Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 305
AS - Asia 115
EU - Europa 29
Totale 449
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 295
SG - Singapore 104
IT - Italia 14
CA - Canada 10
KR - Corea 8
FI - Finlandia 4
LT - Lituania 4
BE - Belgio 3
CN - Cina 3
DE - Germania 2
GB - Regno Unito 2
Totale 449
Città #
Santa Clara 269
Singapore 80
Seoul 8
Novara 6
Ottawa 5
Toronto 5
Helsinki 4
Brussels 3
Milan 3
Rome 3
Ashburn 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
London 1
Springfield 1
Turin 1
Totale 393
Nome #
Investigation on thermal accommodation coefficient and soot absorption function with two-color Tire-LII technique in rich premixed flames 10
Soot LII signal variation by multiple pulse irradiance 10
Two-color laser-induced incandescence (2C-LII) technique for absolute soot volume fraction measurements in flames 10
Flame spray pyrolysis for synthesis of nanoparticles 10
Soot characterization by laser-induced incandescence, scattering/exticntion and TEM measurements in premixed flames 9
Design and preliminary characterization of an experimental set-up for nanoparticles synthesis through flame spray pyrolysis 9
La tecnica dell'incandescenza indotta da laser (LII) per la misura della fuliggine 9
Three-angle scattering and laser extinction for soot measurements in premixed flames 9
Diagnostiche ottiche per la misura del particolato e di microinquinanti II anno accordo CNR-MSE 9
High sensitivity laser-induced incandescence technique for soot detection 9
How "flat" is the rich premixed flame produced by your McKenna burner? 9
Hydrogen addition in a rich premixed ethylene-air flame 9
Influence of different Hydrogen/methane mixtures on the operability of small-size burners for energy production 9
Studio della Combustion ein motori ad accensione comandata con iniezione in camera del combustibile. Applicazione di diagnostiche ottiche 9
Investigation about the similarity of soot parameters in ethylene diffusion flames of different height by extinction/scattering technique 9
Influence of the cumulative effects of multiple laser pulses on laser-induced incandescence signals from soot 9
Determination of soot volume fraction in an ethylene diffusion flame by multiwavelength analysis of soot radiation 8
Laser-induced incandescence of titania nanoparticles synthesized 8
Investigation on the influence of soot size on prompt LII signals in flames 8
Experimental analysis of the influence of inert nano-additives upon combustion of Diesel sprays 8
OH rotational laser induced fluorescente in flames by means of a photodiode array detector 8
2D soot volume fraction imaging in an ethylene diffusion flame by two-color laser induced incandescence (2C-LII) technique and comparison with results from other optical diagnostics 8
Three-angle scattering/extinction versus TEM measurements on soot in premixed ethylene/air flame 8
Spectral effects in laser induced incandescence application to flame-made titania nanoparticles 8
Effect of hydrogen addition on soot formation in an ethylene/air premixed flame 8
Misura della fuliggine in fiamme di diffusione con la tecnica di scattering a due angoli 8
Laser Extinction/Scattering Technique at different wavelengths in a rich premixed flame 8
A webcam as a light probe beam profiler 8
Investigation on the synthesis of titania, silica and vanadia nanoparticles in a hybrid flame reactor 7
Soot characterization in premixed flames by TEM, extinction, multi-angular scattering and LII 7
Effect of H2 addition on Soot and Nanoparticles formation for rich premixed ethylene/air flames 7
Metodo ed apparato per misure di radiazione luminosa isotropica ottenuta da tecniche di spettroscopia laser, in particolare per misure di particolato submicrometrico 7
Sistema di campionamento locale per nanopolveri da sintesi in fiamma con freezing di crescita 7
Determination of soot parameters by a two-angle scattering technique in an ethylene diffusion flame 7
Laser pulse accumulation effects on soot LII signals 7
Polarized light scattering techniques for fractal like soot characterisation 7
Flame synthesis and diagnostics of titania, vanadia and silica nanopowders 6
Soot load versus aromatic concentration in diesel oil premixed flames 6
Peak soot temperature in laser-induced incandescence measurements 6
2D sot volume fraction imaging in an ethylene diffusion flame by two-color laser-induced incandescence (2C-LII) technique and comparison with results from other optical diagnostics 6
Hydrogen generation in a pulsed high voltage DBD reactor at atmospheric pressure 6
LII experiments in a hybrid flame for TiO2 synthesis 6
Two-dimensional two-wavelength emission technique for soot diagnostics. 6
Experimental Investigation of Two-color Laser-Induced Incandescence in Diffusion Flames 6
Absorption correction of two-colors laser induced incandescence signals for soot volume fraction measurements 5
Flame synthesis and diagnostics of oxide nanopowders in a hybrid burner 5
Preliminary investigation of the Synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles in a methane-air flame 5
Rapporto FISR Misure elettriche in un microcombustore catalitico a pellets 5
Sistema di raccolta raffreddato su filtro per nanopolveri da sintesi in fiamma 5
Attuatore elettropneumatico per prelievi rapidi in fiamme 5
2D Temperature and soot volume fraction imaging in diffusion flames by a two color technique 5
Methane combustion instabilities induced by an electrical discharge in oxygen 5
Use of a hybrid burner for flame synthesis of oxide nanopowders 5
Effects of hydrogen and helium addition to fuel on soot formation in axisymmetric coflow laminar methane-air diffusion flame. 5
Titania nanoparticles formation in a hybrid flame reactor 5
Investigation on TiO2, SiO2 and V2O5 nanoparticles produced in a hybrid flame reactor. 5
Investigation on the formation of titania nanoparticles in a hybrid flame reactor 5
Si, Ti and V oxides synthesis in a flame reactor 4
Diagnostics of nonequilibrium combustion with excited oxygen and detection of specific species in the H2-O2 and CH4-O2 flames 4
Multiangular light scattering measurements from soot fractal aggregates in laminar diffusion flames 4
Preliminary investigation on the influence of hydrogen addition in air/C2H4 premiixed flames 4
Studio per la caratterizzazione e messa a punto della tecnica spettroscopica in emissione per la misura della temperatura ingresso turbina 4
Impianto sperimentale per lo studio dei processi di sintesi di polveri nanometriche in fiamme 4
Soot volume fraction measurements in methane-hydrogen diffusion flames 4
Quantitative measurements of particulate matter concentration by two color laser induced incandescence technique 4
Non-uniform soot distribution in a flat rich premixed ethylene/air flame produced by a McKenna burner 4
Totale 449
Categoria #
all - tutte 1.764
article - articoli 551
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 2.315

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202414 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 8 0
2024/2025435 1 5 92 39 256 42 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 449