La Casamance naturelle représente une « anomalie » au sein du Sénégal en termes de ressources mais aussi de contraintes vis-à-vis de toutes les autres régions du pays. Ce qui a amené des modèles de développement rural uniques même si les trois régions de la Casamance sont bien différentes les unes des autres. Les éléments communs aux trois régions sont néanmoins l'enclavement, qui les isole du reste du pays, la riziculture et les ressources environnementales. La Région de Sedhiou a été longtemps la moins accessible de la Casamance et est aujourd'hui touchée par des dynamiques démographiques et agricoles très marquées. Néanmoins, la riziculture de vallée n'a pas évolué significativement dans les trente dernières années. Le Stratégie de Développement Rural de la région de Sedhiou place la riziculture de vallée au coeur des priorités. Cependant trois éléments de base sont requis pour justifier un programme de développement rural dans un terroir donné : i) la présence de ressources non exploitées ou dégradées, potentiellement valorisables ou récupérables; ii) la disponibilité de technologies ou de solutions économiquement viables pour surmonter les contraintes et iii) une population qui puisse bénéficier des ressources valorisées et qui soit réceptive à l'adoption des technologies et solutions proposées. Dans le cadre du projet PAPSEN (Programme d'Appui au Programme National d'Investissement dans l'Agriculture du Sénégal) la recherche et la recherche/action sont utilisées afin d'un coté de définir un cadre de référence socio-économique, biophysique et agro-technique fiable, et de l'autre d'accompagner les bénéficiaires dans la mise en place de l'innovation. En conclusion, la recherche est destinée au développement non seulement en termes d'innovation technique mais aussi d'approches et de méthodes pour mieux comprendre, analyser, modéliser, projeter dans le futur les systèmes agroenvironnementaux.
The geographic Region of Casamance is an "anomaly" in Senegal in terms of resources but also of constraints vs. all the other regions of the country. This led to unique models of rural development although the three regions of the Casamance are very different between them. Nevertheless the common elements to the three regions are the isolation from the rest of the country, rice cropping and environmental resources. The Sedhiou region was for long time the less accessible of the Casamance and is now interested by strong demographic and agricultural dynamics. Nevertheless, rice cropping system in the valleys didn't evolve significantly during the last 30 years. The Rural Development Strategy of the Sedhiou region places the rice cropping in the valleys among the regional priorities. However three basic elements are required to support a rural development program in a given territory: i) the presence of unexploited or degraded resources, potentially valuable or recoverable; ii) the availability of technologies or economically viable solutions to overcome constraints and iii) a population that can benefit from the valuable resources and that is responsive to the adoption of the proposed technologies and solutions. Under the PAPSEN project, research and research/action are used to i) define a reliable reference socio-economic, biophysics and agro-technical framework and to ii) support the beneficiaries in the implementation of innovation. In conclusion, the research is functional to the development not only in terms of technical innovation but also of approaches and methods to better understand, analyze, model, project into the future agri-environment systems.
Développement rural et recherche : le cas de PAPSEN en Moyenne Casamance.
Andrea Di Vecchia;Vieri Tarchiani
The geographic Region of Casamance is an "anomaly" in Senegal in terms of resources but also of constraints vs. all the other regions of the country. This led to unique models of rural development although the three regions of the Casamance are very different between them. Nevertheless the common elements to the three regions are the isolation from the rest of the country, rice cropping and environmental resources. The Sedhiou region was for long time the less accessible of the Casamance and is now interested by strong demographic and agricultural dynamics. Nevertheless, rice cropping system in the valleys didn't evolve significantly during the last 30 years. The Rural Development Strategy of the Sedhiou region places the rice cropping in the valleys among the regional priorities. However three basic elements are required to support a rural development program in a given territory: i) the presence of unexploited or degraded resources, potentially valuable or recoverable; ii) the availability of technologies or economically viable solutions to overcome constraints and iii) a population that can benefit from the valuable resources and that is responsive to the adoption of the proposed technologies and solutions. Under the PAPSEN project, research and research/action are used to i) define a reliable reference socio-economic, biophysics and agro-technical framework and to ii) support the beneficiaries in the implementation of innovation. In conclusion, the research is functional to the development not only in terms of technical innovation but also of approaches and methods to better understand, analyze, model, project into the future agri-environment systems.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.