Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 332
AS - Asia 180
EU - Europa 125
SA - Sud America 4
AF - Africa 2
Totale 643
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 331
SG - Singapore 157
IT - Italia 86
CN - Cina 10
FI - Finlandia 9
DE - Germania 8
IE - Irlanda 6
NL - Olanda 6
HK - Hong Kong 3
PL - Polonia 3
BO - Bolivia 2
KR - Corea 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
BG - Bulgaria 1
CA - Canada 1
CO - Colombia 1
EC - Ecuador 1
FR - Francia 1
GB - Regno Unito 1
GR - Grecia 1
IL - Israele 1
IM - Isola di Man 1
JP - Giappone 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MA - Marocco 1
SE - Svezia 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 643
Città #
Santa Clara 264
Singapore 88
Naples 34
Casandrino 18
Helsinki 8
Rome 6
Dublin 5
Falkenstein 5
Los Angeles 5
Guangzhou 4
Amsterdam 3
Ashburn 3
Cascina 3
Hong Kong 3
Marigliano 3
Afragola 2
At Tuwal 2
Katowice 2
La Paz 2
Phoenix 2
Prineville 2
Seoul 2
Tashkent 2
Athens 1
Bishkek 1
Centurion 1
Colombo 1
Douglas 1
Luxembourg 1
Modena 1
Montreal 1
Newark 1
Orta di Atella 1
Paris 1
Quito 1
Rabat 1
Seattle 1
Sofia 1
Stockholm 1
Tel Aviv 1
Tokyo 1
Turin 1
Vaasa 1
Totale 488
Nome #
Development and experimental testing of an integrated prototype based on Stirling, ORC and a latent thermal energy storage system for waste heat recovery in naval application 24
Ammonia burning in premixed and diffusive modes in marine engine-like conditions. 19
Comprehensive analysis on the effect of lube oil on particle emissions through gas exhaust measurement and chemical characterization of condensed exhaust from a DI SI engine fueled with hydrogen. Part 2: Effect of operating conditions 19
Analysis of the Combustion Process of SI Engines Equipped with Non-Conventional Ignition System Architecture 18
Effect of passive pre-chamber orifice diameter on the methane combustion process in an optically accessible SI engine 16
Turbulent Jet Ignition Effect on Exhaust Emission and Efficiency of a SI Small Engine Fueled with Methane and Gasoline 15
Custom-Designed Pre-Chamber: Investigating the Effects on Small SI Engine in Active and Passive Modes 15
Studio mediante l'analisi ottica della combustione e il rilievo e processamento dei cicli di pressione indicata per identificare ed analizzare le cause della forte dispersione ciclica e degli elevati picchi di pressione, in particolare a piena ammissione che non consentono l'ottimizzazione di prestazioni ed emissioni del motore 2T alimentato con sistema di carburazione CWI 13
Comprehensive analysis on the effect of lube oil on particle emissions through gas exhaust measurement and chemical characterization of condensed exhaust from a DI SI engine fueled with hydrogen 13
A Comparison of Methanol, Methane and Hydrogen Fuels for SI Engines: Performance and Pollutant Emissions 13
Visualizzazione dell iniezione e della combustione in un motore commerciale GDI funzionante in condizioni di miscela omogenea e stratificata 13
Progettazione per un motore GDI a carica stratificata reso otticamente accessibile 13
Motore ad accensione comandata reale-ottico: analisi iniezione e combustione in tempo reale con diverse formulazioni di benzina 12
High Pressure Hydrogen Injector Sizing Using 1D/3D CFD Modeling for a Compression Ignition Single Cylinder Research Engine 12
Conventional and novel measurement systems for sub-23 nm particles emitted by SI engine fueled with low formation particulate fuels 12
Exploring the potentials of lean-burn hydrogen SI engine compared to methane operation 12
The Effect of Ethanol and Methanol Blends on the Performance and the Emissions of a Turbocharged GDI Engine Operating in Transient Condition 11
Analysis of a Stirling engine in a waste heat recovery system with internal combustion engine 11
Experimental Investigation of High-Pressure Ammonia Spray and Combustion under Marine Engine-Like Conditions Using Optical Diagnostics 11
Effect of ethanol blends , E10 , E25 and E85 on sub-23 nm particle emissions and their volatile fraction at exhaust of a high-performance GDI engine over the WLTC 11
Chemical characterization of the condensed exhaust from a DI SI hydrogen-powered engine 11
Comprehensive analysis of particle emissions from both exhaust and non-exhaust sources: a methodological approach 11
WP4 Prototipo di sistema intelligente di controllo e gestione dei flussi energetici in funzione della domanda dell'utenza 11
A comprehensive analysis of the effect of ethanol, methane and methane-hydrogen blend on the combustion process in a PFI (port fuel injection) engine 11
Investigation on sub-23 nm particles and their volatile organic fraction (VOF) in PFI/DI spark ignition engine fueled with gasoline, ethanol and a 30 %v/v ethanol blend 10
null 10
A Complete Assessment of the Emission Performance of an SI Engine Fueled with Methanol, Methane and Hydrogen 10
Perspectives for regulating 10 nm particle number emissions based on novel measurement methodologies 9
CFD-based methodology for the characterization of the combustion process of a passive pre-chamber gasoline engine 9
Particle size distributions from a DI hgh performance SI engine fuelled with gasoline-ethanol blended fuels 9
Impact of fuel and lubricant oil on particulate emissions in direct injection spark ignition engines: A comparative study of methane and hydrogen 9
Measurement of Sub-23 nm Particles Emitted from PFI/DI SI Engine Fueled with Oxygenated Fuels: A Comparison between Conventional and Novel Methodologies 9
Use of renewable oxygenated fuels in order to reduce particle emissions from a GDI high performance engine 9
Experimental Characterization of Methane Direct Injection from an Outward-Opening Poppet-Valve Injector 9
null 9
WP2 Sviluppo di motori Stirling 9
