Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 783
AS - Asia 166
EU - Europa 22
Totale 971
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 783
SG - Singapore 154
FI - Finlandia 12
IT - Italia 9
KR - Corea 9
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
DE - Germania 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
JP - Giappone 1
Totale 971
Città #
Santa Clara 754
Singapore 104
Helsinki 12
Seoul 9
Rome 5
Phoenix 3
Brescia 2
Ashburn 1
Görwihl 1
Hong Kong 1
Strambino 1
Tokyo 1
Totale 894
Nome #
IMACS2023 Book of Abstracts of IMACS2023 16
Applied Scientific Computing XV: Innovative Modeling and Simulation in Sciences 14
Advances in Online Collaborative Structuring of Numerical Grid Generation Knowledge 13
MASCOT 2015 - IMACS Series in Computational and Applied Mathematics 12
NGGW12-Numerical Grid Generation Wiktionary-Extended version 11
Applied Scientific Computing XI: Effective Numerical Approaches for Complex Problems 11
Applied variational SAR image segmentation 11
MASCOT 09- 9th Meeting on Applied Scientific Computing and Tools-Grid Gereration, Approximation and Visualization 11
Quality Parameters to Control Algebraic Surface Grids 11
Applied Variational SAR Images Segmentation 11
MASCOT 11 - Grid Gereration, Approximation and Visualization, IMACS Series in Computational and Applied Mathematics 17, 2013-ISSN 1098870X 11
Text Lines and Words Variational Extraction from Ancient Printed Documents 11
MASCOT 10- 10th Meeting on Applied Scientific Computing and Tools-Grid Gereration, Approximation and Visualization 10
Grid Quality Measures for Algebraic Grids 10
Training and Collaborative Activities in the Atelier for Engineering and Computational Sciences EUA4X 10
Mixed Algebraic Methods Based on Locally Tensor Product Functions 10
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 10
Text Lines and Words Variational Extraction from Ancient Printed Documents 10
MASCOT 07- Grid Gereration, Approximation and Visualization, IMACS Series in Computational and Applied Mathematics 13, 2008-ISSN 1098870X 10
MASCOT 11 Preface 10
MASCOT12 &ISGG12, IMACS Series in Computational and Applied Mathematics 18, 2014-ISSN 1098870X 10
Applied scientific computing IX: Modeling, numerical methods, algorithms and simulation methodologies 10
Applied Scientific Computing IX: Numerical Approximation and Simulation Technologies, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, v 82, Issue 12, August 2012, Elsevier ISSN 0378-4754 10
Applied Scientific Computing VI: Numerical Grid Generation, Approximation and Visualization, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 79, issue 8, 2009 10
MASCOT2018 (Book of Proceedings) 10
Mixed Algebraic Methods and Local Tensor Product 10
New numerical deconstructions of acoustic fields around an obstacle 10
Preface (in MASCOT12&ISGG12) 10
EUA4X#19&EUA4X#21 Book of Abstracts 10
MASCOT 08- Grid Gereration, Approximation and Visualization, IMACS Series in Computational and Applied Mathematics 14, 2009-ISSN 1098870X 10
MASCOT - WEBSITE on OCS Platform 10
Finite difference solution of Euler equations arising in variational image segmentation 10
On a mixed approach for generation and optimization of structured grids 9
A few results in applied differential computing. Part II: Numerical study of the evolution of a wall film 9
An Atelier for Engineering and Computational Sciences-EUA4X 9
Together for Research: from the Young Researchers of South Europe Onwards, MASCOT10 Special Session 9
Numerical Insights in the Solution of Euler Equations of the Variational Image Segmentation 9
A Scientifc Computing Environment for Differential Field Simulation 9
On Applied Scientific Computing for Challenging Applications XIV - Preface 9
Peer Training and Active Learning in Applied Scientific Computing 9
The Numerical Grid Generation Wiktionary: A Knowledge Structuring Approach 9
Full-FAS Multigrid Grid Generation Algorithms 9
MASCOT02-2nd Meeting on Applied Scientifc Computing and Tools -Grid Generation, Approximation and Visualization 9
CNR-IAC EUA4X Web Site 9
Applied Numerical Computing: Grid Generation and Solution Methods for Advanced Simulations 9
IMACS2013 website (World Congress online management) 9
Scientific Computing Knowledge Dissemination and Training in EUA4X (European Project - European Atelier for Engineering and Computational Sciences 2005-2007) 9
MASCOT 09- Grid Gereration, Approximation and Visualization, IMACS Series in Computational and Applied Mathematics 15, 2010-ISSN 1098870X 9
MASCOT01-1st Meeting on Applied Scientifc Computing and Tools -Grid Generation, Approximated Solutions and Visualization 9
Applied Scientific Computing: Numerical Grid Generation and Field Simulation, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, v 78:5-6, 2008 9
