Istituto di iNgegneria del Mare - INM (ex INSEAN)
GFMxP: A novel Ghost Fluid Method to solve the variable coefficient Poisson equation
2024 Ianniello, Sandro
On the boundary conditions for GFMxP high-order schemes on staggered grids in the simulation of incompressible multiphase flows
2024 Ianniello, Sandro
The GFMxP and the basic extrapolation of the ghost values to solve the Poisson equation for discontinuous functions
2024 Ianniello, Sandro
A fully-nonlinear potential flow model for water entry/exit in aircraft ditching applications
2020 Del Buono, Alessandro; Iafrati, A; Tassin, A; Ianniello, S
The K-Algorithm and the modeling of the emission surface from supersonically rotating bodies
2020 Ianniello, Sandro; Sandro,
An overview on the use of the Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings equation for the hydroacoustic analysis of marine propellers
2019 Ianniello, Sandro; Testa, Claudio
Assessment of methodologies for the solution of the Ffowcs Williams and Hawkings equation using LES of incompressible single-phase flow around a finite-size square cylinder
2019 Cianferra, M; Ianniello, S; Armenio, V
A Ffowcs Williams and Hawkings formulation for hydroacoustic analysis of propeller sheet cavitation
2018 Testa, C; Ianniello, S; Salvatore, F
Hydroacoustic noise from different geometries
2018 Cianferra M.; Armenio V.; Ianniello S.
RITMARE La Ricerca ITaliana per il MARE : SP1-L1-WP1: Tecnologie marittime. Rendicontazione scientifica
2018 Broglia, Riccardo; Ianniello, Sandro; Ciappi, Elena; Miozzi, Massimo
FWH-based noise predictions for a 3D turbulent flow around a finite-length square cylinder
2017 Marta Cianferra; Sandro Ianniello; Vincenzo Armenio
Sviluppo solutori acustici in OF e risultati per un caso test.
2017 Cianferra, Marta; Ianniello, Sandro
Acoustic behavior of a rotating body through the Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings equation
2016 Ianniello, S
Aeroacustica "vs" Idroacustica di propulsori ad ala rotante
2016 Sandro Ianniello
Hydroacoustic analysis of a marine propeller through the Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings equation
2016 Ianniello, Sandro
Models for Hydroacoustics
2016 Sandro Ianniello
Numerical Acoustic Analysis of a turbulent flow around a bluff body
2016 Marta Cianferra; Sandro Ianniello; Vincenzo Armenio
Simulazioni numeriche del rumore di un'elica marina in flusso uniforme
2016 Ianniello, Sandro
The Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings equation for hydroacoustic analysis of rotating blades. Part 1. the rotpole
2016 Ianniello S.
Farassat's formulations in marine propeller hydroacoustics
2015 Ianniello, Sandro; DE BERNARDIS, Enrico