compaction and vegetation cover 8
Editorial for the Special Issue "Advances of Remote Sensing in the Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Variability of Land Surface" 8
A Smart Procedure for Assessing the Health Status of Terrestrial Habitats in Protected Areas: The Case of the Natura 2000 Ecological Network in Basilicata (Southern Italy) 8
Free and Open SourceSoftware for land degradation vulnerabilità assessment 8
Modeling Spatio-Temporal Divergence in Land Vulnerability to Desertification with Local Regressions 8
Correlation of Vegetation and Air Temperature Seasonal Profiles - Spatial Arrangement and Temporal Variability 8
Localization of Buffer Strips by using IFF field data and Landsat-TM satellite data 8
Landscape Metrics Temporal Dynamics in a Mediterranean Area 8
Mappe tematiche a supporto del Piano Forestale Territoriale di Indirizzo (PFTI) della CM Alto Agri 8
A critical analysis of the long-term impact (1936-2015) of grazing management on Land Degradation in a marginal, rural community of Southern Italy 8
GIS and Remote Sensing integration for real time fire forecasting and monitoring 8
Integrated indicators for the estimation of vulnerability to land degradation 8
Discriminating low frequency components from long range persistent fluctuations in daily atmospheric temperature variability 8
Tecniche di telerilevamento da satellite per lo studio di processi di degrado ambientale e di desertificazione 8
Land Cover Structure assessment 8
Monitoring of forested patterns: Multitemporal analysis of landscape metrics 8
Combined approach for air temperature spatialization using DEM, latitude and sea distance: variability of monthly data in Southern Italy 8
Early Identification of Land Degradation Hotspots in Complex Bio-Geographic Regions 8
Indicators of land degradation vulnerability due to anthropic factors: tools for an efficient planning 8
Mapping badland areas using LANDSAT TM/ETM satellite imagery and morphological data 8
Sviluppo di tecniche di analisi per la stima delle dinamiche spazio temporali dei parametri superficiali con particolare riferimento allo studio della vegetazione. IMAA_OR3-C1 7
Cos(OT): Sviluppo dei Distretti Industriali per le Osservazioni della Terra. Nodo INFM 7
Forest fire monitoring in the Mediterranean basin using NOAA-AVHRR imagery 7
Investigating climate variability and long-term vegetation activity across heterogeneous Basilicata agroecosystems 7
A new index for the evaluation of land management in the framework of land degradation assessment 7
Relationships between landscape and moth diversity in Mediterranean mountain forest ecosystems at multiple spatial scales 7
Long-term impacts of grazing management on land degradation in a rural community of Southern Italy: Depopulation matters 7
Preliminary analysis of landscape metrics obtained from TM and IKONOS data TIWRS-Tyrrhenian 7
Delineating the Intrinsic, Long-Term Path of Land Degradation: A Spatially Explicit Transition Matrix for Italy, 1960-2010 7
A geostatistics-assisted approach to the deterministic approximation of climate data 7
Late spring frost in mediterranean beech forests: Extended crown dieback and short-term effects on moth communities 7
Comparison of MIVIS and IKONOS data for high resolution land cover classification in a rural/mountainous area. 7
Land cover changes and forest landscape evolution (1985-2009) in a typical Mediterranean agroforestry system (high Agri Valley) 7
A Review of AVHRR-Based Forest Fire Danger Estimation Methods 7
Investigation of soil pollution by means of the integrated use of three geophysical techniques: the case study of the industrial area of Val Basento (Basilicata, Southern Italy). 7
Multi-scale landscape metrics analysis, from Landsat, IKONOS and QuickBird data 7
Stima dei tempi di correlazione caratteristici dell attività fotosintetica terrestre su scale climatiche 6
Landsat-ETM data classification for the identification of badland areas 6
Time Correlation Laws Inferred from Climatic Records: Long-Range Persistence and Alternative Paradigms 6
Analysis of persistent trends in vegetation activity in Mediterranean areas affected by land degradation phenomena 6
The PRISMA Hyperspectral Mission: Science Activities and Opportunities for Agriculture and Land Monitoring 6
Estimation of vegetation cover resilience from satellite time series 6
Development of algorithms and products for supporting the Italian hyperspectral PRISMA mission: The SAP4PRISMA project 6
An environmental change indicator based on satellite time series: NDVI-PV, 23rd EARSeL 6
Environmental products overview of the Italian hyperspectral prisma mission: The SAP4PRISMA project 6
Integrazione di dati satellitari multirisoluzione per il monitoraggio di aree soggette a fenomeni di Land Degradation: il caso studio della regione Basilicata 6
Correlation between satellite vegetation indices and crop coefficients 6
A multidisciplinary approach for studying the forest reserve of Metapontum (southern Italy) affected by salt water intrusion phenomena 6
A method for the integration of satellite vegetation activities observations and magnetic susceptibility measurements for monitoring heavy metals in soil 6
Badland area mapping from Landsat-ETM data. 6
Estimation of sensitivity to land degradation due to land management: improvements from the use of a new index of mechanization level 6
Performance evaluation of AVHRR-based methods for the estimation of fire susceptibility in southern Italy 6
Electric and magnetic parameter for studyng erosion processes: Calanchi of Aliano (Southern Italy) 6
Artificial Reservoir monitoring based on the integration of satellite data, landscaped metrics and topographic factors 6
Multiresolution Spatial Characterization of Land Degradation Phenomena in Southern Italy from 1985 to 1999 using NOAA-AVHRR NDVI Data 6
Sensing techniques for soil characterization and monitoring 6
In-between Environment and Socio-economics: Land-Use Changes on Mediterranean Depressed Areas 5
Monitoraggio di aree campione a rischio di desertificazione in Basilicata 5
Remote sensing observations and geoelectrical surveys in a critical coastal area affected by soil salinity 5
Elaboration of anthropic pressure indicators 5
Multitemporal analysis of vegetation dynamics in Europe 5
Totale 814
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.689
article - articoli 1.222
book - libri 163
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 379
Totale 5.453

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202445 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 34 2
2024/2025857 8 8 144 71 462 150 14 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 902