A solving approach for a time-domain acoustics model in curvilinear coordinates 9
Numerical Simulation on Boundary-Fitted Grids of Acoustic Field Evolutions around an Obstacle 9
Applied Scientific Computing X: Advanced Meshing and Simulations Approaches - 9
Applied Scientific Computing VIII: Numerical Approximation and Simulation Methodologies 9
MASCOT02-Grid generation, Approximation and Visualization-Proceedings 9
MASCOT 06 - 6th Meeting on Applied Scientific Computing and Tools-Grid Gereration, Approximation and Visualization 9
MASCOT 2011- Online Management of MASCOT2011 9
MASCOT 08 -Book of Abstracts- IAC Report 161, 2008 (Legal Deposit) 9
MASCOT 05 - 5th Meeting on Applied Scientific Computing and Tools-Grid Gereration, Approximation and Visualization 9
Preface del Numero speciale di APNUM 'Applied Scientific Computing-Advances in Grid generation, Approximation and Numerical 9
MASCOT 11 - 11th Meeting on Applied Scientific Computing and Tools-Grid Gereration, Approximation and Visualization, October 19-21, Roma, IAC 9
Special Issue MATCOM - Applied Scientific Computing XV: Innovative Modelling and Simulation in Sciences 9
MASCOT2018 (Book of Abstracts) 9
PETMASCOT08 - Book of Abstracts, IAC Report n.162, 2008 (Legal Deposit) 9
EUA4XIAC Web Site 9
Applied Scientific Computing VII. Forward Numerical Grid Generation, Approximation and Simulation, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Volume 81, Issue 3 (2010) 589 9
Recent Methodologies in Applied Scientific Computing 9
An Algebraic-elliptic Algorithm for Boundary Orthogonal Grid Generation 9
Applied Scientific Computing VIII: Numerical Approximation and Simulation Technologies, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, v 82, Issue 1, September 2011, Elsevier ISSN 0378-4754 9
Integrating Collaborative and Cooperative Education in Applied Scientific Computing 9
A Multigrid Finite Difference Method for the Solution of Euler Equations of the Variational Image Segmentation 9
MASCOT&ISGG12 website (online management of the Conference) 9
Numerical simulations of acoustic fields on boundary-fitted grids 9
MASCOT 10 - Grid Gereration, Approximation and Visualization, IMACS Series in Computational and Applied Mathematics 16, 2011-ISSN 1098870X 9
Numerical Grid Generation &Partial Differential Equations: Methods and Applications 9
Multigrid Variational Image Segmentation and Accomodative Algorithms 8
Peer Training in Applied Scientific Computing 8
EUA4X@IAC 06 8
Differential 8
MODSIM2013-20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation 8
Numerical Methods and Collaborative Tools for Applied Scientific Computing, SIMAI2008 Minisimposio 8
MASCOT01-Grid generation, Approximated Solutions and Visualization-Proceedings 8
A numerical method for the reconstruction of acoustic fields around an obstacle in presence of moving sources 8
Together for Research: from the University of L'Aquila Onwards, MASCOT09 Special Session 8
MASCOT12&ISGG12 - Joint Congress: 12th Meeting on Applied Scientific Computing and Tools- 12th International Grid Gereration Conference, October 22-26, 2012 8
On quality measures for algebraic grids 8
An Algebraic Grid Optimization Algorithm Using Condition Numbers 8
Applied Scientific Computing: Advances in Grid Generation, Approximation and Numerical Modeling 8
MASCOT 07 -Book of Abstracts- IAC Report 133, 2007 8
Applied Scientific Computing: Advanced Grid Generation, Approximation and Simulation 8
Quality Parameters to Control Algebraic Surface Grids 8
New algorithms and online knowledge in numerical grid generation 8
MASCOT&ISGG 12 - The Joint MASCOT12-12th Meeting on Applied Scientific Computing and Tools and ISGG12-12th International Grid Generation Conference, October 22-26, 2012, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 8
MASCOT 08 - 8th Meeting on Applied Scientific Computing and Tools-Grid Gereration, Approximation and Visualization 8
Numerical Solution of a Time-Domain Acoustics Model in Curvilinear Coordinates 8
A few results in applied differential computing. Part I:Multigrid variational image segmentation 8
Reconstruction of an acoustics field by a bicaracteristic approach on curvilinear coordinates 8
Tuning of level-set speed function for speckled image segmentation 8
New Numerical Reconstruction of Acoustic Fields around an Obstacle 8
Totale 932
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.604
article - articoli 529
book - libri 893
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 212
Totale 5.238

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202411 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 9 0
2024/2025966 10 6 122 58 654 105 9 2 0 0 0 0
Totale 977