Istituto di Scienze dell'Atmosfera e del Clima - ISAC
Nonanomalous heat transport in a one-dimensional composite chain
2023 Olla, Piero
Atmospheric Newtonian noise modeling for third-generation gravitational wave detector
2022 Brundu, D; Cadoni, M; Oi, M; Olla, P; Sanna, Ap
Description of a stochastic system by a nonadapted stochastic process
2021 Olla, P
Diffusion of gravity waves by random space inhomogeneities in pancake-ice fields. Theory and validation with wave buoys and synthetic aperture radar
2021 Olla, P; De Carolis, G; De Santi, F
SAR image wave spectra to retrieve the thickness of grease-pancake sea ice using viscous wave propagation models
2021 DE CAROLIS, Giacomo; Olla, Piero; DE SANTI, Francesca
Corso online di Introduzione alla meccanica statistica del non equilibrio
2020 Olla, Piero
Mechanical diffusion in grease ice stirred by gravity waves
2018 Olla, P
On the Ocean Wave Attenuation Rate in Grease-Pancake Ice, a Comparison of Viscous Layer Propagation Models With Field Data
2018 De Santi F.; De Carolis G.; Olla P.; Doble M.; Cheng S.; Shen H.H.; Wadhams P.; Thomson J.
Effect of small floating disks on the propagation of gravity waves
2017 De Santi, F; Olla, P
Limit regimes of ice formation in turbulent supercooled water
2017 DE SANTI, Francesca; Olla, Piero
Numerical Analysis of Frazil Ice Formation in Turbulent Convection
2016 Abba, A; Olla, P; Valdettaro, L
An introduction to thermodynamics and statistical physics
2014 Olla, Piero
Pros and cons of swimming in a noisy environment
2014 Olla, P
Effect of demographic noise in a phytoplankton-zooplankton model of bloom dynamics
2013 Olla, Piero
Demographic fluctuations in a population of anomalously diffusing individuals
2012 Olla, Piero
Forcing anomalous scaling on demographic fluctuations
2012 Olla, Piero
Effective swimming strategies in low Reynolds number flows
2011 Piero Olla
Tank-treading as a mean of propulsion in viscous shear flows
2011 Piero Olla
Passive swimming in low Reynolds number flows
2010 Olla, P
Preferential concentration vs. clustering in inertial particle transport by random velocity fields
2010 Olla P.