Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 990
AS - Asia 581
EU - Europa 176
Totale 1.747
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 962
SG - Singapore 560
IT - Italia 60
CA - Canada 28
FI - Finlandia 27
GB - Regno Unito 26
BE - Belgio 18
LT - Lituania 17
CN - Cina 14
DE - Germania 14
NL - Olanda 9
LU - Lussemburgo 3
ES - Italia 2
IR - Iran 2
JP - Giappone 2
KR - Corea 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
Totale 1.747
Città #
Santa Clara 811
Singapore 383
Helsinki 25
Milan 20
Brussels 18
London 14
Ottawa 14
Toronto 14
Frankfurt am Main 11
Bologna 9
Cascina 9
Phoenix 4
Amsterdam 3
Beijing 3
Forest City 3
Luxembourg 3
Rome 3
Frascati 2
Leiden 2
Madrid 2
Pasadena 2
Seoul 2
Tehran 2
Tokyo 2
Ancona 1
Ashburn 1
Cambridge 1
Casaluce 1
Clifton 1
Council Bluffs 1
Turin 1
Venice 1
Totale 1.369
Nome #
Long term evolution of debris clouds generated by explosions in Earth orbit 21
On the need to assess and mitigate the risk from uncontrolled re-entries of artificial space objects in view of the current and future developments in space activities 20
Identifying the 50 statistically-most-concerning derelict objects in LEO 17
The risk of casualties from the uncontrolled re-entry of spacecraft and orbital stages 17
The risk of casualties from the uncontrolled re-entry of spacecraft and orbital stages 16
SISTER-Sistema integrato per l'analisi e la pianificazione di missioni spaziali terrestri 16
Accordo di collaborazione tra ASI e INAF N. 2020-6-HH.0, Deliverable Document RA3_2019-2021 - Detriti spaziali supporto alle attività IADC e SST 2019-2021 16
A 1% Measurement of the Gravitomagnetic Field of the Earth with Laser-Tracked Satellites 15
ESA - Fragmentation consequence analysis for LEO and GEO orbits - Final Report 15
Thermospheric density model biases at the 23rd sunspot maximum 14
Re-entry predictions of potentially dangerous uncontrolled satellites: challenges and civil protection applications 14
Accordo di collaborazione tra ASI e INAF N. 2020-6-HH.0, Deliverable Document RT2_2019-2021- Detriti spaziali supporto alle attività IADC e SST 2019-2021 14
On the long-term behavior of LAGEOS II semi-major axis and thermal thrust perturbations 14
Thermal thrust accelerations on LAGEOS satellites 14
LARASE: Testing general relativity with satellite laser ranging 14
How to assess and manage the risk from uncontrolled re-entries in view of future developments of space activities 13
The new space debris mitigation (SDM 4.0) long-term evolution code 13
METRIC: a compact mission concept for upper atmosphere mapping, fundamental physics and geodesy 13
Uncontrolled re-entries: the need to mitigate the increasing risk on ground due to the re-entry of large spacecraft and orbital stages, and to establish an aggregate re-entry risk for constellations 13
Testing gravitational theories in the field of the earth with the SaToR-G experiment 13
Testing general relativity vs. alternative theories of gravitation with the SaToR-G experiment 13
Testing fundamental physics with satellite laser ranging: perspectives and goals of the Larase experiment 13
On the need to assess and mitigate the risk from uncontrolled re-entries of artificial space objects in view of the current and future developments in space activities 13
Accordo di collaborazione tra ASI e INAF N. 2020-6-HH.0, Deliverable Document RF_2019-2021 - Detriti spaziali supporto alle attività IADC e SST 2019-2021 13
Effects of the deployment and disposal of mega-constellations on human spaceflight operations in low LEO 13
Final Report - Upgrade of the Semi-Deterministic Model to study the long term evolution of the space debris 13
Hazards associated with reentry 13
Comparison of chemical propulsion solutions for large space debris active removal 12
Space debris removal using multi-mission modular spacecraft 12
Earth gravity field modeling and relativistic measurements with laser-ranged satellites and the LARASE research program 12
Active removal of large massive objects by hybrid propulsion module 12
Accordo di collaborazione tra ASI e INAF n. 2020-6-HH.0, Deliverable Document RA2_2019-2021 - Detriti spaziali supporto alle attività IADC e SST 2019-2021 12
Review of past on-orbit collisions among cataloged objects and examination of the catastrophic fragmentation concept 12
Physical properties and long-term evolution of the debris clouds produced by two catastrophic collisions in Earth orbit 12
Sounding the atmospheric density at the altitude of Lares and AJISAI during solar cycle 24 12
Sounding the atmospheric density at the altitude of LARES and AJISAI during solar cycle 24 12
Thermal thrust perturbations, spin evolution and the long-term behavior of LAGEOS II semi-major axis 12
Analysis of Orbital Debris Mitigation Measures Based on the Semi-Deterministic Model SDM 4.0 12
Testing fundamental physics with satellite laser ranging: perspectives and goals of the larase experiment 12
METRIC: a mission concept for upper atmosphere mapping, gravitational physics and geodesy 12
USA-193 decay predictions with public domain trajectory data and assessment of the post-intercept orbital debris cloud 12
X-SAR Orbital Analysis 12
Accordo di collaborazione tra ASI e INAF - Deliverable Document DEL004: Detriti spaziali Supporto alle attività lADC e validazione pre-operativa per SST 12
