Bazinele hidrografice împ?durite ofer? o gam? larg? de beneficii. De fapt, acoperirea cu p?dure afecteaz? r?spunsul hidrologic al unui bazin, regularizeaz? volumul de ap? din sol prin procese de interceptare, infiltrare, ?i evapotranspira?ie. Desp?duririle poate s? influen?eze în mod semnificativ bilan?ul apei la scara locala ?i scara bazinului hidrografic. În?elegerea rela?iei dintre vegeta?ie ?i scurgere este vital? pentru a evalua efectele desp?duririi asupra r?spunsului hidrologic, precum ?i pentru a identifica cele mai bune practici de management într-un bazin hidrografic. Scopul prezentului studiu a fost de a evalua rolul p?durilor în procesele hidrologice care au loc într-un bazin hidrografic cu p?dure de pin calabrian (Pinus laricio Poiret). În plus, analiza a implicat, de asemenea, studii de absorb?ie de carbon a p?durilor. Din 1986 bazinul hidrografic Bonis a fost echipat ?i au fost m?surate precipita?iile, scurgerea, precipita?ia interceptat? ?i c?zut? de pe frunze, ?i unii parametri climatici. Recent, în scopul de a studia dinamica circuitului carbonului ?i apei (pentru evaluarea m?surilor de atenuare a schimb?rilor climatice), precum ?i pentru a se ob?ine informa?ii cu privire la cantitatea de ap? utilizat? de plante, a fost instalat un turn cu tehnica covarian?ei Eddy. Studiul a vizat analiza precipita?iilor ?i interac?iunea dintre suprafa?a împ?durit? ?i precipita?ia interceptat? ?i c?zuta de pe frunze ?i scurgerile dup? un tratament de r?rire. De asemenea, cu tehnica covarian?ei Eddy, au fost efectuate investiga?ii privind emisiile de CO2 ?i evapotranspira?iei. Rezultatele au ar?tat o cre?tere (de peste 50%) a scurgerii în bazinul dup? r?rirea p?durii (50% din tulpinile care corespund cu 30% din suprafa?a de baz?), în condi?iile în care înainte ?i dup? r?rirea p?durii, nu au existat diferen?e semnificative în ceea ce prive?te precipita?iile. În special, dup? r?rirea p?durii, coeficientul de scurgere a crescut de la 0.21 la 0.29 în perioada de toamn?-iarn?, în timp ce în sezonul de vara s-a schimbat de la 0.16 la 0.41. Rezultatele acestui studiu au eviden?iat efectul practicii silvice asupra r?spunsului hidrologic, ar?tând astfel c? o gestionare corespunz?toare a p?durilor, poate avea un rol-cheie în gestionarea apei la scara bazinului hidrografic.
Forested watersheds offer a wide array of benefits. In fact, forest cover affects the hydrological response of a basin, regulating the volumes of water content in the soil through processes of interception, infiltration and evapotranspiration. Altering forest cover can significantly influence water balances at both site and watershed scale. Understanding the relationship between vegetation and streamflow is vital to assess the effects of forest disturbance on hydrologic response, and to identify best management practices in a watershed. The aim of the present research was to evaluate the role of forests in the hydrological processes which occur in a headwater basin draining a Calabrian pine forest (Pinus laricio Poiret). Moreover, the analysis also involved studies of forest carbon uptake. Since 1986 the Bonis watershed has been instrumented and precipitation, runoff, throughfall, stemflow and some climatic parameters have been measured. Recently, in order to study carbon and water cycle dynamics (for climate change mitigation assessment) and to give information about the amount of water used by plants, a tower with Eddy covariance technique was installed. The study concerned the analysis of precipitation and the interaction between forest cover and throughfall, stemflow and runoff after a thinning treatment. Investigation on CO2 and evapotranspiration with the Eddy covariance methodology has also been performed. Results have shown an increase (more than 50%) of the runoff in the basin after the forest thinning (50% of the stems corresponding to 30% of the basal area) while no significant differences in rainfall have been detected before and after the forest thinning. In particular, after the thinning, the runoff coefficient increased from 0.21 to 0.29 during the autumn-winter period, while in the summer season it shifted from 0.16 to 0.41. The results of this study evidenced the effect of a silvicultural practice on the runoff response thus showing that an appropriate forest management can have a key role in water management at basin scale.
Results of a long-term study on an experimental watershed in southern Italy
Caloiero T;Callegari G;Collalti A;Froio R;Maesano M;Matteucci G;Pellicone G;Veltri A
Forested watersheds offer a wide array of benefits. In fact, forest cover affects the hydrological response of a basin, regulating the volumes of water content in the soil through processes of interception, infiltration and evapotranspiration. Altering forest cover can significantly influence water balances at both site and watershed scale. Understanding the relationship between vegetation and streamflow is vital to assess the effects of forest disturbance on hydrologic response, and to identify best management practices in a watershed. The aim of the present research was to evaluate the role of forests in the hydrological processes which occur in a headwater basin draining a Calabrian pine forest (Pinus laricio Poiret). Moreover, the analysis also involved studies of forest carbon uptake. Since 1986 the Bonis watershed has been instrumented and precipitation, runoff, throughfall, stemflow and some climatic parameters have been measured. Recently, in order to study carbon and water cycle dynamics (for climate change mitigation assessment) and to give information about the amount of water used by plants, a tower with Eddy covariance technique was installed. The study concerned the analysis of precipitation and the interaction between forest cover and throughfall, stemflow and runoff after a thinning treatment. Investigation on CO2 and evapotranspiration with the Eddy covariance methodology has also been performed. Results have shown an increase (more than 50%) of the runoff in the basin after the forest thinning (50% of the stems corresponding to 30% of the basal area) while no significant differences in rainfall have been detected before and after the forest thinning. In particular, after the thinning, the runoff coefficient increased from 0.21 to 0.29 during the autumn-winter period, while in the summer season it shifted from 0.16 to 0.41. The results of this study evidenced the effect of a silvicultural practice on the runoff response thus showing that an appropriate forest management can have a key role in water management at basin scale.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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Descrizione: Results of a long-term study on an experimental watershed in southern Italy
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