Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 362
AS - Asia 151
EU - Europa 80
AF - Africa 1
Totale 594
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 362
SG - Singapore 127
IT - Italia 55
FI - Finlandia 14
CN - Cina 12
KR - Corea 11
NL - Olanda 4
AT - Austria 3
DE - Germania 2
FR - Francia 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
IE - Irlanda 1
KE - Kenya 1
Totale 594
Città #
Santa Clara 337
Singapore 92
Rome 19
Helsinki 14
Seoul 11
Guangzhou 9
Amsterdam 3
L’Aquila 3
Messina 3
Vienna 3
Naples 2
Roseto degli Abruzzi 2
Ashburn 1
Council Bluffs 1
Dublin 1
Falkenstein 1
Florence 1
Forest City 1
Hong Kong 1
Meta 1
Nuremberg 1
Pisa 1
Totale 508
Nome #
Early-Season Crop Mapping by PRISMA Images Using Machine/Deep Learning Approaches: Italy and Iran Test Cases 26
Detection of Critical Areas Prone to Land Degradation Using Prisma: The Metaponto Coastal Area in South Italy Test Case 22
Improving Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) Retrievals by Sentinel2-MSI Data through a Total Suspended Matter (TSM)-Driven Classification: The Case of Pertusillo Lake (Southern Italy) 16
Pollino project action D: a multiscale approach in the space-time domain to environmental risk monitoring 15
Evaluating Hyperion capability for land cover mapping in a fragmented ecosystem: Pollino National Park, Italy 14
Vegetation Indices Combining the Red and Red-Edge Spectral Information for Leaf Area Index Retrieval 13
IOSMOS (Ionian Sea Water Quality Monitoring By Satellite Data) project: strategy and first achievements. 12
Il telerilevamento aereo per lo studio dei Beni Archeologici: applicazione dei dati iperspettrali Mivis sul Parco Archeologico di Selinunte 11
Utilizzo dei dati Iperspettrali MIVIS a supporto delle indagini archeologiche 10
Airborne thermal data for detecting karst water resources in the Kotor Bay 10
CHIME requirements consolidation study: potential value-added products of the next Copernicus hyperspectral mission in "Agriculture & food security" and "Raw materials exploration" 10
A multi-disciplinary approach for sea water quality monitoring: the IOSMOS project. 10
Retrieving vegetation cover types in the complex natural ecosystem of the Pollino National Park (South Italy) through Hyperion data 10
Relations between morphological settings and vegetation covers in a medium relief landscape of Central Italy 10
CASI-1500 hyperspectral remote sensing data and in situ measurements within the IOSMOS project activities for coastal water bio-optical properties assessment 10
Wheat lodging monitoring using polarimetric index from RADARSAT-2 data 9
Land degradation study in Mediterranean areas at different scales: results of two years of activities in the framework of MILDMAP-Media project 9
Aerial remote sensing hyperspectral techniques for rocky outcrops mapping 9
Statistical classification for assessing PRISMA hyperspectral potential for agricultural land use 9
Il progetto ERMES: Un prototipo di servizio integrato dedicato ai sistemi di produzione del risicola 9
An empirical ocean colour algorithm for estimating the contribution of coloured dissolved organic matter in North-Central Western Adriatic Sea 9
Automatic recognition of rocky outcrops from MIVIS data: a test case on a selected area of the Pollino National Park (southern Italy) 9
MISSIONE PRISMA Nota tecnica: Contributo tecnico scientifico sulla simulazione di funzione di risposta ed effetto di accoppiamento delle bande SWIR 9
Estimating Wheat Yield in China at the Field and District Scale from the Assimilation of Satellite Data into the Aquacrop and Simple Algorithm for Yield (SAFY) Models 8
An integrated approach to a complex case study of land degradation due to human and natural factors 8
A Method for Retrieving Water Vapor Columnar Content and Aerosol Optical Thickness 8
Hyperspectral tecniques for water quality monitoring: Application to the "Sacca di Goro" - Italy 8
Modeling and multi-temporal characterization of total suspended matter by the combined use of sentinel 2-MSI and landsat 8-OLI Data: The Pertusillo lake case study (Italy) 8
Report sull'analisi dei gap da colmare nell'erogazione di servizi per il risk management, evidenziando il rapporto con gli obiettivi e le linee guida di Horizon 2020 8
Transport Infrastructure Surveillance and Monitoring by Electromagnetic Sensing: The ISTIMES Project 8
Prisma-Based Advanced Prototype Products: An Overview 8
Integration of satellite data and in-situ measurements for coastal water quality monitoring: preliminary results of the first IOSMOS (IOnian Sea water quality MOnitoring by Satellite data) campaigns 7
The IOSMOS project: a multi-disciplinary approach for Ionian sea water quality monitoring. 7
Assessment for Albanian and Montenegrin Coastal Areas 7
Evaluation of Hyperion sensor performance in discriminating land cover types 7
Sviluppo degli algoritmi necessari per la full exploitation dei sensori utilizzati e sulla definizione delle catene di processamento dei dati acquisiti dai nuovi sensori 7
