Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 506
AS - Asia 168
EU - Europa 88
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 763
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 506
SG - Singapore 137
IT - Italia 46
FI - Finlandia 26
KR - Corea 23
DE - Germania 10
CN - Cina 7
NL - Olanda 4
IE - Irlanda 2
AU - Australia 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
Totale 763
Città #
Santa Clara 474
Singapore 99
Helsinki 26
Seoul 21
Falkenstein 10
Guangzhou 7
Livorno 3
Turin 3
Amsterdam 2
Dublin 2
Massafra 2
Matera 2
Milan 2
Phoenix 2
Springfield 2
Ashburn 1
Boydton 1
Cagliari 1
Forest City 1
Hobart 1
Hong Kong 1
Lecce 1
Messina 1
Montevarchi 1
Oristano 1
Rome 1
Taranto 1
Totale 669
Nome #
Realizzazione di una valutazione di impatto sanitario nei comuni di Viggiano e Grumento Nova in Val d'Agri, Basilicata 25
Adjustments to the law-of-the wall above an Amazon Forest explained by a spectral link 24
A case study of a gravity wave induced by Amazon forest orography and low level jet generation 19
Horizontal Meandering as a Distinctive Feature of the Stable Boundary Layer 19
Coherent structures detection within a dense Alpine forest 18
Influence of submeso motions on scalar oscillations and surface energy balance 16
Studio di coorte residenziale su mortalità e ricoveri nei Comuni di Viggiano e Grumento Nova nell'ambito della VIS in Val d'Agri (Basilicata) 14
A New Stable Boundary Layer Parameterization for Numerical Weather Prediction Models: A Heat Flux Budget Approach 14
Simulation of an orographic gravity wave above the Amazon rainforest and its influence on gases transport near the surface 14
Assessing the Departures from the Energy- and Flux-Budget (EFB) Model in Heterogeneous and Urbanized Environment for Stable Atmospheric Stratification 14
An Experimental Study of the Statistics of Temperature Fluctuations in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer 13
Analytical offline approach for concentration fluctuations and higher order concentration moments 13
Comparison of WRF PBL Models in Low-Wind Speed Conditions Against Measured Data 13
Impact of the model resolution on the simulation of elevation-dependent warming in the Tibetan Plateau-Himalayas, Greater Alpine Region, and Rocky mountains. 13
A fluctuating plume model for pollutants dispersion with chemical reactions 12
Model chain for buoyant plume dispersion 12
Model chain for buoyant plume dispersion 12
Modeling air quality impact of pollutants emitted by an oil/gas plant in complex terrain in view of a health impact assessment 12
Physical simulation of atmospheric microbursts 11
How is the Two-Regime Stable Boundary Layer Reproduced by the Different Turbulence Parametrizations in the Weather Research and Forecasting Model? 11
Vertical propagation of submeso and coherent structure in a tall and dense Amazon Forest in different stability conditions PART I: Flow structure within and above the roughness sublayer 11
Employing the Hilbert-Huang Transform to analyse observed natural complex signals: Calm wind meandering cases 11
Tall tower observations of a northward surging gust front in central Amazon and its role in the mesoscale transport of carbon dioxide 11
A Micrometeorological Analysis of the Vento Norte Phenomenon in Southern Brazil 11
Simulation of the Scalar Transport above and within the Amazon Forest Canopy 11
Vertical propagation of submeso and coherent structure in a tall and dense amazon forest in different stability conditions. PART II: Coherent structures analysis 11
Interaction of Submeso Motions in the Antarctic Stable Boundary Layer 11
A Simple Parametrization for the Concentration Variance Dissipation in a Lagrangian Single-Particle Model 11
Modelling the Dispersion of Ship Emissions in Different Scenarios and Sensitivity Analysis 11
Concentration Fluctuations in Turbulent Flow 10
Characterization of Wind Meandering in Low-Wind-Speed Conditions 10
Evaluation of high-order concentration statistics in a dispersing plume 10
Urban Turbulence Project. Analysis of the observed data 10
Concentration fluctuations in turbulent flow 10
Concentration Fluctuations and Odor Dispersion in Lagrangian Models 10
A fluctuating plume model for concentration fluctuations in a plant canopy 10
Lagrangian Particle Model Approach to Two-Phase Releases. The MicroSpray New Module 9
