Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.811
AS - Asia 551
EU - Europa 147
AF - Africa 1
OC - Oceania 1
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 2.512
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.811
SG - Singapore 498
IT - Italia 81
KR - Corea 36
FI - Finlandia 28
DE - Germania 12
CN - Cina 10
FR - Francia 8
NL - Olanda 4
AT - Austria 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
GB - Regno Unito 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
PL - Polonia 2
SE - Svezia 2
BG - Bulgaria 1
BR - Brasile 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IE - Irlanda 1
JP - Giappone 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MA - Marocco 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
RO - Romania 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
VN - Vietnam 1
Totale 2.512
Città #
Santa Clara 1.711
Singapore 366
Seoul 36
Helsinki 28
Florence 10
Ashburn 8
Guangzhou 5
Milan 5
Amsterdam 3
Falkenstein 3
Nuremberg 3
Phoenix 3
Vienna 3
Genoa 2
Lincoln 2
Naples 2
Padova 2
Paullo 2
Rome 2
Salerno 2
Springfield 2
Almaty 1
Bari 1
Bergamo 1
Berlin 1
Brest 1
Budapest 1
Christchurch 1
Dubai 1
Dublin 1
Görwihl 1
Hamburg 1
Leipzig 1
Los Angeles 1
Luxembourg 1
Pisa 1
Reston 1
Sofia 1
Taranto 1
Tashkent 1
Tokyo 1
Verdellino 1
Warsaw 1
Totale 2.222
Nome #
Improving Component Substitution Pansharpening Through Multivariate Regression of MS+Pan Data 33
Spectral Distortion in Lossy Compression of Hyperspectral Data 21
A Comparison Between Global and Context-Adaptive Pansharpening of Multispectral Images 18
Full scale assessment of pansharpening methods and data products 17
A Theoretical Analysis of the Effects of Aliasing and Misregistration on Pansharpened Imagery 16
On the Use of the Expanded Image in Quality Assessment of Pansharpened Images 15
A Fuzzy-Logic Based Classification of SAR Data through an Iterative Reclustering of Weighted Pixel Features 14
Metodologie avanzate per l'analisi, l'integrazione e l'ottimizzazione dei prodotti di livello 1 e 2 della missione PRISMA (OPTIMA) 14
Quicklook coherence estimation from multilook SAR imagery 13
ESA ITT AO/1-8235/15/NL/RA - FD1 - Final Report 13
An Investigation on the Prime and Twin Prime Number Functions by Periodical Binary Sequences and Symmetrical Runs in a Modified Sieve Procedure 13
Blind estimation of interferometric SAR phase images through fuzzy matching-pursuits 13
Fuzzy Nearest-Mean Reclustering of SAR Pixel Features: Assessments on Land Use Classification 12
Influence of the System MTF on the lossless compression of hyperspectral raw data 12
Nonparametric classification of SAR data based on a modified iterated nearest-mean reclustering of pixel features 12
OPTIMA: advanced methods for the analysis, integration and optimization of PRISMA mission products 12
Near-Infrared and Short-Wavelength Infrared-Based Indices to Monitor SoilMoisture froma Satellite: A Comparative Analysis 12
Multiresolution De-Speckle Based on Laplacian Pyramids 12
A robust change detection feature for Cosmo-SkyMed detected SAR images 12
Principal Component Analysis of Spectral Data: A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Materials Constituting Works of Art 12
An experimental setup for multiresolution despeckling of COSMO-SkyMed image products 11
Information-theoretic assessment of lossy and near-lossless on-board hyperspectral data compression 11
A pyramid-based error-bounded encoder: an evaluation on X-ray chest images 11
Advanced methods for onboard lossless compression of hyperspectral data 11
Context-sensitive Pan-sharpening of multispectral images 11
Hyper-sharpening: A first approach on SIM-GA data 11
Lossless image compression based on a generalized recursive interpolation 11
Twenty-Five Years of Pansharpening: A Critical Review and New Developments 11
PRISMA Products and Applications (Marzo 2012) 11
Lossless image compression based on recursive nonlinear interpolation 11
Information-theoretic textural features of SAR images: an assessment for land cover classification 11
A possible novel approach to the Riemann Hypothesis (RH) by means of Generalized Zeta Functions related to an infinite set of numerical sequences generated by the Sieve of Eratosthenes 11
The Impact of Spatial Resolution on Active Fire Monitoring Using Multispectral Satellite Imagery 11
Multispectral and Panchromatic Data Fusion Assessment Without Reference 11
Full-Scale Assessment of Pansharpening Through Polynomial Fitting of Multiscale Measurements 11
Information mining via coherence estimation from multi-look incoherent SAR imagery 11
Spatial Enhancement of TIR ASTER data via VNIR images and generalized laplacian decomposition 11
A context-based recursive nonlinear interpolation for near-lossless coding of X-ray images 11
Change detection in repeat-pass multilook SAR imagery via coherence analysis 11
Compressive sensing and space applicat ions in the SWIR-FIR spectral range 11
Multispectral fusion of multisensor image data by the generalized Laplacian pyramid 11
An Image Spectroscopy System for the Analysis and Documentation of Paintings 11
Quality and information content of CHRIS hyper-spectral data 10
Information-theoretic assessment of multi-dimensional signals 10
Morphological Approach to Industrial Image Inspection of Honeycomb Composite Materials 10
