Istituto di Sistemi e Tecnologie Industriali Intelligenti per il Manifatturiero Avanzato - STIIMA (ex ITIA) Sede Secondaria Bari
A novel random forest-based approach for the non-destructive and explainable estimation of ammonia and chlorophyll in fresh-cut rocket leaves
2024 Polimena, Stefano; Pio, Gianvito; Cefola, Maria; Palumbo, Michela; Ceci, Michelangelo; Attolico, Giovanni
Computer vision system based on conventional imaging for non-destructively evaluating quality attributes in fresh and packaged fruit and vegetables
2023 Palumbo M.; Cefola M.; Pace B.; Attolico G.; Colelli G.
Machine learning for the identification of colour cues to estimate quality parameters of rocket leaves
2023 Palumbo, Michela; Cefola, Maria; Pace, Bernardo; Colelli, Giancarlo; Attolico, Giovanni
Semantic Segmentation of Packaged and Unpackaged Fresh-Cut Apples Using Deep Learning
2023 Vadukkal, U. K. V.; Palumbo, M.; Attolico, G.
Sustaining lowimpact practices in horticulture through nondestructive approach to provide more information on fresh produce history and quality: the SUS&LOW project
2023 Amodio, M; Attolico, G; Bonelli, L; Cefola, M; Fazayeli FF Montesano, H; Pace, B; Palumbo, M; Serio, F; Stasi, A; Colelli, G
Emerging Postharvest Technologies to Enhance the Shelf-Life of Fruit and Vegetables: An Overview
2022 Palumbo, Michela; Attolico, Giovanni; Capozzi, Vittorio; Cozzolino, Rosaria; Corvino, Antonia; DE CHIARA, MARIA LUCIA VALERIA; Pace, Bernardo; Pelosi, Sergio; Ricci Roberto Romaniello, Ilde; Cefola, Maria
Non-destructive and contactless estimation of chlorophyll and ammonia contents in packaged fresh-cut rocket leaves by a Computer Vision System
2022 Palumbo, Michela; Pace, Bernardo; Cefola, Maria; Montesano Fabiano, Francesco; Colelli, Giancarlo; Attolico, Giovanni
Sistema di visione computerizzato per la valutazione non distruttiva della qualità di rucola fresca e di IV gamma
2022 Palumbo, M; Cefola, M; Pace, B Montesano FF; Attolico, G; Colelli, G
Sustaining low-impact practices in horticulture through non-destructive approach to provide more information on fresh produce history & quality (SUS&LOW)
2022 Cefola, M; Pace, B; Serio, F; Montesano, FRANCESCO FABIANO; Palumbo, M; Attolico, G; Amodio, M L; Fazayeli, H; Stati, A; Colelli, G
Automatic procedure to contactless and non-destructive quality evaluation of fruits and vegetables through a computer vision system
2021 B. Pace; M. Cefola; D.P. Cavallo; G. Attolico
Colour analysis to predict the total chlorophyll content of rocket leaves
2021 Pace, Bernardo; Cefola, Maria; Cavallo, DARIO PIETRO; Burbaci, Salvatore; Attolico, Giovanni
Self-Configuring CVS to Discriminate Rocket Leaves According to Cultivation Practices and to Correctly Attribute Visual Quality Level
2021 Palumbo, Michela; Pace, Bernardo; Cefola, Maria; Montesano, FRANCESCO FABIANO; Serio, Francesco; Colelli, Giancarlo; Attolico, Giovanni
Container innovativo isotermico intermodale con atmosfera controllata per il trasporto di prodotti ortofrutticoli freschi (CONTINNOVA) Progetto Relazione Ultimo SAL (Stato Avanzamento Lavori)
2018 Pace, B; Cefola, M; Lippolis, V; Cervellieri, S; Porricelli, Mcr; Attolico, G; Lisi, S; Garavelli, C; Laforgia, P; Sacchetti, A; Calderoni, G; Amodio ML Colelli, G; Longobardi, F; Gallo, V
Influence of in vitro digestion process on polyphenolic profile of skin grape (cv. Italia) and on antioxidant activity in basal or stressed conditions of human intestinal cell line (HT-29)
2018 Garbetta, A; Nicassio, L; D'Antuono, I; Cardinali, A; Linsalata, V; Attolico, G; Minervini, F
Modular Multimodal User Interface for Distributed Ambient Intelligence Architectures
2018 LA TONA, Giuseppe; Petitti, Antonio; Lorusso, Adele; Colella, Roberto; Milella, Annalisa; Attolico, Giovanni
Non-destructive and contactless quality evaluation of table grapes by a computer vision system
2018 Cavallo, DARIO PIETRO; Cefola, M; Pace, B; Logrieco, ANTONIO FRANCESCO; Attolico, G
Automatic Identification of Relevant Colors in Non-Destructive Quality Evaluation of Fresh Salad Vegetables
2017 Bernardo Pace; Dario Pietro Cavallo; Maria Cefola; Giovanni Attolico
Contactless and non-destructive chlorophyll content prediction by random forest regression: A case study on fresh-cut rocket leaves
2017 Cavallo, Dp; Cefola, M; Pace, B; Logrieco, Af; Attolico, G
Non-destructive automatic quality evaluation of fresh-cut iceberg lettuce through packaging material
2017 Cavallo, DARIO PIETRO; Cefola, M; Pace, B; Logrieco, ANTONIO FRANCESCO; Attolico, G
A Network of Stationary Sensors and Mobile Robots for Distributed Ambient Intelligence
2016 Petitti, Antonio; DI PAOLA, Donato; Milella, Annalisa; Lorusso, Adele; Colella, Roberto; Attolico, Giovanni; Caccia, Massimo