Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 367
AS - Asia 171
EU - Europa 43
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 582
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 367
SG - Singapore 153
IT - Italia 18
FI - Finlandia 16
KR - Corea 16
DE - Germania 7
AT - Austria 2
HK - Hong Kong 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
Totale 582
Città #
Santa Clara 336
Singapore 111
Helsinki 16
Seoul 16
Falkenstein 6
Rome 6
Afragola 5
Ashburn 2
Frattamaggiore 2
Genoa 2
Auckland 1
Forest City 1
Hong Kong 1
Prineville 1
Seattle 1
Springfield 1
Vienna 1
Washington 1
Totale 510
Nome #
AMG4PSBLAS Linear Algebra Package brings Alya one step closer to Exascale 11
null 11
Efficient Algebraic Multigrid Preconditioners on Clusters of GPUs 11
The TEXTAROSSA Project: Cool all the Way Down to the Hardware 11
Guest Editorial of the Special Issue on Parallel, Distributed and Network based Processing 10
Multidimensional modeling of advanced Diesel combustion system by parallel chemistry 10
The impact of different stiff ODE solvers in parallel simulation of Diesel combustion 10
AMG preconditioners for Linear Solvers towards Extreme Scale 10
null 10
Alya towards Exascale: Algorithmic Scalability using PSCToolkit 9
Introducing Combustion-Turbulence Interaction in Parallel Simulation of Diesel Engines 9
AMG based on compatible weighted matching on GPUs 9
AMG Preconditioners based on Parallel Hybrid Coarsening and Multi-objective Graph Matching 9
Automatic coarsening in Algebraic Multigrid utilizing quality measures for matching-based aggregations 9
Parallel simulation of combustion in Common Rail Diesel engines by advanced numerical solution of detailed chemistry 9
HPSS 2011: Algorithms and Programming Tools for Next-Generation High-Performance Scientific Software 9
alpha-AMG Solvers based on Weighted Matching in Graphs 8
Performance Analysis of Parallel Schwarz Preconditioners in the LES of Turbulent Channel Flows 8
AMG Preconditioners for Computational and Data Science at Extreme Scale 8
BootCMatch: a software package for bootstrap AMG based on graph weighted matching 8
Scalable AMG Preconditioners for Computational Science at Extreme Scale 8
Advanced Numerical Methods for Complex Scientific and Engineering Problems: Editorial Introduction 8
A parallel combustion solver within an operator splitting context for engine simulations on grids 8
Automatic coarsening in Algebraic Multigrid utilizing quality measures for matching-based aggregations Pasqua D'Ambra, Fabio Durastante, Salvatore Filippone, Ludmil Zikatanov 8
Why diffusion-based preconditioning of Richards equation works: spectral analysis and computational experiments at very large scale. 8
BootCMatchGX: a scalable iterative linear solver for multi-GPU systems 8
BootCMatchG: An adaptive Algebraic MultiGrid linear solver for GPUs 8
Solution of Ambrosio-Tortorelli model for image segmentation by generalized relaxation method 8
Bootstrap AMG for Spectral Clustering 8
Solving Richards Equations for Extreme Scale Applications in Hydrology 8
The Engine Grid: an Experimental Grid for Large-Scale Distributed Simulations of Internal Combustion Engines 8
Extending bootstrap AMG for clustering of attributed graphs 8
Applying bootstrap AMG in spectral clustering 7
Algebraic Multigrid Based on Maximum Weighted Matching in Matrix Graphs Exploiting an Auction Algorithm 7
On the Use of Aggregation-based Parallel Multilevel Preconditioners in the LES of Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows 7
Image Analysis and Classification for High-Throughput Screening of Embryonic Stem Cells 7
MLD2P4 2.1 Users and Reference Guide 7
Proceedings of Euro-Par 2010, Part I 7
SparC-LES: Enabling Large Eddy Simulations with Parallel Sparse Matrix Computation Tools 7
Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications 7
Performance and Scalability Analysis of an Alfa-AMG with a Prescribed Convergence Rate 7
Positivity Issues in Adaptive Solution of Detailed Chemical Schemes for Engine Simulation 7
null 7
Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Computing: an Application Perspective 7