Fundamental Physics results in testing gravitation with laser-ranged satellites: the LARASE and SaToR-G experiments 12
First results in testing gravity theories with Sator-G 12
METRIC: a mission concept for upper atmosphere mapping, gravitational physics and geodesy 12
Assessment of collision risk to electrodynamic tether used for de-orbiting 11
Reentry predictions of three massive uncontrolled spacecraft 11
Orbital evolution of geosynchronous objects with high area-to-mass ratios 11
Evaluating the environmental criticality of massive objects in LEO for debris mitigation and remediation 11
Effectiveness of GNSS disposal strategies 11
Long-Term evolution of geosynchronous orbital debris with high area-to-mass ratios 11
Evaluating the environmental criticality of massive objects in LEO for debris mitigation and remediation 11
The short-term effects of the Cosmos 1408 fragmentation on neighboring inhabited space stations and large constellations 11
Large debris removal mission in LEO based on hybrid propulsion 11
Monitoring the orbital decay of the chinese space station tiangong-1 from the loss of control until the re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere 11
Survey of past on-orbit fragmentation events 11
Assessing the potential criticality of the most massive objects abandoned in LEO 11
On the effectiveness of end-of-life re-orbiting for debris mitigation in geostationary orbit 11
The lifetime of space tether systems in orbit around the earth 11
State of the art of the measurement of the Lense-Thirring effect after a century from its formulation 11
MEO dynamics and GNSS disposal strategies 11
Effect of mitigation measures on the long-term evolution of the debris population 11
Uncontrolled re-entries of spacecraft and rocket bodies: a statistical overview over the last decade 11
The SaTor-G experiment: testing metric and non-metric theories of gravity in the earth's field via laser tracking to geodetic satellites 11
The long-term evolution of the italian satellites in the GEO region and their possible interaction with the orbital debris environment 10
Analysis of the space debris environment with SDM 3.0 10
USA-193 decay predictions using public domain trajectory data and assessment of the post-intercept orbital debris cloud 10
Testing gravitation with satellite laser ranging and the Larase experiment 10
Fundamental physics measurements with laser-ranged satellites 10
Effectiveness of GNSS disposal strategies 10
LARASE - Il drag atmosferico all'altezza del LARES 10
A Survey of the Past on Orbit Fragmentation Events through Their Contribution to the Orbital Debris Population 10
Sviluppo di SW a supporto dei servizi SST per lo studio di detriti spaziali - Progress Report I 10
The peculiar nature of the GOCE reentry campaign 10
Are de-orbiting missions possible using electrodynamic tethers? Task review from the space debris perspective 10
Calibration of semi-empirical atmosphere models through the orbital decay of spherical satellites 10
Impact risk repercussions on the iridium and cosmo-skymed constellations of two recent catastrophic collisions in space 10
Air density model biases during the last solar cycle maximum 10
SaToR-G: collaborazioni e prospettive 10
Benefits and risks of using electrodynamic tethers to de-orbit spacecraft 10
Accordo di collaborazione tra ASI e INAF - Deliverable Document DEL005: Detriti spaziali Supporto alle attività lADC e validazione pre-operativa per SST 10
How the re-entry casualty risk could be impacted by future launch traffic? 10
Trajectory behavior of high area-to-mass ratio objects in semi-synchronous GPS orbits 10
On the secular decay of the LARES semi-major axis 10
Investigating fundamental physics and space environment with a dedicated Earth-orbiting spacecraft 10
Precise orbit determination of the two LAGEOS and LARES satellites and the LARASE activities 10
Space debris mitigation in geosynchronous orbit 10
The orbital decay of the semi-major axis of LARES and the LARASE contribution to SLR measurements for applications in the fields of space Geodesy and Geophysics 10
The Kinetic casualty risk of uncontrolled re-entries before and after the transition to small satellites and mega-constellations 10
Nota Tecnica RA3 - Terzo rapporto di avanzamento 10
Satellite re-entry prediction products for civil protection applications 10
METRIC: a mission based on Italian technology for upper atmosphere mapping, gravitational physics and geodesy 10
Assessment of the consequences of the Fengyun-1C breakup in low Earth orbit 9
Using the space debris flux to assess the criticality of the environment in low Earth orbit 9
Assessing the risk and the uncertainty affecting the uncontrolled re-entry of manmade space objects 9
Monitoring the orbital decay of the Chinese space station Tiangong-1 from the loss of control until the re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere 9
Analysis of the space debris environment with SDM 3.0 9
Totale 1.183
Categoria #
all - tutte 9.525
article - articoli 2.100
book - libri 35
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 192
Totale 11.852

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202428 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 2 7 8
2024/20251.734 17 28 412 210 714 288 57 8 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.762