Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 674
AS - Asia 237
EU - Europa 28
Totale 939
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 666
SG - Singapore 230
FI - Finlandia 11
CA - Canada 8
GB - Regno Unito 5
DE - Germania 4
KR - Corea 4
IT - Italia 3
BE - Belgio 2
CN - Cina 2
LT - Lituania 2
JP - Giappone 1
NL - Olanda 1
Totale 939
Città #
Santa Clara 628
Singapore 167
Helsinki 11
Ottawa 5
Frankfurt am Main 4
Seoul 4
Toronto 3
Brussels 2
Cosenza 2
Guangzhou 2
London 2
Ashburn 1
Forest City 1
Hempstead 1
Phoenix 1
Prineville 1
Tokyo 1
Totale 836
Nome #
Advanced query answering techniques over big mobile data 14
An innovative framework for effectively and efficiently supporting big data analytics over geo-located mobile social media 13
An effective and efficient mapreduce algorithm for computing BFS-based traversals of large-scale RDF graphs 13
An effective and efficient approximate two-dimensional dynamic programming algorithm for supporting advanced computer vision applications 12
RAPID: A Fast Data Update Protocol in Erasure Coded Storage Systems for Big Data 12
Enhanced Prediction of User-Preferred YouTube Videos Based on Cleaned Viewing Pattern History 12
Semantics-Aware Approaches to Big Data Engineering 12
Game Data Mining: Clustering and Visualization of Online Game Data in Cyber-Physical Worlds 11
Querying Encrypted OLAP Data 11
Private Databases on the Cloud: Models, Issues and Research Perspectives 11
Knowledge Discovery from Social Graph Data 11
Big Data Management: New Frontiers, New Paradigms 11
Predictive monitoring of temporally-aggregated performance indicators of business processes against low-level streaming events 11
Incorporating clustering into set similarity join algorithms: The SjClust framework 11
Syntactic and semantic validation of SPARQL queries 11
Advanced pattern recognition from complex environments: a classification-based approach 10
Algorithms for managing, querying and processing big data in cloud environments 10
An interoperable open data framework for discovering popular tours based on geo-tagged tweets 10
A Multi-view Learning Approach to the Discovery of Deviant Process Instances 10
Efficient Fragmentation of Large XML Documents 10
Managing Data and Processes in Cloud-Enabled Large-Scale Sensor Networks: State-Of-The-Art and Future Research Directions 9
Verification of Partitioning and Allocation Techniques on Teradata DBMS 9
Data Warehousing and OLAP over Big Data: Current challenges and future research directions 9
Approximate Query Answering on Sensor Network Data Streams 9
Effectively and efficiently supporting roll-up and drill-down OLAP operations over continuous dimensions via hierarchical clustering 9
A family of graph-theory-driven algorithms for managing complex probabilistic graph data efficiently 9
Enforcing interaction and cooperation in content-based web3.0 applications 9
DOLAP 2011: Overview of the 14th International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP 9
A Distributed System for Answering Range Queries on Sensor Network Data 9
Storing and Retrieving XPath Fragments in Structured P2P Networks 9
Event-based Compression and Mining of Data Streams 9
Integrating clustering techniques and OLAP methodologies: The ClustCube approach 8
Models and algorithms for high-performance distributed data mining 8
Compressing Data Cubes in the Presence of Simultaneous Multiple OLAP Queries 8
Mining constrained frequent itemsets from distributed uncertain data 8
SDWM: An enhanced spatial data warehouse metamodel 8
Hand-OLAP: Semantics-aware compression of data cubes for effective and efficient OLAP in mobile enviroments 8
Scalable uncertainty-tolerant business rules 8
A flexible graph-based approach for matching composite Semantic Web services 8
Privacy preserving OLAP: Models, issues, algorithms 8
Hand-OLAP: a system for delivering OLAP services on handheld devices 8
A pattern-oriented approach for supporting ETL conceptual modelling and its YAWL-based implementation 8
Estimating the completeness of range queries over structured P2P databases: Fundamentals, theory, and effective applications to distributed information systems 8
A Reachability-based Theoretical Framework for Modeling and Querying Complex Probabilistic Graph Data 8
Data warehousing and OLAP over Big Data: A survey of the state-of-the-art, open problems and future challenges 8
Efficiently Representing and Querying Sensor Network Readings on Data Grids 8
Intelligent knowledge-based models and methodologies for complex information systems 8
Stream mining of frequent sets with limited memory 8
A UML-extended approach for mining olap data cubes in complex knowledge discovery environments 8
