Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 239
AS - Asia 112
EU - Europa 32
Totale 383
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 233
SG - Singapore 93
KR - Corea 12
IT - Italia 8
DE - Germania 7
CA - Canada 6
CN - Cina 4
FI - Finlandia 4
LT - Lituania 4
GB - Regno Unito 3
BE - Belgio 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AT - Austria 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
DK - Danimarca 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
NL - Olanda 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 383
Città #
Santa Clara 197
Singapore 56
Seoul 12
Frankfurt am Main 5
Helsinki 4
Los Angeles 4
Rome 4
Toronto 4
Brussels 2
Guangzhou 2
Ottawa 2
Bologna 1
Dhaka 1
Forest City 1
Luxembourg 1
Monte San Pietro 1
Newark 1
Tashkent 1
Weifang 1
Totale 300
Nome #
Atmospheric and adjacency correction of Landsat-8 imagery over inland and coastal waters near Aeronet-OC sites 17
Top-down approach from satellite to terrestrial rover application for environmental monitoring of landfills 14
Approccio integrato multisensore per l'individuazione di "Point of interest" ambientali in discarica 13
An innovative multi-source approach for environmental monitoring of landfills 13
Anthropogenic activities monitoring by a multi-sensor approach: A case study of Rossano (CS) landfill 13
Mapping turbidity patterns in the Po river prodelta using multi-temporal Landsat 8 imagery 12
Environmental monitoring of landfills by a downscaling approach 10
Il progetto CLAM-PHYM: utilizzo di dati HICO(TM) per lo studio dei fenomeni meteo-marini nel Nord Adriatico in prospettiva delle future immagini del sensore PRISMA 10
Analysis of vegetation by the application of a physically-based atmospheric correction algorithm to OLI data: a case study of Leonessa Municipality, Italy. 10
Impact of the aerosol type on HICO(TM) atmospheric correction in coastal waters 10
The impact of the microphysical properties of aerosol on the atmospheric correction of hyperspectral data in coastal waters 10
Integrated remote sensing for multi-temporal analysis of anthropic activities in the south-east of Mt. Vesuvius National Park 10
PRISMA Products and Applications 3rd issue 10
Analysis of anthropic activities by optical remote sensing data at different spatial, spectral and temporal resolutions 10
PRISMA Products and Applications Final issue 10
Spectral modeling for retrieval of aggregates index of asphalted surfaces and sensitivity analysis 9
Valutazione della disponibilità di biomassa nella Provincia di Rieti attraverso dati territoriali e satellitari 9
Spatio-temporal analysis of prodelta dynamics by means of new satellite generation: the case of Po river by Landsat-8 data 9
Effect of the Aerosol Model Assumption on the Atmospheric Correction over Land: Case Studies with CHRIS/PROBA Hyperspectral Images over Benelux 9
Approccio integrato di dati telerilevati a diversa risoluzione spettrale e spaziale per analizzare un'area sottoposta a stress antropico 9
From monument to geosite: a geomatic approach to link geological and cultural heritage 9
Bitumen removal determination on asphalt pavement using digital imaging processing and spectral analysis 9
Assessment of land cover changes in Lampedusa Island (Italy) using Landsat TM and OLI data 9
Consumo di suolo derivante dall'impianto di una discarica mediante approccio multi sensore 8
Effect of the Aerosol Type Selection for the Retrieval of Shortwave Ground Net Radiation: Case Study Using Landsat 8 Data 8
The integration of geomatic data in the Italian Geological Map: an example in South of Sardinia. 8
Influence of the microphysical properties of the aerosol on the atmospheric correction of OLI data acquired over desert area 8
A multi-source approach for Environmental Point of Interest detection in landfills 8
Mapping total suspended sediments in the Po River prodelta with multi-temporal Landsat-8 OLI data 8
Multi-temporal airborne remote sensing analyses of areas suffering anthropic activities in South part of Mount Vesuvius National Park 8
Change detection analysis of Lampedusa Island (Italy) by open source software 7
Spectral modelling used to identify the aggregates index of asphalted surfaces and sensitivity analysis 7
Spectral characterization of coastal sediments using Field Spectral Libraries, Airborne Hyperspectral Images and Topographic LiDAR Data (FHyL) 7
Sensitivity of clear-sky direct radiative effect of the aerosol to micro-physical properties by using 6SV radiative transfer model: preliminary results 7
Evaluation of the aerosol type effect on the surface reflectance retrieval using CHRIS/PROBA images over land 7
Progetto NO-GAS. Rapporto tecnico finale 7
The importance of geoethics in the "Land of Fires 6
Studio dei cambiamenti territoriali avvenuti nell' Isola di Lampedusa mediante dati geomatici 6
Analisi multitemporale nell'isola di Lampedusa attraverso software open source 6
Reflectance spectral analyses for the assessment of environmental pollution in the geothermal site of Mt. Amiata (Italy) 6
Effect of the aerosol type uncertainty on the surface reflectance retrieval using CHRIS/PROBA hyperspectral images over land 6
Spectral Response of Architectural Surface as Support to Analyses of Materials and Degradation 6
Sensitivity analysis of a bio-optical model for Italian lakes focused on Landsat-8, Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 5
Totale 383
Categoria #
all - tutte 1.547
article - articoli 714
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 2.261

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202417 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 15 1
2024/2025366 2 1 63 28 185 39 12 36 0 0 0 0
Totale 383