Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 681
AS - Asia 192
EU - Europa 79
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 953
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 675
SG - Singapore 168
IT - Italia 45
PH - Filippine 12
FI - Finlandia 8
CN - Cina 7
DE - Germania 6
BE - Belgio 5
CA - Canada 5
GB - Regno Unito 5
LT - Lituania 4
FR - Francia 3
KR - Corea 3
NL - Olanda 2
AU - Australia 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
IE - Irlanda 1
MX - Messico 1
VN - Vietnam 1
Totale 953
Città #
Santa Clara 639
Singapore 99
Rome 17
Helsinki 8
Phoenix 6
Brussels 5
Guangzhou 5
Cebu City 4
Frankfurt am Main 4
Bologna 3
Cagayan de Oro 3
Seoul 3
Toronto 3
Milan 2
Ottawa 2
Paranaque City 2
Quezon City 2
Ashburn 1
Brissogne 1
Dublin 1
Ferrara 1
Florence 1
Ho Chi Minh City 1
Hong Kong 1
Olympia 1
Palermo 1
Piscataway 1
Rosario 1
Taormina 1
Treviso 1
Totale 820
Nome #
The Philippines' climate. Ecological conversion in front of a warning of environmental degradation 36
The nature of the trend in global and hemispheric temperatures 19
Global climate and the destiny of sub-Saharian region 19
Effetto serra, effetto guerra. Il clima impazzito, le ondate migratorie, i conflitti. Il riscaldamento globale, i ricchi, i poveri 18
Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) in the Arctic Troposphere at Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard Islands): Effects of Anthropogenic Pollution Sources 18
Towards a more structured dialogue between climate science and policy in Italian institutions 18
Cambiamenti climatici 17
Perception and risk of Covid-19 and climate change: investigating analogies in a common framework 17
Improving trust between climate science and politics 16
Adattarsi non basta 16
Migliorare la fiducia tra scienza del clima e politica 16
Neural network modelling for estimating linear and nonlinear influences of meteo-climatic variables on Sergentomyia minuta abundance using small datasets 15
Eventi estremi in un mondo più caldo 15
Influence of Meteo-Climatic Variables and Fertilizer Use on Crop Yields in the Sahel: A Nonlinear Neural-Network Analysis 15
Climate model pluralism beyond dynamical ensembles 14
L'equazione dei disastri. Cambiamenti climatici su territori fragili 14
Is natural variability really natural? The case of Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation investigated by a neural network model 14
Forecasting PM10 Levels Using Machine Learning Models in the Arctic: A Comparative Study 14
Risks and options for action: a common equation for investigating analogies and differences between Covid-19 and climate crises 14
Effetto serra, effetto guerra. Clima, conflitti, migrazioni: l'Italia in prima linea 13
Riconoscimento e attribuzione del riscaldamento globale recente: cosa dice oggi la scienza del clima? 13
A multi-approach strategy in climate attribution studies: is it possible to apply a robustness framework? 12
Trends in daily temperature extremes over the Basilicata region (southern Italy) from 1951 to 2010 in a Mediterranean climatic context 11
Granger causality analyses for climatic attribution 11
Arctic amplification: evidence from a cluster analysis of temperature time series for eight latitude bands 11
Measurements of lower carbonyls and hydrocarbons at Ny-Alesund, Svalbard 11
Tornadoes in Italy: an underestimated threat? 11
Estimation and short-range forecast of the mixing height by means of box and neural-network models using radon data 11
Changes in daily precipitation extremes in the Mediterranean from 1951 to 2010: the Basilicata region, southern Italy 11
Operare nella complessità. Strategie modellistiche nello studio del clima 11
High-time resolved radon-progeny measurements in the Arctic region (Svalbard Islands, Norway): results and potentialities 10
Can a Multi-Approach Investigation of the Climate System Lead to More Robust Results in Attribution Studies? 10
Monitoring of ambient BTX at Monterotondo (Rome) and indoor-outdoor evaluation in school and domestic sites 10
Radon Progeny in the Arctic Region 10
Clarifying the roles of greenhouse gases and ENSO in recent global warming through their prediction performance 10
Mixing height short range forecasting through neural network modeling applied to radon and meteorological data 9
Quantitative Interpretation of Air Radon Progeny Fluctuations in Terms of Stability Conditions in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer 9
Measuring persistence in time series of temperature anomalies 9
Artificial intelligence methods in the environmental sciences 9
Short range forecast of atmospheric radon concentration and stable layer depth by neural network modelling 9
Downscaled temperature scenarios for five sites in the Basilicata region 9
Recent climate change: from causes to impacts on extreme events and air quality 9
High time-resolved radon progeny measurements in the Arctic region (Svalbard islands, Norway): results and potentialities 9
From observations to simulations (Farsi edition) 9
Assessing climatic influences on rodent density: a neural network modelling approach and a case study in Central Italy 9
Modeling radon behavior for characterizing and forecasting geophysical variables at the atmosphere-soil interface 8
