Istituto Nazionale di Ottica - INO
Multipartite stationary entanglement generation in the presence of dipole-dipole interaction in an optical cavity
2022 Vafafard, A; Nourmandipour, A; Franzosi, R
Energy transfer to the phonons of a macromolecule through light pumping
2021 Faraji, E; Franzosi, R; Mancini, S; Pettini, M
Entanglement protection of classically driven qubits in a lossy cavity
2021 Nourmandipour, A; Vafafard, A; Mortezapour, A; Franzosi, R
Fast collective oscillations and clustering phenomena in an antiferromagnetic mean-field model
2021 Vesperini, A.; Franzosi, R.; Ruffo, S.; Trombettoni, A.; Leoncini, X.
Geometrical and topological study of the Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition in the XY model in two dimensions
2021 Belhadjaissa, Ghofrane; Gori, Matteo; Franzosi, Roberto; Pettini, Marco
Transition between random and periodic electron currents on a DNA chain
2021 Faraji, E; Franzosi, R; Mancini, S; Pettini, M
Entanglement distance for arbitrary M-qudit hybrid systems
2020 Cocchiarella, Denise; Scali, Stefano; Ribisi, Salvatore; Nardi, Bianca; Belhadjaissa, Ghofrane; Franzosi, Roberto
Geometrical Aspects in the Analysis of Microcanonical Phase-Transitions
2020 Belhadjaissa, Ghofrane; Gori, Matteo; Penna, Vittorio; Pettini, Giulio; Franzosi, Roberto
A microcanonical entropy correcting finite-size effects in small systems
2019 Franzosi, Roberto
Entanglement estimation in non-optimal qubit states
2019 Scali, Stefano; Franzosi, Roberto
On the origin of phase transitions in the absence of symmetry-breaking
2019 Pettini, Giulio; Gori, Matteo; Franzosi, Roberto; Clementi, Cecilia; Pettini, Marco
Algebraic properties and spectral collapse in nonlinear quantum Rabi models
2018 Penna, V; Raffa, F A; Franzosi, R
Catching homologies by geometric entropy
2018 Felice, D; Franzosi, R; Mancini, S; Pettini, M
Microcanonical entropy for classical systems
2018 Franzosi; Roberto
Topological origin of phase transitions in the absence of critical points of the energy landscape
2018 Gori, Matteo; Franzosi, Roberto; Pettini, Marco
Phase transitions at high energy vindicate negative microcanonical temperature
2017 Buonsante, P; Franzosi, R; Smerzi, A
On the dispute between Boltzmann and Gibbs entropy
2016 Buonsante P.; Franzosi R.; Smerzi A.
Persistent homology analysis of phase transitions
2016 Donato I.; Gori M.; Pettini M.; Petri G.; De Nigris S.; Franzosi R.; Vaccarino F.
Riemannian-geometric entropy for measuring network complexity
2016 Franzosi, R; Felice, D; Mancini, S; Pettini, M
A geometric entropy detecting the Erdos-Renyi phase transition
2015 Franzosi, Roberto; Felice, Domenico; Mancini, Stefano; Pettini, Marco