The inspiring science educational project aims at contributing to the implementation of the "Digital Agenda for Europe and in particolar to Action 68" Mainstream eLearning in national policies for the modernisation of education and training , including in curricula , assessment of learning outcomes and the professional development of teachers and trainers, and to do so in line with the recommendations of the Rocard Report "A new Pedagogy for the future of Europe " , that sets the basics for the introduction of the Inquiry Based approach in the science curricula of Member States . Objectives: The Inspiring Science Education project will design, plan and implement large-scale pilots to stimulate and evaluate innovative use of existing eLearning tools and resources (e.g. interactive simulations, educational games, VR and AR applications, modelling and data analysis tools, eScience applications, as well as , digital resources from research centres, science centres and museums) for scientific disciplines and technology, enhancing science learning in 5,000 primary and secondary schools in European Counties. Workplan: The Inspiring Science Education innovation building methodology includes evaluation metrics and benchmarking activities, on the design and deployment of innovative Science learning practice and school organization change. The project will use the proposed eLearning tools and resources, coupled with an evaluation wramework, evaluating progress on learning achievements, based on the PISA 2012 Framework for the assessment of the problem solving competence of the students, teacher professional development and school organization change. Expected results: Give the basis for the validation of the introduction of technology-supported educational innovation in European schools, so that piloting and field testing results can be collated and analyzed systematically and then disseminated widely, thus ensuring real impact and widespread uptake.
Il progetto educativo "Inspiring Science" si propone di contribuire alla realizzazione dell' Agenda Digitale per l'Europa ed in particolare dell'azione 68, e al pieno affermarsi dell'eLearning nelle politiche nazionali per l' aggiornamento dell'istruzione e della formazione, anche nei piani di studio, nella valutazione dei risultati di apprendimento e nello sviluppo professionale di insegnanti e formatori, e di farlo in linea con le raccomandazioni del Rapporto Rocard "Una nuova pedagogia per il futuro dell' Europa", che stabilisce i principi fondamentali per l'introduzione di un approccio basato sulla richiesta d'informazioni nei piani di studio scientifici degli Stati membri. Obiettivi: Il progetto di educazione scientifica Inspiring progetterà, pianificherà e realizzerà progetti pilota su vasta scala per stimolare e valutare l'uso innovativo di strumenti di e-learning esistenti e di risorse (ad esempio, simulazioni interattive, giochi educativi, applicazioni VR e AR, strumenti di modellazione ed analisi dei dati, applicazioni eScience, così come: risorse digitali provenienti da centri di ricerca, centri scientifici e musei) per le discipline scientifiche e la tecnologia, migliorando l'apprendimento della scienza in 5.000 scuole primarie e secondarie in paesi Europei. Attività prevista: L'innovativa metodologia di formazione Inspiring Science include metriche di valutazione ed attività di benchmarking, sulla progettazione e l'implementazione di innovative prassi di apprendimento Scienza e sul cambiamento dell'organizzazione scolastica. Il progetto si avvarrà di strumenti e risorse di eLearning , assieme ad un framework di valutazione dei progressi sui risultati di apprendimento, sulla base del framework di PISA 2012 per la valutazione delle competenze di problem solving degli studenti, dello sviluppo professionale degli insegnanti e del cambiamento dell'organizzazione scolastica Risultati attesi Ci si attende di dare la base per la convalida dell'introduzione nelle scuole europee dell'innovazione educativa supportata dalle tecnologie, in modo che le prove ed i risultati dei test possonano essere raccolti ed analizzati sistematicamente e poi diffusi ampiamente, assicurando così un impatto reale ed una diffusa comprensione.
Inspiring Science Education
Stefania Bocconi;Mauro Tavella;Augusto Chioccariello
The inspiring science educational project aims at contributing to the implementation of the "Digital Agenda for Europe and in particolar to Action 68" Mainstream eLearning in national policies for the modernisation of education and training , including in curricula , assessment of learning outcomes and the professional development of teachers and trainers, and to do so in line with the recommendations of the Rocard Report "A new Pedagogy for the future of Europe " , that sets the basics for the introduction of the Inquiry Based approach in the science curricula of Member States . Objectives: The Inspiring Science Education project will design, plan and implement large-scale pilots to stimulate and evaluate innovative use of existing eLearning tools and resources (e.g. interactive simulations, educational games, VR and AR applications, modelling and data analysis tools, eScience applications, as well as , digital resources from research centres, science centres and museums) for scientific disciplines and technology, enhancing science learning in 5,000 primary and secondary schools in European Counties. Workplan: The Inspiring Science Education innovation building methodology includes evaluation metrics and benchmarking activities, on the design and deployment of innovative Science learning practice and school organization change. The project will use the proposed eLearning tools and resources, coupled with an evaluation wramework, evaluating progress on learning achievements, based on the PISA 2012 Framework for the assessment of the problem solving competence of the students, teacher professional development and school organization change. Expected results: Give the basis for the validation of the introduction of technology-supported educational innovation in European schools, so that piloting and field testing results can be collated and analyzed systematically and then disseminated widely, thus ensuring real impact and widespread uptake.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.