Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 372
AS - Asia 129
EU - Europa 35
Totale 536
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 372
SG - Singapore 125
IT - Italia 18
AT - Austria 6
FI - Finlandia 6
CN - Cina 3
NL - Olanda 2
SE - Svezia 2
DE - Germania 1
TR - Turchia 1
Totale 536
Città #
Santa Clara 360
Singapore 95
Cascina 12
Helsinki 6
Vienna 6
Greve in Chianti 3
Amsterdam 2
Florence 2
Council Bluffs 1
Istanbul 1
Nuremberg 1
Pisa 1
Totale 490
Nome #
make it ReAAL - Interoperability and customization requirements 11
ZigBee device service specification V.59 10
ReaAL - Platform intermediate releases D2.2b 10
make it ReAAL - Platform official release A 10
make it ReAAL - Platform features specification 9
INTERMEDIA - D3.1 - State-of-the-Art Report on Approaches Toward User-Centric Multimedia 9
Automatic virtual calibration of range-based indoor localization systems 9
ReaAL - Platform intermediate releases D2.2a 9
ZigBee device service specification. V. 51. 8
ZigBee device service specification V.54 8
ZigBee device service specification V.49. 8
User-centric universal multimedia access in home networks 8
universAAL - The universAAL reference architecture 8
D 3.5.2 System verification 8
PERSONA - IR3.4.3 - State of the Art of Middleware Distributed Technologies for Networks of Embedded Devices 7
A service-oriented ZigBee gateway for smart environments 7
ZigBee device service specification V.58 7
INTERMEDIA - D4.1 - Hybrid (home and personal networks) system architecture and its performance issues 7
Software module for mobile mixed reality content environment 7
universAAL - Tools for design and development (including Transformation and generation tools, and Conformance tools) D3.1-A 7
A service-oriented zigbee gateway based on the OSGi framework 7
ZigBee device service specification V.62. 7
A novel approach to indoor RSSI localization by automatic calibration of the wireless propagation model 7
Range-based indoor localization and its performance in real environments 7
The InterMedia networking and security architecture for user centric multimedia convergence 7
ZigBee device service specification V.61. 7
Sensor data fusion for activity monitoring in the PERSONA ambient assisted living project 7
A service-oriented ZigBee gateway for smart environments 7
Felix UPnP [Release 0.1] 7
Enabling context awareness through distributed query processing in wireless sensor networks 7
universAAL - Tools for design and development (including transformation and generation tools, and conformance tools) 7
Sensor data fusion for activity monitoring in ambient assisted living environments 6
Energia da fonti rinnovabili e ICT per la sostenibilità energetica 6
DomoWare [Release 1.0] 6
Middleware SAIL (Sensor Abstraction and Integration Layer) 6
ZigBee for OSGi 6
Meccanismi di astrazione e generazione automatica di codice per un estensione UPnP del framework OSGi 6
Towards data management in the sensor Web: the MaD-WiSe system 6
ZigBee device service specification V.52. 6
Felix UPnP [Release 0.8.0] 6
universAAL - reference architecture 6
Multi-tenancy aware ambient assisted living platforms in the cloud 6
ZigBee device service specification V.50. 6
Full version of ambient assisted architecture specification 6
Tool di localizzazione di dispositivi mobili in ambienti indoor 6
Support and training periodical report 6
ZigBee device service specification V.53 6
Automatic multimedia Session migration by means of a context-aware mobility framework 6
INTERMEDIA D3.2: Application scenarios for user-centric multimedia 6
Multi-tenancy aware ambient assisted living platforms in the cloud 6
Virtual calibration for RSSI-based indoor localization with IEEE 802.15.4 6
INTERMEDIA D10.3 - Overall architecture and software of integrated demonstrators 6
INTERMEDIA - D9.1 - State of the art on multimedia content sharing environment with focus on the adaptation system architecture 6
ZigBee device service specification V.60 6
ZigBee device service specification V.56 6
ZigBee device service specification V.48. 6
ZigBee device service specification V.51. 6
PERSONA - IR3.4.2 - State of the Art of Wireless Sensor Networks Technologies 6
universAAL - AAL Reference architecture requirements 5
PERSONA - IR3.1.1 - State of the art analysis of existing middleware and software-infrastructure solutions 5
universAAL - universAAL execution environment, installation packages, hardware abstraction layer, generic platform services, AAL platform services and ontology artefacts 5
universAAL - Part I - Report on the development work 5
Self-Calibrating RSSI-based Indoor Localization with IEEE 802.15.4 5
IR3.1.2 identification and specification of the functional system architecture. PERSONA PERceptive Spaces prOmoting iNdependent Aging. Deliverable 045459, 2007. 5
Enabling social and distributed interaction in the future 3D Internet 5
Hardware and communications infrastructure 5
SAIL: a Sensor Abstraction and Integration Layer for Context Aware Architectures 5
Logical and physical data structures for Flash memories for lightweight, portable databases 5
Identification and specification of the functional system architecture 5
ZigBee device service specification V.57. 5
ReAAL - Platform support and training framework 5
Context-awareness functionality modules implementation 5
Analisi preliminare per supportare Energy@home in ZigBee4OSGi 5
Felix UPnP documentation 5
Social networking and context management for the future 3D Internet 5
SAIL: a sensor abstraction and integration layer for context awareness 5
ZigBee device service specification V.63 5
ZigBee device service specification V.55 5
Intermedia NoE (VI programma quadro UE) 5
OSGi RFC-192: analysis of status and proposal for a better support of ZigBee 5
universAAL - Part I - Task 2.1 report 5
universAAL - Part II: the universAAL reference model for AAL (D1.3-C) 5
Virtual calibration for RSSI-based indoor localization with IEEE 802.15.4 5
Progettazione e analisi di una piattaforma hardware software open per applicazioni Smart Energy: studio preliminare 5
Totale 536
Categoria #
all - tutte 1.949
article - articoli 140
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 28
Totale 2.117

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/20249 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 6 0
2024/2025527 3 5 87 79 344 9 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 536