Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 610
AS - Asia 239
EU - Europa 118
Totale 967
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 576
SG - Singapore 198
IT - Italia 37
CA - Canada 34
KR - Corea 23
GB - Regno Unito 20
LT - Lituania 20
CN - Cina 18
BE - Belgio 15
DE - Germania 11
FI - Finlandia 6
NL - Olanda 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
ES - Italia 2
AT - Austria 1
FR - Francia 1
Totale 967
Città #
Santa Clara 523
Singapore 136
Seoul 23
Toronto 20
Cavallino 16
Brussels 15
Ottawa 14
London 10
Frankfurt am Main 9
Guangzhou 9
Genoa 6
Helsinki 6
Cagliari 4
Amsterdam 3
Milan 3
Barcelona 2
Pavia 2
Prague 2
San Jose 2
Shanghai 2
Ashburn 1
Bitonto 1
Dallas 1
Falkenstein 1
Phoenix 1
Totale 812
Nome #
Interactive and Robust Mesh Booleans 21
Benchmarking the geometrical robustness of a Virtual Element Poisson solver 20
Exact and Efficient Polyhedral Envelope Containment Check 19
Convex polyhedral meshing for robust solid modeling 18
Parametric shape optimization for combined additive-subtractive manufacturing 18
Exploration of 3D motorcycle complexes from hexahedral meshes 17
A web repository to describe and execute shape oriented workflows 15
A Large-scale Benchmark and an Inclusion-based Algorithm for Continuous Collision Detection 15
MeshFix 15
Constrained Delaunay Tetrahedrization: A Robust and Practical Approach 14
Fast and robust mesh arrangements using floating-point arithmetic 14
A critical assessment of 2D and 3D face recognition algorithms 14
Indirect Predicates for Geometric Constructions 13
Fast and Exact Root Parity for Continuous Collision Detection 13
Distributed Triangle Mesh Processing 12
Geometry processing for biomedical imaging: 3D model representations and multi-modality 12
Design, Representations and Processing for Additive Manufacturing 12
Surface2Volume: Surface Segmentation Conforming Assemblable Volumetric Partition 12
The shape and semantics modelling group 12
A web repository to describe and execute shape processing workflows 12
slice2mesh: a Meshing Tool for the Simulation of Additive Manufacturing Processes 12
Computational methods for the morphological analysis and annotation of segmented 3D medical data 12
Deterministic Linear Time Constrained Triangulation using Simplified Earcut 12
Shape understanding by contour-driven retiling 11
Semantic annotation of 3D surface meshes based on feature characterization 11
The Fast Reject Schema for Part-in-Whole 3D Shape Matching 11
A lightweight approach to repairing digitized polygon meshes 11
Mesh segmentation - a comparative study 11
The CHRONIOUS Ontology-Driven Search Tool: enabling access to focused and up-to-date healthcare literature 11
slice2mesh: meshing sliced data for the simulation of AM Processes 11
Recent Advances in Remeshing of Surfaces 11
Explicit cylindrical maps for general tubular shapes 11
Hierarchical mesh segmentation based on fitting primitives 11
Large mesh simplification for distributed environments 11
A mapping-independent primitive for the triangulation of parametric surfaces 11
ImatiSTL - Fast and reliable mesh processing with a hybrid kernel 11
Riconoscimento di volti con tecniche 3D per controlli di sicurezza 11
A web-based distributed system to process large geometric models 11
Distributed processing of large polygon meshes 11
Combinatorial 3-manifolds from sets of tetrahedra 10
Distributed Triangle Mesh Processing 10
Shape and Semantics Modelling: la ricerca dell'IMATI - CNR per la rappresentazione, l'analisi e la documentazione di modelli digitali 3D e le sue applicazioni ai Beni Culturali 10
The system MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 under pressure: A computational study of melting relations and phase diagrams 10
ReMesh: An Interactive and User-Friendly Environment for Remeshing Surface Triangulations 10
Ambienti grafici avanzati di supporto alla modellazione e alla semplificazione di superfici 10
