Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 309
AS - Asia 110
EU - Europa 7
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 427
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 309
SG - Singapore 104
CN - Cina 5
IT - Italia 4
BR - Brasile 1
ES - Italia 1
GB - Regno Unito 1
LV - Lettonia 1
TH - Thailandia 1
Totale 427
Città #
Santa Clara 285
Singapore 77
Rome 3
Guangzhou 2
Bangkok 1
Belo Horizonte 1
London 1
Riga 1
Totale 371
Nome #
The fate of iron in waters from a coastal environment impacted by metallurgical industry in Northern Italy: hydrochemistry and Fe-isotopes. 12
Caratterizzazione Chimica e geochimica dei bioindicatori vegetali. 9
REY and Sr-Nd isotopic ratios of aqua regia extracts to assess pedogenic processes and pollution in soils from Ravenna (north Italy) 8
Reported data and interpretation of some wollastonite- and melilite-bearing rocks from the Central Apennines of Italy 8
The fate of iron in waters from a coastal environment impacted by metallurgical industry in Northern Italy: Hydrochemistry and Fe-isotopes 8
Revised Chronology of the Sulmona Lacustrine Succession, Central Italy 8
Sr-Nd isotopes in mosses from romagna (italy) and their environmental significance. 8
Geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic evidence for the genesis of the Late Caenozoic Almopia volcanic rocks (Central Macedonia, Greece). 7
First Strontium Isotope Evidence of Mobility in the Neolithic of Southern France 7
Sr-Nd isotopes in mosses from Romagna (Italy) and their evironmental significance 7
Ambiente di sabka continentale nel Messiniano del Bacino di Çankiri (Anatolia centrale): associazioni ad ostracodi, analisi petrografiche e analisi geochimiche 7
Isotopic (Sr-Nd) and major element fingerprinting of distal tephras: an application to the Middle-Late Pleistocene markers from the Colli Albani volcano, central Italy 7
Sr-Nd isotopic patterns in soils from the san vitale pinewood (Ravenna, Italy) : a landmark ecosystem affected by saline intrusion and anthropic pollution, 7
A review of carbonatitic magmatism in the Paraná-Angola-Namibia (PAN) system 7
Sr-isotope ratios of a soil profile (badlands) at Radicofani (Southern Tuscany) 7
Contributo degli isotopi radiogenici allo studio dei suoli. 7
Rare earth elements and Sr-Nd isotopes in mosses from Romagna (Italy) and their environmental significance 7
Fattibilità delle sistematiche isotopi del Fe e del Cu e preliminari applicazioni allo studio dei suoli 7
Sr-isotope ratios of a soil profile (bad land) from radicofani area (southern tuscany). 7
REY and Sr-Nd isotopes of soils from Ravenna (northern Italy) and their significance for environmental studies 7
Comparison of Sr-Nd isotopic ratios of urban and farmland soils from Ravenna (italy) in aqua regia extracts and two step (acetic+hydrochloric acids) extracts. 7
Early Pliocene 87Sr/86Sr isotopic record from DSDP Site 132 (Tyrrhenian Sea) 6
Sea level and climate forcing of the Sr isotope composition of late Miocene Mediterranean marine basins 6
Sr isotopic evidence for studyng salinization of soils. An example from the Pineta San Vitale (Ravenna) 6
Trace elements and sr-nd isotopic evidence in urban and farmland soils from Ravenna (Italy): a tool to assess pollution using aqua regia extraction. 6
Is Cyprideis agrigentina Decima a good paleosalinometer for the Messinian Salinity Crisis? Morphometrical and geochemical analyses from the Eraclea Minoa section (Sicily) 6
Facies and sequence architecture of a tropical foramol-rhodalgal carbonate ramp: Miocene of the central Apennines (Italy) 6
La Formazione Messiniana di Bozkir (Bacino di Cankiri, Anatolia Centrale): Analisi Micropaleontologiche, Petrografiche e Geochimiche di un Ambiente di Sabkha Continentale 6
Geochemical evidence for the origin of albitites from Central Sardinia (Italy). 6
Comparison of Sr isotopic ratios in aqua regia and two-step sequential extracts from two soils at Ravenna (Italy). In Air, water and soil pollution 6
Ostracodi salmastri italiani del Tortoniano superiore- Messiniano inferiore. Tassonomia e caratteristiche geochimiche del carapace a confronto in diversi bacini dell Italia settentrionale, centrale e meridionale 6
New insights on volcanic activity related to the opening of the Central Tyrrhenian Sea: the transitional basalts of the Ventotene volcanic ridge (Pontine Islands, Italy). 6
Trace elements and Sr-Nd isotopes in aqua regia extracts to assess pollution in urban and farmland soils from Ravenna (Italy) 6
Petroleum Migration, Fluid Mixing, and Halokinesis as the Main Ore-Forming Processes at the Peridiapiric Jbel Tirremi Fluorite-Barite Hydrothermal Deposit, Northeastern Morocco 6
Geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic characterization of Middle Pleistocene sediments from the paleontological site of La Polledrara di Cecanibbio (Sabatini Volcanic District, central Italy) 6
Potentially toxic elements, biogeochemical and isotopic markers as environmental quality indicators in a complex land system (Ravenna, Italy). 6
Pangea rifting and onward pre-Central Atlantic opening as the main ore-forming processes for the genesis of the Aouli REE-rich fluorite-barite vein system, Upper Moulouya District, Morocco 6
La sedimentazione miocenica di rampa carbonatica dei Monti Prenestini (Appennino Centrale): sedimentologia, stratigrafia sequenziale e stratigrafia degli isotopi dello stronzio 6
The Fe isotopic composition of soils and waters from the Ravenna area (Northern Italy) and its significance for environmental studies. 6
Reply to: "Carbonate-rich pyroclastic rocks from central Apennines: carbonatites or carbonated rocks? A commentary" 6
Geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic evidence for origin and evolution of the Miocene Pangeon granitoids, Southern Rhodope, Greece 6
Sr-Nd isotopes of mosses (hypnum cupressiforme hdw.) as a tool for studying the atmospheric pollution in north-central italy, 6
Cyclicity and 87Sr/86Sr stratigraphy of the Primary Lower Gypsum of the Adriatic sub-basin (Italy): insight into oceanic-continental water mixing in the Mediterranean during the early stage of the Messinian salinity crisis 6
Sr isotope ratios of central italy waters to assess their origin 6
Tectonics, Dynamics, and Plio-Pleistocene Magmatism in the Central Tyrrhenian Sea: Insights From the Submarine Transitional Basalts of the Ventotene Volcanic Ridge (Pontine Islands, Italy) 6
Is there a mantle plume below Italy? 5
Sr-Nd isotopic signatures in soils from the Muravera area (SE Sardinia, Italy) 5
Caratteri geochimici, isotopici e mineralogici dei suoli di Muravera. 5
Sr-Nd isotopic signatures in soils from the Muravera area (SE Sardinia, Italy) 5
Applicazioni della geochimica isotopica dello stronzio allo studio dei suoli : esempio di un suolo della zona di Muravera (Cagliari) 5
Sr isotopes and italian wines: an attempt to characterize traceability for the wine origin and marketing. 5
The meta-igneous rocks of the Barber Glacier area (northern Victoria Land, Antartica): a clue to the enigmatic Borchgrevink Orogeny?. Antartica at the close of a millennium 5
REE and Nd-isotope evidence for the origin of siderite from the Jebel Awam deposit (Central Morocco) 5
Applicazione degli isotopi del Fe allo studio delle acque in una discarica municipale di rifiuti solidi urbani: risultati preliminari. 5
Nd and Sr isotope geochemistry of plutonic rocks from Ottana (central Sardinia): implications for granite petrogenesis and crustal evolution 5
Pre-, syn- and post-evaporitic Messinian deposits in the central Apenine orogenic system: stratigraphy, paleogeography and tectono-sedimentary significance 5
Calcites at Vulcano island (Italy): Isotopic and geochronological data bearing on the timing of the La Fossa Caldera collapse 5
Iron isotope-fractionation in coastal aquifers from the Grado-Marano lagoon, Adriatic Sea (Italy): preliminary results. 5
Source of mineralising fluids for the albitite from Central Sardinia (Italy): elemental and Sr-Nd isotope constraints. 5
The Upper Miocene Bozkir Formation (Çankiri Basin, Central Anatolia Plateau): multidisciplinary analyses of a continental sabkha palaeoenvironment 5
Iron geochemical cycling in coastal aquifers explorated by stable isotopes systematics : the Friuli Venezia Giulia Case-History (Italy). 5
Taxonomy and geochemistry of Late Miocene Italian ostracods in some brackish Italian basins 5
Crustal-scale fluid circulation and co-seismic shallow comb-veining along the longest normal fault of the central Apennines, Italy 5
The geochemistry of the Barra do Itapirapua carbonatite (Ponta Grossa Arch, Brazil): a multiple stockwork 5
Procedure for separating Fe from geological matrices to carry out isotopic analyses by TIMS 5
The Sr-isotope composition of soils: a case study from Muravera (SE Sardinia, Italy) 5
Methods for correcting the isotopic fractionation of Fe determined by TIMS 5
Elemental and Sr-Nd isotopic evidence for the origin of fluorite from Sardinia (Italy) 5
Growth of a Pleistocene giant carbonate vein and nearby thermogene travertine deposits at Semproniano, southern Tuscany, Italy: Estimate of CO2 leakage 4
Totale 428
Categoria #
all - tutte 1.640
article - articoli 953
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 21
Totale 2.614

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202410 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 4
2024/2025418 8 6 86 42 276 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 428