Verso un modello per l' analisi non lineare delle influenze climatiche sulle densità di roditori in Appennino. 8
Analysis of spontaneous pneumothorax in the city of Cuneo: environmental correlations with meteorological and air pollutant variables 8
Il ruolo della meterologia e l'impatto del boundary layer sulla concentrazione degli inquinanti. 8
Alle frontiere della conoscenza sul clima: i modelli e i loro risultati. 8
Can we estimate atmospheric predictability by performance of neural network forecasting? The toy case studies of unforced and forced Lorenz models 8
Oscillating forcings and new regimes in the Lorenz system: 8
Climate actions in a changing world 8
A data-driven causality analysis for the attribution of recent global warming 8
A neural network ensemble downscaling system (SIBILLA) for seasonal forecasts over Italy: winter case studies 8
Meteo-climatic influences on Rodent density in Central Italy: a nonlinear modelling approach 8
A study on tropospheric ozone concentration near an oil refinery at Falconara, Italy 8
Energy cycle for the Lorenz attractor 8
Anthropogenic global warming hypothesis: testing its robustness by Granger causality analysis 8
Intelligenza artificiale per lo studio del clima 8
Neural network modelling for the analysis of forcings/temperatures relationships at different scales in the climate system. 8
External forcings and predictability in Lorenz model: An analysis via neural network modelling 8
Linear and nonlinear influences of climatic changes on migration flows: A case study for the 'Mediterranean bridge' 8
Major influences of circulation patterns on temperatures in the Italian side of the Greater Alpine Region: an investigation via neural network modeling 8
Attribution of precipitation changes on a regional scale by neural network modeling: A case study 8
Modelli matematici nello studio del clima. Seconda parte: i modelli a rete neurale. 8
Artificial neural networks for small dataset analysis 8
Neural network modelling for analysis of climatic data at global, regional and local scales 8
Radon short range forecasting through time series preprocessing and neural network modeling 7
Influence of circulation patterns on temperature behavior at the regional scale: A case study investigated via neural network modeling. 7
Tornadoes in Italy: an underestimated threat? 7
Climatic attribution at the regional scale: a case study on the role of circulation patterns and external forcings 7
Predictability in past and future climate conditions: a preliminary analysis by neural networks using unforced and forced Lorenz systems as toy models. 7
Evidence of changes in diffusive properties over Italy during the period November 2006-April 2007: A case study. 7
Neural networks for characterization and forecasting in the boundary layer via Radon data 7
Evidence of recent causal decoupling between solar radiation and global temperature 7
Preface 7
Alla ricerca delle cause del recente riscaldamento globale. 7
Application of a neural network model to the analysis of climatic observations at global, regional and local scales 7
A neural network model for visibility nowcasting from surface observations: results and sensitivity to physical input variables 7
Introduzione 7
Neural network modeling as a tool for climatic analyses of forcings/temperatures relationships at global and regional scales. 7
New records of monthly temperature extremes as a signal of climate change in Italy 7
Energy-based predictions in Lorenz system by a unified formalism and neural network modelling 7
An overview of the use of artificial neural networks in lung cancer research 7
Has natural variability a lagged influence on global temperature? A multi-horizon Granger causality analysis 7
Scenari climatici e predicibilità: indizi di uno stretto rapporto da un' analisi dinamica e neurale del toy-model di Lorenz 7
Modelli matematici nello studio del clima. Prima parte: i modelli dinamici. 7
Non-linear atmospheric stability indices by neural network modelling 7
Influence of forcings and variability on recent global temperature behavior: A neural network analysis 7
I cambiamenti climatici. Meteorologia e clima simulato 7
A model for seasonal forecast at sub-regional scale over Italy as a tool for long-range assessment of air quality 7
Cambiamenti climatici e impatti sulla qualità dell'aria: un caso di studio 7
Ma il clima non è solo spettacolo o polemica politica 7
Analisi climatiche di attribution a scala globale e di influenze a scala regionale e locale mediante un modello a rete neurale. 7
Attribution of recent temperature behaviour reassessed by a neural-network method 7
Neural network modeling in climate change studies 7
From observations to simulations. A conceptual introduction to weather and climate modelling. 7
Kyoto e dintorni. I cambiamenti climatici come problema globale 7
Il pianeta che scotta. Capire il dibattito sui cambiamenti climatici 7
Totale 999
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.651
article - articoli 2.089
book - libri 293
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 570
Totale 6.603

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202435 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 15 2
2024/20251.006 3 6 105 68 534 130 134 26 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.041