Comparison of MIVIS and IKONOS data for high resolution land cover classification in a rural/mountainous area. 7
Evaluation of Hyperion sensor performance in discriminating land cover types 7
Coastal water assessment and monitoring by hyperspectral remote sensing techniques: selected applications in the Adriatic Sea 7
The IOSMOS project: an integrated approach for Mediterranean water quality monitoring 7
Analisi dell'impatto dei nuovi sistemi osservativi sui vari servizi e verifica della compatibilità delle catene di acquisizione e processamento richieste da essi 7
Noise Coefficients Retrieval in Prisma Hyperspectral Data 7
PRISMA L1 and L2 Performances within the PRISCAV Project: The Pignola Test Site in Southern Italy 7
Approccio multidisciplinare nello studio del CDOM (Colored Dissolved Organica Matter): esperienza condotta nell'area costiera Albanese-Montenegrina (Adriatico Meridionale) 7
Sviluppo di tecniche di analisi per la stima delle dinamiche spazio temporali dei parametri superficiali con particolare riferimento allo studio della vegetazione. IMAA_OR3-C1 6
Soil texture and organic matter estimation of an agricultural field from hyperspectral remote sensing 6
The potential impact of the next hyperspectral prisma mission on the natural and anthropogenic hazards management 6
Integration of Water Colour and Sea Surface Temperature for coastal discharges: preliminary results. 6
Prisma Noise Coefficients Estimation 6
The IOSMOS project: a multi-disciplinary approach for Ionian sea water quality monitoring. 6
Environmental products overview of the Italian hyperspectral prisma mission: The SAP4PRISMA project 6
Early stage variable rate nitrogen fertilization of silage maize driven by multi-temporal clustering of archive satellite data 6
Land cover Mapping Capability of MULTISPECTRAL thermal data: THE TASI-600 case study 6
Estimation of soil properties at the field scale from satellite data: a comparison between spatial and non-spatial techniques 6
Volcano-tectonic scenario of Vulsini Volcanoes (Central Italy) from LANDSAT-MSS images and digital elevation data 6
Estimation of soil organic carbon from airborne hyperspectral thermal infrared data: a case study 6
Sensing techniques for soil characterization and monitoring 6
Multispectral thermal airborne TASI-600 data to study the Pompeii (IT) archaeological area 5
Estimating Winter Wheat Leaf Area Index From Ground and Hyperspectral Observations Using Vegetation Indices 5
Empirical algorithm for the CDOM assessment: Preliminary results of the Albanian and montenegrin coastal areas 5
A comparison of sensor resolution and calibration strategies for soil texture estimation from hyperspectral remote sensing 5
Synthesis of zeolite from waste materials at low temperature: preliminary data 5
Exploitation of hyperspectral data for infrastructures status assessment: Preliminary results of the istimes test bed 5
Airborne emissivity data to map the urban materials to be checked for maintenance: The asphalt paving and asbestos cement roofing case studies 5
Advanced Anomalous Pixel Correction Algorithms for Hyperspectral Thermal Infrared Data: The TASI-600 Case Study 5
Temporal Polarimetric Behavior of Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus L.) at C-Band for Early Season Sowing Date Monitoring 5
Chlorophyll estimation in field crops: an assessment of handheld leaf meters and spectral reflectance measurements 5
Hyperspectral remote sensing as a tool for natural mapping and archaeological investigation 4
Multiscale fuel type mapping in fragmented ecosystems from classification and unmixing techniques by using multisensor remote sensing data 4
null 4
Integration of remote sensing and ground-based techniques for the study of land degradation phenomena in coastal areas. 4
LWIR hyperspectral change detection for target acquisition and situation awareness in urban areas 4
Integration of thermal and hyperspectral VNIR imagery for architectural and artistic heritage analysis and monitoring 4
CDOM Assessment for Albanian and Montenegrin Coastal Areas 4
Geophysical and Hyperspectral Data Fusion Techniques for In-Field Estimation of Soil Properties 4
Extending the use of ATREM atmospheric correction to MIVIS data 3
Determination of clay content from hyperspectral remote sensing in the context of soil workability assessment 3
L'osservazione della terra per la gestione delle aree costiere/Earth observation facilities for supporting the coastal management 3
Hyperspectral applications for the improvement of water quality assessment and monitoring in coastal areas 3
Integration of Earth Observation data to improve the knowledge of upwelling phenomenon in the Strait of Messina. 2
Totale 618
Categoria #
all - tutte 2.352
article - articoli 851
book - libri 24
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 59
Totale 3.286

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202438 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 30 2
2024/2025580 8 6 96 49 374 47 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 618