A Markovian Probabilistic Model for Risk Analysis and Forecasting in Big Healthcare Data Settings 8
Knowledge Personalization in Web-Services-based Environments: A Unified Approach 8
Enhancing traditional data warehousing architectures with real-time capabilities 8
Enhancing coverage and expressive power of spatial data warehousing modeling: The SDWM approach 8
A comprehensive theoretical framework for privacy preserving distributed OLAP 8
A novel distributed framework for optimizing query routing trees in wireless sensor networks via optimal operator placement 8
Frequent subgraph mining from streams of linked graph structured data 8
Analytics over large-scale multidimensional data: The big data revolution! 8
A Query-Strategy-focused Taxonomy and a Customizable Benchmarking Framework for Peer-to-Peer Information Retrieval Techniques 8
Discovering semantic Web services via advanced graph-based matching 8
Interoperability of security-aware web service business processes: Case studies and empirical evaluation 8
OLAP over Continuous Domains via Density-Based Hierarchical Clustering 8
A cloud-based framework for supporting effective and efficient OLAP in big data environments 8
Improving flexibility of Workflow Management Systems via a policy-enhanced collaborative framework 8
Improving OLAP Analysis of Multidimensional Data Streams via Efficient Compression Techniques 8
A Probabilistic Approach for Computing Approximate Iceberg Cubes 8
Processing and mining complex data streams Preface 8
Model-driven data mining engineering: From solution-driven implementations to 'composable' conceptual data mining models 8
Parallel coordinates technique in visual data mining: Advantages, disadvantages and combinations 8
Mining frequent itemsets from sparse data streams in limited memory environments 8
A GPU-based statistical framework for moving object segmentation: Implementation, analysis and applications 8
A Process-Driven Methodology for Continuous Information Systems Modeling 8
A constraint-based framework for computing privacy preserving OLAP aggregations on data cubes 8
Towards Real-Time Data Transformation Services over Grids 8
Intelligent algorithms for data-centric sensor networks 8
Advances in data warehousing and OLAP in the big Data Era 7
Record linkage in data warehousing: State-of-the-art analysis and research perspectives 7
Polynomial asymptotic complexity of multiple-objective OLAP data cube compression 7
Enhanced clustering of complex database objects in the clustcube framework 7
Cloud-based machine learning tools for enhanced big data applications 7
Data Transformation Services over Grids with Real-Time Bound Constraints 7
Deploying Mobile Software Agents for Distributed Data Mining on Wireless Sensor Networks: A Comparative Analysis 7
A novel heuristic scheme for modeling and managing time bound constraints in data-intensive grid and cloud infrastructures 7
A decomposition framework for computing and querying multidimensional OLAP data cubes over probabilistic relational data 7
Probabilistic pattern queries over complex probabilistic graphs 7
A tree-based algorithm for mining diverse social entities 7
Towards a framework for supporting web search of complex objects via multidimensional paradigms 7
Design, implementation and validation of AI-inspired information systems 7
Computing privacy preserving OLAP aggregations on data cubes: A constraint-based approach 7
Comparative analysis of state-of-the-art spatial data warehouse meta-models: Catching the expressive power of SDW schemas! 7
Data science and distributed intelligence: Recent developments and future insights 7
Semantics Meets Big Data: Formal Models, Practical Issues, Novel Paradigms 7
CAD: An efficient data management and migration scheme across clouds for data-intensive scientific applications 7
Detecting overlapping communities in poly-relational networks 7
DynamicNet: An effective and efficient algorithm for supporting community evolution detection in time-evolving information networks 7
Edge-based mining of frequent subgraphs from graph streams 7
Approximation to expected support of frequent itemsets in mining probabilistic sets of uncertain data 7
Community evolution detection in time-evolving information networks 7
Approximation Algorithms for Massive High-Rate Data Streams 7
Approximate OLAP query processing over uncertain and imprecise multidimensional data streams 7
Totale 861
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.700
article - articoli 1.437
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 190
Totale 6.327

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202410 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 6 1
2024/2025941 21 9 156 89 629 28 9 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 951