Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 730
AS - Asia 174
EU - Europa 25
Totale 929
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 730
SG - Singapore 172
IT - Italia 12
FI - Finlandia 6
NL - Olanda 4
ES - Italia 2
CN - Cina 1
DE - Germania 1
IN - India 1
Totale 929
Città #
Santa Clara 702
Singapore 125
Helsinki 6
Milan 2
Pisa 2
Turin 2
Valencia 2
Boardman 1
Falkenstein 1
Florence 1
Hengshui 1
Hyderabad 1
Phoenix 1
Prineville 1
Rome 1
Springfield 1
Totale 850
Nome #
Observations on the potential of microwaves for weed control 13
First Report of Glyphosate-Resistant Biotype of Eleusine Indica (L.) Gaertn. in Europe 13
BIORIPEST: sistemi aziendali a biomasse per l 'abbattimento dell' inquinamento puntiforme da fitofarmaci. 12
Effect of vegetative filter strips on herbicide runoff under various types of rainfall 12
il giardino fitoalimurgico per la valorizzazione delle piante spontanee 12
Influence of weed time of emergence and removal on crop yield loss 12
Alimurgic herbs as potential source of minerals in human nutrition. 12
Validation of a model relating yield loss to weed time of emergence and removal in traditional and early-sown maize 11
Segnali premonitori. Fenologia e controllo delle infestanti. 11
Case history for weed competition/population ecology: velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti) in corn (Zea mays) 11
A Phytoalimurgic Garden to promote wild edible plants 11
Terbuthylazine contamination of the aquifer north of Vicenza (North-East Italy) 11
Effectiveness of buffer strips in removing pollutants in runoff from a cultivated field in North-East Italy 11
Relazione finale del progetto Piano Proteine Vegetali, Azione 1. Linea di ricerca 1.1.2 11
Il giardino fitoalimurgico per la valorizzazione delle piante spontanee 11
Studio e Modellizzazione della fase di pre-emergenza per migliorare il controllo delle infestanti. 11
Relationships between crop yield and weed time of emergence/removal: modelling and parameter stability across environments. 11
Assessing microclimate conditions of surface soil layers to improve weed emergence modelling 11
A single-time survey method to predict the daily weed density for weed control decision-making 10
Effect of a full-grown vegetative filter strip on herbicide runoff. Maintaining of filter capacity over time 10
Gruppo italiano di lavoro sulla resistenza agli erbicidi (GIRE): obiettivi raggiunti e prospettive 10
Estimation du stock semencier d'un sol labouré ou en semis direct 10
Alertinf: emergence predictive model for weed control in maize in Veneto 10
Weedturf: strumento per migliorare la gestione delle infestanti dei tappeti erbosi 10
Effect of the ripening season on the germination response of Datura stramonium populations 10
The comparison of seed banks in conventional and ridge-tilled soils in north-eastern Italy 10
A Phytoalimurgic Garden to promote wild edible plants 10
Estimation of temperature thresholds of three weed specie in maize in central-northern Italy 10
Performance of a narrow buffer strip in abating agricultural pollutants in the shallow subsurface water flux 10
Abutilon theophrasti Medicus: accrescimento, fenologia della riproduzione e possibili ipotesi sulla sua strategia biologica 10
Effect of chilling duration on seedling emergence of green foxtail, johnsongrass and velvetleaf: first year results 10
Innovative strategies in weed control 10
Confronto tra l'uso del tempo termico e idrotermico nei modelli di previsione delle emergenze delle infestanti 10
Resistenza cloroplastica alle triazine: attuale estensione del fenomeno e prospettive 10
A modelling approach using seedbank and soil properties to predict the relative weed density in organic fields of an Italian pre-alpine valley. 10
innovazioni nel controllo delle piante infestanti nei tappeti erbosi 10
Agronomic aspects of herbicide use 10
Abutilon theophrasti Medicus: II. scalarità di emergenza dei semi nel terreno 10
Valutazione agronomica e ambientale di diverse strategie di controllo delle infestanti: un approccio modellistico 10
Evaluating weed diversity with indices of various complexities in north-eastern Italy 10
La gestione integrata delle malerbe: un approccio sostenibile per il contenimento delle perdite di produzione e la salvaguardia dell'ambiente 10
I reflui zootecnici come veicolo d'infestazione dei campi coltivati 10
Resistance to ALS inhibitors in rice in north-western Italy 9
Evaluating the effect of landscape elements on weed flora composition using classical and innovative indices 9
Caratteristiche morfologiche delle foglie ed efficacia degli erbicidi 9
Estimating ecotoxicological effects of pesticide drift on nontarget arthropods in field hedgerows 9
WeedTurf: a predictive model to aid control of annual summer weeds in turf 9
