Istituto per le applicazioni del calcolo - IAC - Sede Secondaria Bari
Fast and reliable algorithms for computing the zeros of Althammer polynomials
2025 Laudadio, Teresa; Mastronardi, Nicola; Van Dooren, Paul
A Matlab package computing simultaneous Gaussian quadrature rules for multiple orthogonal polynomials
2024 Laudadio, T.; Mastronardi, N.; Van Assche, W.; Van Dooren, P.
Computational aspects of simultaneous Gaussian quadrature
2024 Laudadio, T.; Mastronardi, N.; Van Dooren, P.
On computing modified moments for half-range Hermite weights
2024 Laudadio, Teresa; Mastronardi, Nicola; Van Dooren, Paul
Computing Gaussian quadrature rules with high relative accuracy
2023 Laudadio T.; Mastronardi N.; Van Dooren P.
Computing integrals with an exponential weight on the real axis in floating point arithmetic
2023 Laudadio, Teresa; Mastronardi, Nicola; Occorsio, Donatella
Computing the eigenvectors of nonsymmetric tridiagonal matrices
2021 Laudadio T.; Mastronardi N.; Van Dooren P.
A reliable decision support system for fresh food supply chain management
2018 Dellino G.; Laudadio T.; Mari R.; Mastronardi N.; Meloni C.
Microforecasting methods for fresh food supply chain management: A computational study
2018 Dellino, G.; Laudadio, T.; Mari, R.; Mastronardi, N.; Meloni, C.
The Generalized Schur Algorithm and Some Applications
2018 Laudadio T.; Mastronardi N.; Van Dooren P.
Numerical issues in computing the antitriangular factorization of symmetric indefinite matrices
2017 Laudadio, T; Mastronardi, N; Van Dooren, P
Hierarchical non-negative matrix factorization applied to three-dimensional 3T MRSI data for automatic tissue characterization of the prostate
2016 Laudadio, Teresa; Sava Anca, R Croitor; Sima Diana, M; Wright Alan, J; Heerschap, Arend; Mastronardi, Nicola; Van Huffel, Sabine
Blind source separation and automatic tissue typing of microdiffraction data by hierarchical nonnegative matrix factorization
2013 Ladisa, M; Lamura, A; Laudadio, T
Fusing in vivo and ex vivo NMR sources of information for brain tumor classification
2011 CroitorSava A. R.; MartinezBisbal M.C.; Laudadio T.; Piquer J.; Celda B.; Heerschap A.; Sima D.M.; Van Huffel S.
Nosologic imaging of the brain: segmentation and classification using MRI and MRSI
2009 Luts, J; Laudadio, T; Idema, Aj; Simonetti, Aw; Heerschap, A; Vandermeulen, D; Suykens, Jak; Van Huffel, S
Computing a Lower Bound of the smallest Eigenvalue of a Symmetric Positive Definite Toeplitz Matrix
2008 Laudadio, T; Mastronardi, N; Van Barel, M
Fast nosological imaging using canonical correlation analysis of brain data obtained by two-dimensional turbo spectroscopic imaging
2008 Laudadio, T; Martínezbisbal, Mc; Celda, B; Van Huffel, S
Application of the HLSVD Technique to the Filtering of X-Ray Diffraction Data
2007 Ladisa M.; Lamura A.; Laudadio T.; Nico G.
Canonical Correlation and Quantitative Phase Analysis of Microdiffraction Patterns in Bone-tissue Engineering
2007 Guagliardi A.; Giannini C.; Ladisa M.; Lamura A.; Laudadio T.; Cedola A.; Lagomarsino S.; Cancedda R.
Classification of Crystallographic Data Using Canonical Correlation Analysis
2007 M. Ladisa; A. Lamura; T. Laudadio