Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 392
AS - Asia 276
EU - Europa 137
OC - Oceania 1
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 807
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 392
SG - Singapore 267
IT - Italia 88
FI - Finlandia 23
NL - Olanda 6
AT - Austria 4
CN - Cina 4
DE - Germania 4
RU - Federazione Russa 3
IE - Irlanda 2
IN - India 2
KR - Corea 2
SE - Svezia 2
AU - Australia 1
DK - Danimarca 1
EC - Ecuador 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
LT - Lituania 1
LV - Lettonia 1
NO - Norvegia 1
RO - Romania 1
Totale 807
Città #
Santa Clara 326
Singapore 178
Milan 27
Bologna 26
Helsinki 23
Rome 9
Carpi 6
Vienna 4
Fort Worth 3
Naples 3
Springfield 3
Ashburn 2
Bari 2
Bengaluru 2
Dublin 2
Falkenstein 2
Guangzhou 2
Iseo 2
Los Angeles 2
Perugia 2
Phoenix 2
Potsdam 2
Seoul 2
St Petersburg 2
Amsterdam 1
Bishkek 1
Catania 1
Chesapeake 1
Council Bluffs 1
Forest City 1
Guayaquil 1
Padova 1
Prineville 1
Reston 1
Riga 1
Roccadaspide 1
Verkhnyaya Salda 1
Totale 647
Nome #
Decoding a complex record of anthropogenic and natural impacts in the Lake of Cavazzo sediments, NE Italy 38
One Year of Seismicity Recorded Through Ocean Bottom Seismometers Illuminates Active Tectonic Structures in the Ionian Sea (Central Mediterranean) 20
Marine Geology at ISMAR 2.0 (CNR): A "Journey Through the Past". And the future? 20
Large earthquakes along slow converging plate margins: Calabrian Arc paleoseismicity based on the submarine turbidite record 19
Repeated (4D) Marine Geophysical Surveys as a Tool for Studying the Coastal Environment and Ground-Truthing Remote-Sensing Observations and Modeling 14
The Ionian and Alfeo-Etna fault zones: New segments of an evolving plate boundary in the central Mediterranean Sea? 14
Anatomy of Anthropically Controlled Natural Lagoons through Geophysical, Geological, and Remote Sensing Observations: The Valli Di Comacchio (NE Italy) Case Study 14
Late Glacial and Holocene environmental variability, Lago Trasimeno, Italy 13
Multidisciplinary dataset for geological and environmental studies in the lake of Cavazzo (Southern Alps) 13
Morphobathymetry of Boka Kotorska Bay 13
Comment on Rogozin et al., (2023), Morphology of Lakes of the Central Tunguska Plateau (Krasnoyarsk krai, Evenkiya): New Data on the Problem of the Tunguska Event of 1908 12
Late Pleistocene-Holocene sea level and climate changes in the Gulf of Saros: Evidence from seismostratigraphic record and sediment core data 12
Late Miocene to recent tectonic evolution of the Macquarie Triple Junction 11
Deciphering Co-Seismic Sedimentary Processes in the Mediterranean Sea Using Elemental, Organic Carbon, and Isotopic Data 11
Modelling tectonic deformation along the North-Anatolian Fault in the Sea of Marmara 11
Rapporto sulle indagini di sismica a riflessione, gravimetriche, magnetometriche, morfobatimetriche e campionamento fondo mare nell Arco Calabro (Mar Ionio) Campagna CALAMARE08 11
Report on multichannel, seismic, SBP and magnetic investigations during cruise MESC 2001 with R/V Urania 10
Pseudo-3D techniques for analysis and interpretation of high-resolution marine seismic reflection data 10
Lower plate serpentinite diapirism in the Calabrian Arc subduction complex 10
Characterization of the marine area offshore Recanati (Central Adriatic Sea) involved in the installation of LNG regasification system - Final Report. 10
PAHs, PCBs, PBDEs, and OCPs trapped and remobilized in the Lake of Cavazzo (NE Italy) sediments: Temporal trends, quality, and sources in an area prone to anthropogenic and natural stressors 10
Middle-late Holocene climate and hydrologic changes in the Gulf of Saros (NE Aegean Sea) 10
Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the offshore Apulian Swell, a continental sliver between two converging orogens (Northern Ionian Sea, Central Mediterranean) 10
OpenSWAP, an open architecture, low cost class of autonomous surface vehicles for geophysical surveys in the shallow water environment 10
Rifting-Driven Magmatism Along the Dead Sea Continental Transform Fault 10
Holocene slip rate of the North Anatolian Fault beneath the Sea of Marmara 9
The Bouvet Triple Junction Region (south Atlantic): A report on two geological expeditions 9
