Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 468
AS - Asia 138
EU - Europa 41
Totale 647
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 468
SG - Singapore 130
IT - Italia 29
CN - Cina 6
FI - Finlandia 6
DE - Germania 2
HK - Hong Kong 2
AT - Austria 1
GB - Regno Unito 1
IE - Irlanda 1
NL - Olanda 1
Totale 647
Città #
Santa Clara 435
Singapore 92
Helsinki 6
Bitonto 3
Caerano di San Marco 2
Falkenstein 2
Hong Kong 2
Misterbianco 2
Muggia 2
Pietrasanta 2
Rome 2
Venice 2
Verona 2
Boardman 1
Bologna 1
Dublin 1
Florence 1
Forest City 1
Latina 1
London 1
Modena 1
Naples 1
Phoenix 1
Vienna 1
Totale 565
Nome #
Sediment resuspension due to internal solitary waves of elevation in the Messina Strait (Mediterranean Sea) 19
A contribute to Mediterranean marine environmental monitoring: the Italian Fixed-point Observatory Network (IFON) 13
Species diversity and spatial distribution of pelagic amphipods in Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea, Southern Ocean) 13
The role of methane seepage in the formation of the Northern Adriatic Sea geosites 12
Project CLIMA-mooring F 1995 data analysis 10
Biodiversity and functioning of mesozooplankton in a changing Ross Sea 10
Sensitivity of a Mediterranean Tropical-Like Cyclone to Different Model Configurations and Coupling Strategies 10
Il respiro vitale del Mare di Ross. Diario di bordo dei ricercatori dell'Italica, la nave che ha perlustrato le acque dell'Antartide per studiare la ventilazione oceanica e l'evoluzione del clima 10
Possibili cause delle variazioni dei tassi di sedimentazione della Laguna di Venezia nella cronozona subatlantica 10
Turbulence observations in the Gulf of Trieste under moderate wind forcing and different water column stratification 9
The Ross shelf cavity water exchange variability during 1995-1998 9
Modelli per la previsione della dispersione di idrocarburi in ambiente marino. 9
Reconstructing the General Circulation of the Ross Sea (Antarctica) using a Robust Diagnostic Model 8
Hydrodinamics and Morphology CORILA 3.2 8
Paleochannel and beach-bar palimpsest topography as initial substrate for coralligenous buildups offshore Venice, Italy 8
A Staggered Grid Finite Element Model of the Venice Lagoon 8
Response of the Adriatic Sea to an intense cold air outbreak: Dense water dynamics and wave-induced transport 8
Dense-water bottom currents in the Southern Adriatic Sea in spring 2012 8
On the use of a coupled ocean-atmosphere-wave model during an extreme cold air outbreak over the Adriatic Sea 8
Exploring the bottom stress variability in the Venice Lagoon 7
Comparison between Coastal Runoff Patterns from CZCS Imagery and from a General Circulation Model. 7
The Levantine Intermediate Water Experiment (LIWEX) Group:Levantine basin A laboratory for multiple water mass formation processes 7
Quantifying macro-aggregate distributions using a new index (MAI) 7
Interactions among Adriatic continental margin morphology, deep circulation and bedform patterns 7
Exceptional dense water formation on the Adriatic shelf in the winter of 2012 7
The atmospheric water cycle of a coastal lagoon: An isotope study of the interactions between water vapor, precipitation and surface waters 7
Petrographic and geochemical characterization of the early formative stages of Northern Adriatic shelf rocky buildups 7
Physical, biological and chemical coupling across acc (from 7
Turbulence observations in the Gulf of Trieste under moderate wind forcing and different water column stratification 7
Seismic stratigraphy of the Central Basin in northwestern Ross Sea slope and rise, Antarctica: Clues to the late Cenozoic ice-sheet dynamics and bottom-current activity 6
Baroclinic response of the Adriatic Sea to an episode of Bora wind 6
Confronto Critico tra Kriging e Analisi Oggettiva 6
Isotopi stabili e metalli in traccia nei mitili come indicatori climatico ambientali del nord adriatico. 6
Northern Adriatic general circulation behaviour induced by heat fluxes variations due to possibile climatic changes 6
Sediment transport modifications induced by submerged artificial reef systems: a case study for the Gulf of Venice 6
Climatology and decadal variability of the Ross Sea shelf waters 6
The Spreading of the Po Plume and the Italian Coastal Current 6
An Automatic Adjustable Finite Element Grid Generator 6
A synthesis of the Ionian Sea hydrography, circulation and water mass pathways during POEM-Phase I 6
Physical, biological and chemical coupling across the A.C.C. (from N.Z. to Antarctica) 6
The Sea Surface Temperature Fields in the Eastern Mediterranean from AVHRR data. Part II : Interannual Variability. 6
Circulation Modelling in the Northern Adriatic Sea and its Comparison with Nimbus 7 Remotely Sensed Data 6
The exceptional Winter 2012 conditions in the Northern Adriatic Sea: an analysis using the COAWST Modelling System 6
The sea ice dynamics of Terra Nova Bay and Ross Ice Shelf Polynyas during a spring and winter simulation 6
Recent developments in understanding sea level rise at the Adriatic coasts 6
The Circulation of the Eastern Mediterranean. Part I 6
From interoperability to knowledge discovery using large model datasets in the marine environment: the THREDDS Data Server example 6