Computational methods for understanding 3D shapes 10
A study of the state of the art of process planning for additive manufacturing 10
Modeling liquidus hypersurfaces through simplicial complexes in arbitrary dimensions 10
ShapeAnnotator - Multi-segmentation and semantic annotation of 3D surface meshes 10
VISIONAIR: VISION Advanced Infrastructure for Research 10
Characterization of 3D shape parts for semantic annotation 10
Thermodynamic investigation of the CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 system at high P and T through polymer chemistry and convex-hull techniques 10
SwingWrapper: Retiling Triangle Meshes for Better EdgeBreaker Compression 10
Processing large geometric datasets in distributed environments 10
Part-based Annotation of Virtual 3D Shapes 10
Deliverable D8.8.2 - Report on the IQmulus Processing Contest - Year 2 9
Polygon Mesh Repairing: An Application Perspective 9
Advanced Remote Inspection and Download of 3D Shapes 9
Deliverable D 3.6 "Report on Virtual service infrastructure 1" 9
Direct repair of self-intersecting meshes 9
Foreword to the Special Issue on Shape Modeling International 2017 9
Steepest descent paths on simplicial meshes of arbitrary dimensions 9
Re-meshing techniques for topological analysis 9
Surface mesh qualities 9
ProMED: Production Optimization for Additive Manufacturing of Medical Devices 9
As-exact-as-possible repair of unprintable STL files 9
CAxMan: Design for additive manufacturing made easy and cost-effective 9
On converting sets of tetrahedra to combinatorial and PL manifolds 9
The Role of Semantics in Shape Modeling and Reasoning 9
ReMESH: An Interactive Environment To Edit And Repair Triangle Meshes 9
epsilon-maps: Characterizing, detecting and thickening thin features in geometric models 8
Hierarchical Structure Recovery of Point-Sampled Surfaces 8
Multi-layer ontologies for integrated 3D shape segmentation and annotation 8
Thermodynamic investigation of the CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 system at high P and T through polymer chemistry and convex-hull techniques 8
ImatiSTL - A C++ API for STL file repairing in 3D printing applications 8
Hierarchical Convex Approximation of 3D Shapes for Fast Region Selection 8
Quality-based characterization of surface meshes 8
Thesaurus-based 3D Object Retrieval with Part-in-Whole Matching 8
The VISIONAIR Infrastructure Capabilities to Support Research 8
An ontology-driven search module for accessing chronic pathology literature 8
Shape knowledge annotation for virtual product sharing and reuse 8
From 3D models to 3D prints: an overview of the processing pipeline 8
Large Mesh Simplification for Distributed Environments 8
Modeling liquidus hypersurfaces through simplicial complexes 8
Shapes in a box: Disassembling 3D objects for efficient packing and fabrication 7
Geometric Models with Weighted Topology 7
Part-in-whole 3D shape matching and docking 7
Automatic surface reconstruction from point sets in space 7
Simplicial - A C++ framework for simplicial meshes of arbitrary dimension 7
CHRONIOUS: An Open, Ubiquitous and Adaptive Chronic Disease Management Platform for COPD and Renal Insufficienc 7
Topological, Geometric and Structural Approaches to Enhance Shape Information 7
Computational Geometry meets Material Science 7
Sharpen&Bend: Recovering Curved Sharp Edges in Triangle Meshes Produced by Feature-Insensitive Sampling 7
Automated Abstraction of Building Models for 3D Navigation on Mobile Devices 7
Shape retrieval contest 2008: Stability of watertight models 7
Hierarchical Convex Approximation of 3D Shapes for Fast Region Selection 3
Totale 997
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.468
article - articoli 1.878
book - libri 42
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 123
Totale 5.511

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202440 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 36 0
2024/2025957 3 9 146 57 426 220 83 13 0 0 0 0
Totale 997