Experimental study of higher-order moments in shear-driven boundary layers with rotation 9
Experimental investigation of the surface layer parameters in low wind conditions in a suburban area 9
Analysis of urban layer flo and turbulence parameters on the basis of an experimental campaign in Turin city 9
Two-Phase Accidental Dense Gas Releases Simulations with the Lagrangian Particle Model Microspray 9
Submeso Motions and Intermittent Turbulence Across a Nocturnal Low-Level Jet: A Self-Organized Criticality Analogy 9
Assessment of dispersion parameterizations through wind data measured by three sonic anemometers in a urban canopy 9
Urban Turbulence Project - The Field Experimental Campaign 9
Development of an analytical Lagrangian model for passive scalar dispersion in low-wind speed meandering conditions 9
A wavelet analysis of low-wind-speed submeso motions in a nocturnal boundary layer 9
Temperature Auto-correlation and Spectra functions in low-wind meandering conditions 9
Proposal of an empirical velocity spectrum formula in low-wind speed conditions 9
Proposal of a new autocorrelation function in low wind speed conditions 9
Large-eddy simulation in low wind conditions 8
Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulence Decay in an Urban Area 8
New Boundary Conditions for Positive and Negative Skewed Turbulence in Fluctuating Plume Models 8
Stable Boundary Layer Regimes in Single-Column Models 8
Simulating the characteristic patterns of the dispersion during sunset PBL 8
The Relaxed Eddy Accumulation Method Over the Amazon Forest: The Importance of Flux Strength on Individual and Aggregated Flux Estimates 8
Simulation of Dense and Light Gas Dispersion in Presence of Obstacles 8
Comparison of elevation-dependent warming and its drivers in the tropical and subtropical Andes 8
Review and Validation of MicroSpray, a Lagrangian Particle Model of Turbulent Dispersion 8
A Lagrangian Stochastic Model for the concentration fluctuations 8
Elevation-dependent warming in global climate model simulations at high spatial resolution 8
Development and application of the microscale Lagrangian particle dispersion model MicroSpray for the simulation of hydrogen accidental releases. 8
Realizzazione di una valutazione di impatto sanitario nei Comuni di Viggiano e Grumento Nova in Val d'Agri 8
Analytical offline approach for concentration fluctuations and higher order concentration moments 8
New findings on low-wind and meandering 7
Monitoring the micrometeorology of a coastal site next to a thermal power plant from the surface to 140 m 7
Simulation of Dense and Light Gas Dispersion in Presence of Obstacles 7
Low-frequency processes and turbulence structures in a perturbed boundary-layer. 7
Development of the microscale Lagrangian particle dispersion model MicroSpray for the simulation of two-phase releases. 7
Influence of wave-like structures on scalar fluxes 7
Effect of rotation on buoyant plume dynamics 7
Interaction of turbulence and horizontal meandering in a low-wind stable boundary layer 7
Radiative forcing effect on the generation of submeso motions in a low-wind boundary layer 7
Influence of the Sonic Anemometer Temperature Calibration on Turbulent Heat Flux Measurement 6
A fluctuating plume model for pollutants dispersion with chemical reactions 6
Observations of submeso motions and intermittent turbulent mixing across a low level jet with a 132-m tower 6
Meandering dynamics in the Stable Boundary Layer 6
A fluctuating plume model for pollutants dispersion with chemical reactions 6
Modelling the dispersion of ship emissions with different plume rise approaches and sensitivity analysis 5
The nocturnal boundary layer transition from weakly to very stable. Part I: Observations 5
The nocturnal boundary layer transition from weakly to very stable. Part II: Numerical simulation with a second-order model 5
Development of a mathematical model to describe the contaminant dispersion in meandering conditions 5
Physical simulations of neutral boundary layer in rotating tank 5
null 4
Totale 843
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.031
article - articoli 2.180
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 223
Totale 5.434

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/2024126 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 66 32 28
2024/2025717 6 4 127 56 402 120 2 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 843