Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 521
AS - Asia 186
EU - Europa 52
Totale 759
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 521
SG - Singapore 177
FI - Finlandia 24
IT - Italia 17
FR - Francia 9
CN - Cina 5
DE - Germania 2
HK - Hong Kong 1
IN - India 1
JP - Giappone 1
KR - Corea 1
Totale 759
Città #
Santa Clara 481
Singapore 121
Helsinki 24
Rome 11
Pisa 4
Falkenstein 2
Guangzhou 2
Seattle 2
Boardman 1
Council Bluffs 1
Forest City 1
Fort Worth 1
Hong Kong 1
Latina 1
Phoenix 1
Seoul 1
Shanghai 1
Tokyo 1
Totale 657
Nome #
Trust Theory : a socio-cognitive and computational model 10
Trust Dynamics: How Trust is influenced by direct experiences and by Trust itself 10
Anticipation and Emotions for Goal Directed Agents 10
L'Osservatorio sulla ricerca: una sfida per la comunità scientifica nazionale 10
Endowing Artificial Systems with Anticipatory Capabilities: Success Cases 10
L'Assemblea di Roma. Di un progetto fantasma e di quel che ne e' seguito 10
null 9
Why a cognitive trustier perform better: Simulating trust-based Contract Nets 9
D4.3.1 - Tecniche Ibride per la sentiment analysis alle Pubbliche Amministrazioni Locali (PAL) 9
Mostra Voci di Pietra 9
Advanced School in AI: un intervento formativo interdisciplinare per la ricerca scientifica e le applicazioni su machine learning, cervello e società 9
Which information sources are more trustworthy in a scenario of hydrogeological risks: A computational platform 9
Fiducia sociale e prevenzione collettiva dei rischi naturali: due studi sperimentali 9
La ricostruzione del ponte Morandi e il punto di vista dei cittadini di Genova. Uno studio esplorativo sulla rappresentazione sociale della ricostruzione e la fiducia nelle istituzioni 9
Anticipation and anticipatory behavior: II 8
null 8
Transitivity in Trust: A discussed Property 8
A non-reductionist Approach to Trust 8
From Dependence Networks to Trust Networks 8
Trusting Information Sources through their Categories 8
Trust and Transitivity: a complex deceptive relationship 8
Interpersonal trust in adolescence: a preliminary study on online/offline social interactions and life satisfaction 8
A Bayesian computational model for trust on information sources 7
Does control reduce or increase trust? A complex relationship 7
Plan Recognition: from Single-Agent to Multi-Agent plans 7
Norms and Trust 7
From manifesta to krypta: The relevance of categories for trusting others 7
A theoretical model for the human-IoT systems interaction 7
Trust is much more than subjective probability: Mental components and sources of trust 7
Social Recommendations: Have We Done Something Wrong? 7
How COVID-19 changed the information needs of Italian citizens 7
Anticipation and emotions for goal-directed agents 7
Developing Anticipatory and Affective Competences in MAS 7
Trust in Cyber-societies: Integrating the Human and Artificial Perspectives 7
Interpersonal trust in adolescence: a preliminary study on online/offline social interactions and life satisfaction 7
Using sources trustworthiness in weather scenarios: The special role of the authority 7
Community dynamics in case of critical hydrogeological phenomena: Some simulated scenarios 7
The problematic relationship between trust and democracy; Its crisis and web dangers and promises 7
Information seeking behavior at the time of COVID-19 7
Recommendations in the Virtual Societies: Some Considerations 7
Social trust: A cognitive approach 7
Trusting the Agents and the Environment leads to successful Delegation: A Control Net Simulation 7
The Anticipatory Nature of Representations 7
La relazione medico-paziente nell'era del web 2.0: Una ricerca esplorativa su rappresentazioni sociali, mediazione di internet e fiducia 7
Evaluating agents' trustworthiness within virtual societies in case of no direct experience 7
Intelligenza Artificiale: Alle soglie del terzo millennio 6
"Introduction" International Conference on Multi-Agent Systems (ICMAS '96) 6