Subaqueous fault scarps of the North Anatolian Fault in the Gulf of Saros (NE Aegean); where is the western limit of the 1912 Murefte-Sarkoy earthquake rupture? 9
Dataset of analyzes performed to determine the level and timing of selected organic pollutants' inputs in sediments of the Lake of Cavazzo (Italy) 9
Studio pluridisciplinare di un margine continentale, rapporto sulla crociera PS 88 (Margine Tirrenico Orientale da Capo Palinuro alla Penisola Sorrentina). 9
Neotectonics of the Sea of Galilee (northeast Israel): implication for geodynamics and seismicity along the Dead Sea Fault system 8
Evolution of a single incised valley related to inherited geology, sea level rise and climate changes during the Holocene (Tirso river, Sardinia, western Mediterranean Sea) 8
A multidisciplinary investigation in the site of the Tungska explosion 8
Crustal deformation, active tectonics and seismic potential in the Sicily Channel (Central Mediterranean), along the Nubia-Eurasia plate boundary 8
Sediments from Lake Cheko (Siberia), a possible impact crater for the 1908 Tunguska Event 8
Geological, geophysical and morphobathymetric studies of Lake Maggiore. Report on SBP, coring, morphobathymetric and hydrologic investigations during crusies LM2000 and LM 2002 8
Campagna Oceanografica SoTyBe-2015 N/O Minerva Uno 8
Recognizing megatsunamis in Mediterranean deep sea sediments based on the massive deposits of the 365 CE Crete event 8
The Bortoluzzi Mud Volcano (Ionian Sea, Italy) and its potential for tracking the seismic cycle of active faults 8
Exploring submarine Earthquake geology in the Marmara Sea 8
Oblique plate collision and orogenic translation of the Southern Apennines revealed by post-Messinian interregional unconformities in the Bradano Basin (Ionian Sea - Central Mediterranean) 8
Structure of the mid-Atlantic Ridge in the area of the Bouvet triple junction 8
Shallow water acoustic techniques to investigate transitional environments: A case study over Boka Kotorska Bay 8
Diffuse impact of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge with the Romanche transform: An ultracold ridge-transform intersection 7
Study of coastal environments in the North of Morocco 7
Rapporto sulle indagini di sismica a riflessione, gravimetriche, magnetometriche, morfobatimetriche e campionamento fondo mare nell'Arco Calabro (Mar Ionio) Campagna CALAMARE08. 7
Reply to "comment on 'an alternative view of the microseismicity along the western main marmara fault' by e. Batsi et al." by y. yamamoto et al. 7
Tsunami potential source in the eastern Sea of Marmara (NW Turkey), along the North Anatolian Fault system 7
New seismological data from the Calabrian arc reveal arc-orthogonal extension across the subduction zone 7
The International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean Version 2 7
Fault-controlled gas escapes in the shelf sediments of the Saros Gulf, NE Aegean Sea 7
The origin of Lake Cheko and the 1908 Tunguska Event recorded by forest trees 7
Spreading in the eastern part of the Southwest Indian ridge from the data of detailed geomagnetic studies in the region of Bouvet island 6
Geological studies of the eastern part of the Romanche transform (equatorial Atlantic): a first report. 6
New data on the geology of the Romanche F.Z., equatorial Atlantic: PRIMAR-96 cruise report 6
Stratigraphic architecture of the Montenegro/N. Albania Continental Margin (Adriatic Sea-Central Mediterranean) 6
Polarity assessment of reflection seismic data: a Deep Learning approach 6
Combined Acoustic and Video Characterization of Coastal Environment by means of Unmanned Surface Vehicles 6
Recent Evolution and Seismogenetic Structures of Hersek Peninsula (Turkey) from High-resolution Seismic Reflection Data 6
Origin of John's Stone: A quartzitic boulder from the site of the 1908 Tunguska (Siberia) explosion 5
The Calabrian Arc subduction complex in the Ionian Sea: Regional architecture, active deformation, and seismic hazard 5
Airborne hyperspectral data to assess suspended particulate matter and aquatic vegetation in a shallow and turbid lake 5
Lake Afrera, a structural depression in the Northern Afar Rift (Red Sea) 5