Sub-23 nm Particle Measurement and Assessment of Their Volatile Fraction at Exhaust of a Four Cylinder GDI Engine Fueled with E10 and E85 Under Transient Conditions 8
Experimental Investigation of a Fueled Prechamber Combustion in an Optical Small Displacement SI Methane Engine 8
Investigation of Liquid Lignin-Methanol Blends under Realistic Two-Stroke Marine Engines Conditions 8
Effect of fuel quality on combustion evolution and particle emissions from PFI and GDI engines fueled with gasoline, ethanol and blend, with focus on 10-23 nm particles 8
Influence of Combustion Efficiency on the Operation of Spark Ignition Engines Fueled with Methane and Hydrogen Investigated in a Quasi-Dimensional Simulation Framework 7
Analysis of Thermodynamic Modelling for Gamma Type Double Piston Cylinder Engine 7
An experimental investigation on combustion and engine performance and emissions of a methane-gasoline dual-fuel optical engine 7
Mixture preparation and combustion in a GDI engine under stoichiometric or lean charge: an experimental and numerical study on an optically accessible engine 7
Effects of Prechamber on Efficiency Improvement and Emissions Reduction of a SI Engine Fuelled with Gasoline 7
Role of lubricant oil on particle emissions from a PFI/DI SI engines powered with gaseous fuels 7
Characterization of CH4 and CH4/H2 mixtures combustion in a small displacement optical engine 7
Experimental and numerical investigation of the idle operating engine condition for a GDI engine 7
Influence of ethanol blended and dual fueled with gasoline on soot formation and particulate matter emissions in a small displacement spark ignition engine 6
Heat transfer of a Stirling engine for waste heat recovery application from internal combustion engines 6
Multidimensional modelling of the in-cylinder processes in a GDI engine 6
Influence of the injection pressure on the combustion performance and emissions of small GDI engine fuelled with bio-ethanol 6
Air-fuel mixing and combustion behavior of gasoline-ethanol blends in a GDI wall-guided turbocharged multi-cylinder optical engine 6
Optical characterization of bio-ethanol injection and combustion in a small DISI engine for two wheels vehicles 6
Study about the link between injection strategy and knock onset in an optically accessible multi-cylinder GDI engine 6
Optimization of the CNG Direct Injection in a Small Research SI engine 6
Sub-23 nm Particle Emissions from Gasoline Direct Injection Vehicles and Engines: Sampling and Measure 6
Analysis of energy efficiency of methane and hydrogen-methane blends in a PFI/DI SI research engine 5
Particle Formation and Emissions from Dual Fueled CNG DI and Gasoline PFI SI Research Engine 5
Characterization of Knock Tendency and Onset in a GDI Engine by Means of Conventional Measurements and a Non-Conventional Flame Dynamics Optical Analysis 5
Optimization of the GDI engine operation with stoichiometric mixtures using numerical modeling 5
Analysis of the Effect of the Sampling Conditions on the sub-23 nm Particles Emitted by a Small Displacement PFI and DI SI Engines Fueled with Gasoline, Ethanol and a Blend 5
Design for an optically accessible multicylinder high performance GDI engine 5
Impact of ethanol fuel and blend on sub-23 nm particles and their measure 5
In-Cylinder Soot Formation and Exhaust Particle Emissions in a Small Displacement Spark Ignition Engine Operating with Ethanol Mixed and Dual Fueled with Gasoline 5
Experimental analysis of O2 addition on engine performance and exhaust emissions from a small displacement SI engine 5
Non-intrusive investigation in a small GDI optical engine fuelled with gasoline and ethanol 5
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of a Pre-Chamber Turbulent Jet Ignition Combustion System 4
Optimization of the compressed natural gas direct injection in a small research spark ignition engine 4
Quasi-Dimensional Simulation of Downsizing and Inverter Application for Efficient Part Load Operation of Spark Ignition Engine Driven Micro-Cogeneration Systems 4
Spectroscopic investigation in a SI optical engine fuelled with gasoline and ethanol 4
Progettazione per un motore GDI a carica stratificata reso otticamente accessibile 4
Optical investigation in a GDI engine operating in homogeneous and stratified charge mixture conditions fuelled with gasoline and ethanol 4
Thermodynamic and optical characterizations of a high performance GDI engine operating in homogeneous and stratified charge mixture conditions fueled with gasoline and bio-ethanol 4
Study of E 10 and E 85 effect on air fuel mixing and combustion process in optical multicylinder GDI engine and in a spray imaging chamber 3
Investigation of combustion process in a small optically accessible two stroke SI engine 3
Understanding of Sub-23 nm Particle Emissions from PFI/DI SI engines fueled with gasoline, ethanol and blend 3
Particle Formation and Emissions in an Optical Small Displacement SI Engine Dual Fueled with CNG di and Gasoline PFI 3
Experimental and numerical investigation of the idle operating engine condition for a GDI engine 3
Characterization of sub-23 nm particles and their measure for PFI/DI SI engines fueled with gasoline, ethanol and blend. 3
The Potential of Ethanol/Methanol Blends as Renewable Fuels for DI SI Engines 2
Study of Particle Emissions Due to Brake Wear: Impact of Braking Profiles and Transport Efficiency of the Test System 1
Experimental analysis of a gasoline PFI-metane DI dual fuel and an air assisted combustion of a transparent small displacement SI engine 1
Totale 723
Categoria #
all - tutte 2.977
article - articoli 2.060
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 59
Totale 5.096

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202425 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 12 3
2024/2025698 5 3 99 43 250 51 47 121 79 0 0 0
Totale 723