Trust in Agent Societies 6
Conflicts within and for collaboration 6
"On behalf of ..": levels of help, levels of delegation and their conflicts 6
Introduction to the special section on trust and AI 6
Guest Editorial 6
Delegation Conflicts 6
Interactions among information sources in weather scenarios: The role of the subjective impulsivity 6
La Qualità del Software. Riflessioni e testimonianze 6
Trust on information sources: A theoretical and computation approach 6
Flood Risk and Preventive Choices: A Framework for Studying Human Behaviors 6
Un approccio ad isole all'analisi sintattica in un sistema di Riconoscimento del parlato 6
Delegation-based conflicts between client and contractor 6
Una ricerca sulla relazione medico-paziente nell'era del web 2.0: mediazione di internet, fiducia e rappresentazioni sociali 6
Intelligenza Artificiale: La struttura delle frasi - Una grammatica per il computer. 6
The challenge of trust, the autonomous agents'98 workshop on deception, fraud and trust in agent societies 6
Levels of Delegation and Levels of Help for Agents with Adjustable Autonomy 6
Being Trusted in a Social Network: Trust as Relational Capital 6
Applying inferential processes to partner selection in large agents communities 6
Structural transitivity of trust in academic social networks using agent-based simulation 6
Generalizing Trust: Inferencing trustworthiness from categories 6
CHAPLIN: A Chart based Plan Recognizer 6
Modeling Expectations in cognitive agents 6
How can subjective impulsivity play a role among information sources in weather scenarios? 6
Redefining User Expectations: The Impact of Adjustable Social Autonomy in Human–Robot Interaction 6
Belief Sources for Trust: Some Learning Mechanisms 6
A fuzzy approach to a belief-based trust computation 6
Problems and Specificity in MultiAgent Plan Recognition by CHAPLIN 6
Founding Autonomy: The Dialectics between (Social) Environment and Agent s Architecture and Powers 6
Social attitudes and personalities in agents 6
Valorizing prejudice in MAS: A computational model 6
Principles of trust for MAS: Cognitive anatomy, social importance, and quantification 6
Verso una nuova teoria dell'affidabilità tra uomini e macchine 6
An evolutionary platform for social simulation in case of critical hydrogeological phenomena: The authority's role 6
The socio-cognitive dynamics of trust: does trust create trust? 6
Chart Based Plan Recognition for Explanation 6
The Role of Trust in Dependence Networks: A Case Study 5
The Challenge of Anticipation 5
"On behalf of .." Theory of delegation and levels of help 5
Bringing together Humans and Artificial Agents in Cyber-Societies: A new field of Trust Research 5
Institutional alarmism and the damage it provokes in case of hydrogeological disasters: A simulative estimation 5
Contract Nets for Evaluating Agent Trustworthiness 5
Autonomy: Theory, Dimensions and Regulation 5
Introduction to special section on trust in multiagent systems 5
Bayesian cognitive diagnosis in believable multiagent systems 5
Deceiving in GOLEM: How to strategically pilfer help 5
An Overview of a Belief-Based Model of Trust 5
Introduction: Anticipation in Natural and Artificial Cognition 5
Trusting COVID-19 vaccines as individual and social goal 5
Ricerca e sviluppo tecnologico 5
Autonomy, delegation & Control: Interacting with Autonomous Agents 5
Trusting Agents for Trusting Electronic Societies. Theory and Applications in HCI and E-Commerce 5
Fast and Efficient Partner Selection in Large Agents' Communities: When Categories Overcome Direct Experience 5
Fiducia e Sfiducia 5
Totale 669
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.625
article - articoli 1.207
book - libri 176
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 428
Totale 5.436

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202413 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 7 4
2024/2025777 6 11 135 75 471 79 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 790