Short-term under-ice variability of prokaryotic plankton communities in coastal Antarctic waters (Cape Hallett, Ross Sea) 6
Hydrodynamics of the Adriatic Sea 6
The Seasonal Steady Circulation of the Eastern Mediterranean Determined with the Adjoint Method 6
Analysis of the Seasonal and Interannual Variability of the Sea Surface Temperature Field in the Adriatic Sea from AVHRR data (1984 - 1992) 6
Changes in the metal content of surficial sediments of Boston harbor since the cessation of sludge discharge 6
Chlorofluorocarbon distribution in the Ross Sea water masses 6
Past continental shelf evolution increased Antarctic ice sheet sensitivity to climatic conditions 6
A Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean modelling system to investigate the exceptional Winter 2012 conditions in the Northern Adriatic Sea 6
Tracking bottom waters in the Southern Adriatic Sea applying seismic oceanography techniques 6
On the correct surface stress for the prediction of the wind wave field and the storm surge in the Northern Adriatic Sea 6
How megaberg calving and grounding impact the Ross sea continental shelf environment: observations and speculations 6
Southern ocean shelf slope exchange preface 6
The Wind and Thermally Driven Circulation of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Part II: The Baroclinic Case 6
Off-shelf fluxes across the southern Adriatic margin: Factors controlling dense-water-driven transport phenomena 6
Antarctic seawater temperature evaluation based on stable isotope measurements on Adamussium colbecki shells: kinetic effects vs. isotopic equilibrium 6
Qualitative correlation of Marine Mammals with Physical and Biological parameters in the Ligurian Sea. 6
Nimbus 7 CZCS Images as Inputs in Circulation Modelling of the North Adriatic Sea 6
Sensitivity analysis of a robust diagnostic general circulation model of the Ross Sea 6
L'implementazione di un Lagrangiano Monte Carlo in un Modello idrodinamico lagunare 6
Evidence of dense water overflow on the Ross Sea shelf-break 6
Cryosphere-hydrosphere interactions: numerical modelling using the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) at different scales 5
Adamussium colbecki, HSSW e tecniche multiproxies: problematiche e approcci risolutivi 5
SASSI: Synoptic Antarctic Shelf Slope Interactions, an iAnZone project for the I.P.Y. 5
Chemical evidence of the changes of the Antarctic Bottom Water ventilation in the western Ross Sea between 1997 and 2003 5
Particle fluxes at the edge of the Ross Ice Shelf: the Role of Physical forcing 5
The circulation of the Mediterranean Sea: a historical review of experimental investigations 5
Terra Nova Bay polynya 5
The Dynamics of the Coastal Region of the Northern Adriatic Sea 5
Wave-current interaction: Effect on the wave field in a semi-enclosed basin 5
Caratteristiche oceanografiche dell'area del delta del Po osservate dal 17 luglio al 10 settembre 1996 5
Downslope overflow processes: theory, observations and modeling of the Ross Sea evidences 5
Relationships of process models to the general circulation of the Ross Sea 5
La convezione shelf-slope a Baia Terra Nova: un approccio modellistico numerico 5
Layered structures in the upper Ligurian Sea 5
Structure and photosynthetic properties of phytoplankton assemblages in a highly dynamic system, the Northern Adriatic Sea. 5
Ice shelf water episodic outflow in the Ross Sea 5
The Italian Fixed-point Observatory Network for marine environmental monitoring - IFON State of the art and upgrades during the Italian flagship project RITMARE (2012 - 2016) 5
Dissolved Oxygen, NO and PO as tracers for Ross Sea Ice Shelf Water overflow 5
A multidisciplinary environmental integrated approach to better understand the Tegnue Reefs formation, offshore Chioggia, Northern Adriatic Sea 5
Downslope flow observations near Cape Adare shelf break 5
Oceanographic Conditions and Water Mass Balance in the Northern Adriatic (February 1993) 5
Large scale circulation features in the central and western Ross sea (Antarctica). 5
Particulate matter in the Ross Sea: a spreading model 5
Exploring the shelf-slope dynamics in the Adriatic Sea using numerical models and Seismic Oceanography (SO) 5
Wave-current interaction effect on sediment dispersal in a shallow semi-enclosed basin 5
Flussi energetici ed aperiodici di ice shelf water dal Mare di Ross 5
Microorganisms within growing frazil ice 5
Plankton community structure and dynamics versus physical structure from Terra Nova Bay to Ross Ice Shelf (Antarctica) 5
THE ITALIAN FIXED-POINT OBSERVATORY NETWORK FOR MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING - IFON. State of the art and upgrades during the Italian flagship project RITMARE (2012 - 2016) 5
How overflow carry D.O.C. into the deeper layers 5
A simple hydrodynamical-deposition coupled model for the lagoon of Venice 5
Water masses' bacterial community structure and microbial activities in the Ross Sea, Antarctica 5
Totale 654
Categoria #
all - tutte 2.807
article - articoli 1.917
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 275
Totale 4.999

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202420 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 11 2
2024/2025646 3 6 111 59 336 128 3 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 666