First results of cruise S19 (PRIMAR project): Petrological and structural investigations of the Vema transverse ridge (equatorial Atlantic) 5
Book Chapter: Geochemical Dynamics of the Natural-Gas Hydrate System in the Sea of Marmara, Offshore Turkey . 5
Morphotectonics and late Quaternary seismic stratigraphy of Lake Garda (Northern Italy) 5
Tectonics of the Dead Sea Fault Driving the July 2018 Seismic Swarm in the Sea of Galilee (Lake Kinneret), Israel 5
North Anatolian Fault in the Gulf of Izmit. (Turkey): Rapid vertical motion in response to minor bends of a nonvertical continental transform 5
Styles and rates of deformation in the frontal accretionary wedge of the Calabrian Arc (Ionian Sea): controls exerted by the structure of the lower African plate 5
Distribution, morphology and triggers of submarine mass wasting in the Sea of Marmara 4
First results of Waterborne Geophysical surveys around the Malpasso site (Tuoro sul Trasimeno, Italy) for geological and archeological characterization 4
The tephra record from the Sea of Marmara for the last ca. 70 ka and its palaeoceanographic implications 4
Acquisition of Geophysical Data in Shallow Water Environments Using Autonomous Vehicles: A Tool for Marine Geology, Archeology and Environmental Studies 4
Nonvolcanic tectonic islands in ancient and modern oceans 4
Paleotsunami deposits in the Augusta Bay area (Eastern Sicily, Italy): Preliminary results from offshore data 4
Tectonostratigraphy of Lake Trasimeno (Italy) and the geological evolution of the Northern Apennines 4
Submarine Earthquake geology: potential, limits, techniques and results 4
Geofisica e Stratigrafia del Lago Trasimeno. 4
A depositional model for seismo-turbidites in confined basins based on Ionian Sea deposits 4
Are repetitive slumpings during sapropel S1 related to paleo-earthquakes? 4
An Alternative View of the Microseismicity along the Western Main Marmara Fault 4
Seafloor morphology of the Montenegro/N. Albania Continental Margin (Adriatic Sea - Central Mediterranean) 4
Geological slip rates along the North Anatolian Fault in the Marmara region 4
How far did the surface rupture of the 1999 Izmit earthquake reach in Sea of Marmara? 4
Lower Creataceous to Eocene sedimentary transverse ridge at the Romanche Fracture Zone and the opening of the Equatorial Atlantic 4
Multidisciplinary investigation on cold seeps with vigorous gas emissions in the Sea of Marmara (MarsiteCruise): Strategy for site detection and sampling and first scientific outcome 4
Rilievo Geofisico del Lago Trasimeno per la realizzazione del Foglio Geologico Scala 1:50.000 n. 310 Passignano sul Trasimeno 4
Peculiarity on the transversive ridge structure in the passive part of the romanshe fracture zone 3
Contratto di ricerca cartografia geologica 1:50000. foglio passignano servizio geologico dell'umbria; ricerche geofisiche nel lago trasimeno; rapporto sulle ricerche batimorfologiche, sismica a riflessione, magnetometriche e sedimentologiche durante le cr 3
Lake Cheko and the 1908 Tunguska Event 3
Cold seeps, active faults and the earthquake cycle: new perspectives from marine geological studies and seafloor observatories 3
Sedimentary and faunal signatures of the post-glacial marine drowning of the Pontocaspian Gemlik "lake" (Sea of Marmara) 3
Geology and seismotectonics of the Gulf of Saros (NE Aegean Sea) along the North-Anatolian Fault system 3
Rapporto tecnico sulle indagini sismo-stratigrafiche nel canale San Marco (Venezia) antistante la piazza 3
The Tunguska Mystery 3
A possible impact crater for the 1908 Tunguska Event 3
ChirCor: A new tool for generating synthetic chirp-sonar seismograms 3
Biophysical and morphological study of coastal habitats from imaging spectrometry, LiDAR and in situ data acquisition 3
Cold seeps, active faults and the earthquake cycle along the North Anatolian Fault system in the Sea of Marmara (NW Turkey) 3
Totale 756
Categoria #
all - tutte 5.463
article - articoli 3.840
book - libri 42
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 222
Totale 9.567

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/2024160 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 138 7 5 1
2024/2025770 13 16 198 111 304 71 41 16 0 0 0 0
Totale 930