Analysis of an Automatic Method for Surface Classification Using Multifrequency Multipolarization SAR Data 10
Multispectral imaging system for the mapping of pigments in works of art by use of principal-component analysis 10
Quality Issues for Hyperspectral Data Dissemination: Radiometric and Spectral Distortions in Lossy Compression 10
Lossless compression of medical images based on an enhanced generalized multidimensional S-Transform 10
Snow cover area identification by using a change detection method applied to COSMO-SkyMed images 10
Spatial Methods for Multispectral Pansharpening: Multiresolution Analysis Demystified 10
Multiresolution adaptive noise filtering based on Laplacian pyramids 10
Dependence of Polarimetric SAR Data on Vegetation Properties: Results for the Montespertoli Italian Site 10
Lossless Compression of Hyperspectral Images Using Multiband Lookup Tables 10
Spectroscopic and Optical Investigations on a Luca Signorelli Predella 10
Nonparametric change detection in multitemporal SAR images based on mean-shift clustering 10
Variable Pyramid Structures for Image Segmentation 10
Quality Issues for Compression of Hyperspectral Imagery Through Spectrally Adaptive DPCM 10
Fast classified pansharpening with spectral and spatial distortion optimization 10
A New Adaptive Digital Filter for SAR Images: Test of Performance for Land and Crop Classification on Montespertoli Area 10
Content-driven differential encoding of an enhanced image pyramid 10
Advanced Methods for Lossless Compression of Hyperspectral Data, contratto ESA/GAVAZZI ESTEC N. 15662/01/NL/MM 10
Sensitivity of Pansharpening Methods to Temporal and Instrumental Changes between Multispectral and Panchromatic Data Sets 10
Improving Hypersharpening for WorldView-3 Data 10
MISSIONE PRISMA Nota tecnica: Contributo tecnico scientifico sulla simulazione di funzione di risposta ed effetto di accoppiamento delle bande SWIR 10
A Knowledge of Works of Art through SWIR Multiwavelength Imaging 10
Principal component analysis of visible and near-infrared multispectral images of works of art 10
Quality assessment of pansharpening methods and products 10
Robust Estimation of Slow Changes in Natural Outdoor Scenes through a Geometric Matching Approach 10
Near-lossless compression by relaxation-labeled 3D prediction 10
Content-Driven Pyramid Compression of Medical Images for Error-Free Archival and Progressive Transmission 10
False Transient Filtering Algorithm Test Report 10
Deployment of pansharpening for correction of local misalignments between MS and Pan 10
Noise modelling and estimation of hyperspectral data from airborne imaging spectrometers 10
Robust Pose Estimation by Marker Identification in Image Sequences 10
Virtually-lossless compression of medical images through classified prediction and context-based arithmetic coding 10
Spectral information extraction by means of MS+PAN fusion 9
Multiresolution estimation of fractal dimension from images affected by signal-dependent noise 9
ESA ITT AO/1-8235/15/NL/RA - TN4 -Final Assessment Report 9
Trattamento e codifica di immagini per un servizio di teleradiologia 9
Reproducibility of spectral and radiometric normalized similarity indices for multiband images 9
Assessment of very high resolution satellite data fusion techniques for landslide recognition 9
Rivelazione di cambiamenti in sequenze di immagini di pendii instabili per mezzo di un algoritmo di matching geometrico 9
Advanced methodologies for the analysis, integration and optimization of PRISMA mission products 9
La Madonna d'Ognissanti di Giotto restaurata 9
Coherence Estimation from Multilook Incoherent SAR Imagery 9
Multiresolution adaptive filtering of signal-dependent noise based on a generalized Laplacian pyramid 9
Progressive Image Transmission by Content Driven Laplacian Pyramid Encoding 9
A Critical Review of Pan-Sharpening Methods Based on Component Substitution or Multi-resolution Analysis 9
Information-theoretic assessment of on-board near-lossless compression of hyperspectral data 9
Flaw Recognition in Composites by Processing Sequences of Images 9
Preliminary Note on MV Filtering on- Ground 9
Lossless and Semi-Lossy Compression of CT Medical Images by Content Driven Encoding a Laplacian Hyper-Pyramid 9
Advanced Causal and Noncausal DPCM for Near-Lossles Compression of Synthetic Aperture Radar Data, contratto ASI-CGS I/409/02/0 9
Metodi di compressione gerarchica di immagini radiologiche con strutture piramidali e valutazione della qualità di ricostruzione 9
Real Time Processing of Thermal Image Sequences for the Automatic Inspection of Composites 9
Benefits of signal-dependent noise reduction for spectral analysis of data from advanced imaging spectrometers 9
Some Consideration on Water Vapor Available Information from Meteosat and Meteorological Satellite Images 9
Analisi statistica di spettri NIR per lo studio di dipinti e affreschi 9
Totale 1.094
Categoria #
all - tutte 11.205
article - articoli 2.576
book - libri 29
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 364
Totale 14.174

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/2024103 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44 3 47 9
2024/20252.420 25 19 329 228 1.459 301 30 29 0 0 0 0
Totale 2.523