Modelling the correlation between plant phenology and weed emergence for improving weed control. 9
A population of Amaranthus retroflexus L. from north-eastern Italy resistant to three classes of PSII inhibitor herbicides 9
Abutilon theophrasti Medicus: I. Dinamica e persistenza dei semi nel terreno 9
Variability of germination response of European populations of Abutilon theophrasti as a function of seed maturing season 9
Modeling weed emergence in Italian maize fields 9
A new approach to determine when to control weeds 9
Weedturf: software for improving summer annual weed control in turf. 9
Herbicide losses in runoff events from a field with a low slope: Role of a vegetative filter strip 9
Modelling approaches to study the efficacy of buffer strips in reducing surface water contamination of pesticides 9
Effect of soil tillage system on weed emergence patterns in field 9
Resistance to diclofop-methyl in two Lolium spp. populations from Italy: studies on the mechanism of resistance. 9
Estimation of base temperature for Sorghum halepense rhizome sprouting. 9
Modelling weed emergence of Polygonum lapathifolium L. and Solanum nigum L. in maize 9
Inhibiting effect of shallow seed burial on grass weed emergence 9
Seedling emergence under no-till conditions from increasing seed burial depth 9
Development of a decision support system for integrated weed management 9
Germinacion de Abutilon theophrasti y Datura stramonium: influencia de los factores geneticos y ambientales 9
Crop yield loss in relation to weed time of emergence and removal: analysis of the variability with mixed infestations 9
Definizione e classificazione delle malerbe 9
Germination: a crucial step in plant growth. 9
Valutazione tecnica ed economica delle strategie di diserbo del mais. 9
Buffer strips plant community changes over a 10-year period and consequences on the effectiveness of agricultural pollution reduction 8
Semplificazione delle lavorazioni e flora reale e potenziale 8
Relazione biodiversità di siepi ripariali e comunità di malerbe 8
Weed-Corn Competition Parameters in Late-Winter Sowing in Northern Italy 8
Monitoring of three maize herbicides in water runoff using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. 8
La resistenza agli erbicidi: un processo evolutivo in ambiente agricolo 8
Storia della lotta alle malerbe 8
Threshold level and seed production of velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti Medicus) in maize 8
Evolution de la flore adventice du mais en Frioul (Italie Nord-Orientale) et role de la monoculture 8
Effect of Late-Winter Sowing on Weed-Corn Field Competition in Northern Italy. 8
Morfologia e fisiologia della foglia e meccanismi di assorbimento 8
Buffer strip plant community changes over a 10 years period and consequences on the effectiveness of agricultural pollution reduction 8
La previsione delle emergenze ed il controllo delle piante infestanti dei tappeti erbosi 8
Herbicide resistance in Italy: evolution and current situation 8
Herbicide dissipation and dynamics modelling in three different tillage systems 8
Il punto sulla resistenza delle malerbe agli erbicidi in Italia. 8
Weed resistance in Italy: evolution and current situation 8
Alertinf: modello di previsione delle emergenze per il controllo delle infestanti del mais nel Veneto 8
Shrub flowering to aid weed control 8
Acqua e malerbe: un binomio da gestire per la produttività e l'ambiente. 8
Weed-poplar competition dynamics and yield loss in Italian short-rotation forestry 8
Technique de travail du sol et controle des mauvaises herbes dans le mais 8
Is emergence pattern of Sonchus oleraceous affected by soil tillage system? A study conducted on bare soil, maize and soybean 8
Role of hedgerows in intercepting spray drift: Evaluation and modelling of the effects 8
Resistenza delle malerbe agli erbicidi: situazione attuale in Italia e nel mondo 8
Actual and potential flora in the streets of Padova: considerations for a sound weed management 8
Functional biodiversity in the agricultural landscape: relationships between weeds and arthropod fauna 8
Le novità nell'evoluzione della flora infestante del mais 8
Effect of Pesticide Inoculation, Duration of Composting, and Degradation Time on the Content of Compost Fatty Acids, Quantified Using Two Methods 8
Infestanti resistenti agli erbicidi ALS inibitori nel diserbo della risaia. 8
Weed emergence under simulated arable and no-till conditions: first year results 8
Totale 929
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.111
article - articoli 1.763
book - libri 41
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 167
Totale 5.082

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2024/2025929 1 4 142 62 601 108 11 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 929