null 7
Adaptive AMG based on Weighted Matching for Systems of Elliptic PDEs arising from Displacement and Mixed Methods 7
Towards EXtreme scale technologies and accelerators for euROhpc hw/Sw supercomputing applications for exascale: The TEXTAROSSA approach 7
Image Analysis and Classification for High-Throughput Screening of Embryonic Stem Cells 7
Proceedings of Euro-Par 2010, Part II 7
Extending PSBLAS to Build Parallel Schwarz Preconditioners 7
Parallel AMG Preconditioners in large-scale energy applications 6
MLD2P4: a Package of Scalable Algebraic Multi-level Schwarz Preconditioners 6
Scalable algebraic multilevel preconditioners with application to CFD 6
Parallel Linear Algebra Packages: PSBLAS and MLD2P4, Use cases and research results 6
Adaptive amg with coarsening based on compatible weighted matching 6
Parallel Aggregation Based on Compatible Weighted Matching for AMG 5
Bootstrap AMG in spectral clustering 5
BootCMatch: an Alfa-AMG solver based on Compatible Weighted Matching 5
Why diffusion-based preconditioning of Richards equation works: spectral analysis and computational experiments at very large scale. 5
A parallel generalized relaxation method for high-performance image segmentation on GPUs 5
Euro-Par 2011: Parallel Processing Workshops, Revised Selected Papers 5
A Novel Aggregation Method based on Graph Matching for Algebraic MultiGrid Preconditioning of Sparse Linear Systems, International Conference on Preconditioning Techniques for Scientific and Industrial Applications 5
MLD2P4: a Package of Parallel Algebraic Multilevel Domain Decomposition Preconditioners in Fortran 95 5
Improving solve time of aggregation-based adaptive AMG 5
Adaptive AMG with Coarsening based on Compatible Weighted Matching 4
Developing Parallel Large Eddy Simulation Software with Libraries for Sparse Matrix Computations 4
Compatible Matching Adaptive AMG Preconditioners for Laplacian Matrices on General Graphs 4
Numerical Algorithms: Session Introduction 4
Adaptive AMG with coarsening based on compatible weighted matching 4
Alya toward exascale: algorithmic scalability using PSCToolkit 4
Scalable Algebraic Multilevel Preconditioners with application to CFD 4
EoCoE - Activity Report for WP1 4
On the Development of PSBLAS-based Parallel Two-Level Schwarz Preconditioners 4
MLD2P4 User's and Reference Guide 4
BootCMatch: A Bootstrap AMG based on Compatible Weighted Matching 4
High-Performance Preconditioners for Solution of Pressure Systems in the LES of Turbulent Channel Flows 4
Dynamic Load Balancing for High-Performance Simulations of Combustion in Engine Applications 4
Alfa-AMG based on Weighted Matching for Systems of Elliptic PDEs arising from Displacement and Mixed Methods 4
Efficient sparse linear solvers and AMG preconditioners on cluster of GPUs: first results on linear systems from ParFlow 4
Some issues in reliable high-performance simulations of combustion for engine applications 4
MLD2P4: parallel algebraic multilevel preconditioners for large-scale linear systems 4
Using an Auction Algorithm in AMG based on Maximum Weighted Matching in Matrix Graphs, 4
BootCMatch: a Bootstrap AMG based on weighted Matching 4
An AMG based on compatible weighted matching for image segmentation 4
Adaptive AMG with Coarsening based on Compatible Bipartite Weighted Matching 4
MLD2P4: Multilevel Domain Decomposition Parallel Preconditioners Package based on PSBLAS 4
MLD2P4 User's and Reference Guide 4
High-Performance Large Eddy Simulation of Incompressible Turbulent Flows, International Conference on Scientific Computing (SC 2011) 4
Parallel Linear Solvers for EoCoE: PSBLAS & MLD2P4 3
AMG Preconditioners for Linear Solvers towards Extreme Scale 2
null 1
Totale 593
Categoria #
all - tutte 2.335
article - articoli 669
book - libri 114
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 251
Totale 3.369

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202424 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 16 3
2024/2025569 6 8 130 45 337 43 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 593