Istituto per la BioEconomia - IBE
Growth and photosynthetic performance of Nostoc linckia (formerly N. calcicola) cells grown in BG11 and BG110 media
2023 Touloupakis, E.; Chini Zittelli, G.; Benavides, A. M. S.; Torzillo, G.
High Purity Grade Phycocyanin Recovery by Decupling Cell Lysis from the Pigment Extraction: an Innovative Approach
2023 Lauceri, R; Cavone, C; Chini Zittelli, G; Kamburska, L; Musazzi, S; Torzillo, G
New Route to the Production of Almond Beverages Using Hydrodynamic Cavitation
2023 Faraloni, C; Albanese, L; Chini Zittelli, G; Meneguzzo, F; Tagliavento, L; Zabini, F
Solar bioreactors used for the industrial production of microalgae
2023 Masojidek, J; Lhotsky, R; Sterbova, K; Chini Zittelli, G; Torzillo, G
Valuable pigments from microalgae: phycobiliproteins, primary carotenoids, and fucoxanthin
2023 Chini Zittelli G.; Lauceri R.; Faraloni C.; Silva Benavides A.M.; Torzillo G.
Exposure to different light intensities affects emission of volatiles and accumulations of both pigments and phenolics in Azolla filiculoides
2022 Brilli, F; KG Srikanta, Dani; Pasqualini, S; Costarelli, A; Cannavò, S; Paolocci, F; Chini Zittelli, G; Mugnai, G; Baraldi, R; Loreto, F
Premio Intellectual Property Award 2021 - Rapid Purification of Phycobiliproteins
2022 Lauceri, Rosaria; CHINI ZITTELLI, Graziella; Torzillo, Giuseppe
Productivity and nutrient removal by the microalga Chlamydopodium fusiforme grown outdoors in BG-11 and piggery wastewater
2022 Chini Zittelli, G.; Silva Benavides, A. M.; Silovic, T.; Ranglova, K.; Masojidek, J.; Cicchi, B.; Faraloni, C.; Touloupakis, E.; Torzillo, G.
Relazione Tecnica Finale - Progetto Natural Blu
2022 Lauceri, Rosaria; CHINI ZITTELLI, Graziella; Falqui, Luciano
The potential of the marine microalga Diacronema lutheri in the prevention of obesity and metabolic syndrome in high-fat fed Wistar rats
2022 Mayer C.; Côme M.; Ulmann L.; Martin I.; Chini Zittelli G.; Faraloni C.; Ouguerram K.; Chénais B.; Mimouni V.
Towards the Prediction of Favourable Conditions for the Harmful Algal Bloom Onset of Ostreopsis ovata in the Ligurian Sea Based on Satellite and Model Data
2022 Lapucci, C; Maselli, F; Chini Zittelli, G; Betti, G; Vannucchi, V; Perna, M; Taddei, S; Gozzini, B; Ortolani, A; Brandini, C
A novel extraction process of phycobiliproteins with high purity grade from biomass of Arthrospira platensis and Porphyridium cruentum
2021 Lauceri, Rosaria; CHINI ZITTELLI, Graziella; Torzillo, Giuseppe
Algae as Novel Food in Europe
2021 CHINI ZITTELLI, Graziella; Mangini, Silvio; Unamunzaga, Carlos; Verdelho, Vítor; Paulcadoret, Jean
Cell wall and organelle modifications during nitrogen starvation in Nannochloropsis oceanica F&M-M24
2021 Roncaglia, B; Papini, A; Chini Zittelli, G; Rodolfi, L; Tredici, M R
Chapter 1 - Culturing of microalgae for food applications
2021 Torzillo, G; Chini Zittelli, G; Benavides, Ams; Ranglova, K; Masojidek, J
Chemical composition and apparent digestibility of a panel of dried microalgae and cyanobacteria biomasses in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
2021 Cerri R.; Niccolai A.; Cardinaletti G.; Tulli F.; Mina F.; Daniso E.; Bongiorno T.; Chini Zittelli G.; Biondi N.; Tredici M.R.; Tibaldi E.
Effects of medium salinity on growth and biochemical composition of the green microalga Tetraselmis suecica
2021 Venckus P.; Cicchi B.; Chini Zittelli G.
In situ monitoring of chlorophyll a fluorescence in Nannochloropsis oceanica cultures to assess photochemical changes and the onset of lipid accumulation during nitrogen deprivation
2021 Carneiro, M.; Chini Zittelli, G.; Cicchi, B.; Touloupakis, E.; Faraloni, C.; Maia, I. B.; Pereira, H.; Santos, T.; Malcata, F. X.; Otero, A.; Varela, J.; Torzillo, G.
POC MISE - Proof Of Concept - Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico-Programma di incentivo e sostegno alle attività di Applicazione, MIglioramento e COstruzione dei trovati brevettati" (Programma AMICO)-- Natural-Blu
2021 Lauceri, Rosaria; CHINI ZITTELLI, Graziella; Falqui, Luciano
Relazione intermedia dell'attività svolta - Progetto Natural Blu
2021 Lauceri, Rosaria; CHINI ZITTELLI, Graziella; Falqui, Luciano