Istituto di iNgegneria del Mare - INM (ex INSEAN)
Correlation between skin friction and enstrophy convection velocity in near-wall turbulence
2024 Liu, Tianshu; Chen, Tao; Miozzi, Massimo
Modelling laminar separation bubbles at low Reynolds number
2024 Catalano, Pietro; de Rosa, Donato; D'Alessandro, Valerio; Marouf, Abderahmane; Hoarau, Yannick; Miozzi, Massimo; Righi, Marcello
Skin-friction from temperature and velocity data around a wall-mounted cube
2024 Miozzi, M.; Schroder, A.; Schanz, D.; Willert, C. E.; Klein, C.; Lemarechal, J.
Assessment of Numerical and Modeling Errors of RANS-based Transition Models for Low-Reynolds Number 2-D Flows
2022 Eca, L; Lopes, R; Toxopeus, Sl; Kerkvliet, M; Bettle, M; Rubino, G; Visonneau, M; S Venkatachari, B; Hildebrand, N; Choudhari, Mm; Rumsey, Cl; Miozzi, M; Broglia, R; Durante, D; Costantini, M; Poirier, Jc
Phase-resolved evolution of transition and critical loci on a lifting hydrofoil in a propeller wake
2022 Miozzi, M; Dubbioso, G; Muscari, R; Costantini, M
Skin friction and surface optical flow in viscous flows
2022 Liu, Tianshu; Chen, Tao; M Salazar, David; Miozzi, Massimo
Misure di flusso e cinematica delle bolle in un getto di parete aria-acqua mediante Particle Image Velocimetry e shadowgrafia 3D risolta nel tempo
2021 Massimo Miozzi
2021 Miozzi, Massimo
Sistemi di air lubrication per la riduzione della resistenza viscosa delle carene navali
2021 Miozzi, Massimo
Sistemi di insufflaggio per air lubrication al fine della riduzione della resistenza viscosa delle carene navali
2021 Miozzi, Massimo
Skin-friction-based identification of the critical lines in a transonic, high reynolds number flow via temperature-sensitive paint
2021 Costantini, M; Henne, U; Klein, C; Miozzi, M
Temperature and skin-friction maps on a lifting hydrofoil in a propeller wake
2021 Miozzi, M; Costantini, M
Transition Detection and Skin-Friction Extraction from Temperature-Sensitive Paint Data
2021 Costantini, Marco; Miozzi, Massimo; Henne, Ulrich; Broglia, Riccardo; Durante, Danilo; Klein, Christian
A shadowgraphy approach for the 3D Lagrangian description of bubbly flows
2020 Di Nunno, Fabio; ALVES PEREIRA, Francisco; Granata, Francesco; de Marinis, Giovanni; DI FELICE, Fabio; Gargano, Rudy; Miozzi, Massimo
Deformation of Air Bubbles Near a Plunging Jet Using a Machine Learning Approach
2020 Di Nunno, Fabio; ALVES PEREIRA, Francisco; de Marinis, Giovanni; DI FELICE, Fabio; Gargano, Rudy; Miozzi, Massimo; Granata, Francesco
Experimental study of a vertical plunging jet by means of a volumetric shadowgraph technique
2020 Di Nunno, F; ALVES PEREIRA, Francisco; Miozzi, M; Granata, F; Gargano, R; de Marinis, G; DI FELICE, Fabio
Incipient stall characterization from skin-friction maps
2020 Miozzi, Massimo; Capone, Alessandro; Klein, Christian; Costantini, Marco
Luminescent Thermometers: From a Library of Europium(III) ?-Diketonates to a General Model for Predicting the Thermometric Behaviour of Europium-Based Coordination Systems
2020 Carlotto, A; Babetto, L; Carlotto, S; Miozzi, M; Seraglia, R; Casarin, M; Bottaro, G; Rancan, M; Armelao, L
Luminescent Thermometers: From a Library of Europium(III) β-Diketonates to a General Model for Predicting the Thermometric Behaviour of Europium-Based Coordination Systems
2020 Carlotto, A; Babetto, L; Carlotto, S; Miozzi, M; Seraglia, R; Casarin, M; Bottaro, G; Rancan, M; Armelao, L
Propagation of perturbations and meandering in a free surface shallow water jet
2020 Miozzi, Massimo; Romano Giovanni, Paolo