Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 170
AS - Asia 104
EU - Europa 38
Totale 312
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 170
SG - Singapore 88
IT - Italia 30
CN - Cina 12
FI - Finlandia 5
KR - Corea 4
PL - Polonia 2
AT - Austria 1
Totale 312
Città #
Santa Clara 156
Singapore 63
Ferrara 6
Guangzhou 6
Helsinki 5
Seoul 4
Trieste 4
Assemini 2
Casalnuovo di Napoli 2
Rome 2
Bologna 1
Forest City 1
Krakow 1
Montesilvano Marina 1
Palermo 1
Vienna 1
Totale 256
Nome #
Femtosecond laser surface texturing of polypropylene copolymer for automotive paint applications 14
Zeolite A with waste material: Morphological effect of laser treatments in air 13
S 2p and P 2p Core Level Spectroscopy of PPT Ambipolar Material and Its Building Block Moieties 13
Clarifying the Adsorption of Triphenylamine on Au(111): Filling the HOMO-LUMO Gap 13
Exploring the characteristic “plug-in” configuration of an adsorbed starburst molecule 12
RI-CIRCOLA "la fabbrica verso una economia circolare: dal recupero della plastica all'end of life dei veicoli" 12
Gas phase electronic structure of the DTDCTB small-molecule donor for vacuum-processed organic photovoltaics compared to its constituent building blocks 12
M-MTDATA on Au(111): Spectroscopic Evidence of Molecule-Substrate Interactions 11
Fs-ns double-pulse Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of copper-based-alloys: Generation and elemental analysis of nanoparticles 10
Combined Laser Nanotechnology (CLaN) 10
Combined Laser Nanotechnology For Solar Energy (CLaN-Solar-E) 10
Study of the electronic structure of short chain oligothiophenes 10
Determining the role of the method used to recycle polypropylene waste materials from automotive industry using sepiolite and zeolite fillers 9
3D additive manufactured 316L components microstructural features and changes induced by working life cycles 9
Evidence of hybridization states at the donor/acceptor interface: Case of m-MTDATA/PPT 9
Effects of fs pulsed laser ablation on synthetic zeolite targets 9
Comparison of silver nanoparticles confined in nanoporous silica prepared by chemical synthesis and by ultra-short pulsed laser ablation in liquid 9
Caratterizzazione e comparazione di componenti in acciaio 304 e 316L ottenuti con tecniche tradizionali e Additive Manufacturing 9
Combined Laser Nanotechnology For Solar Energy and Sensors (CLaN4SENSE) 8
Production of silver nanoparticles by ultra-short pulsed laser ablation in nanoporous aqueous silica colloidal solutions 8
S2p core level spectroscopy of short chain oligothiophenes 7
Electronic Structure Characterization of a Thiophene Benzo-Annulated Series of Common Building Blocks for Donor and Acceptor Compounds Studied by Gas Phase Photoelectron and Photoabsorption Synchrotron Spectroscopies 7
Electronic structure modifications induced by increased molecular complexity: from triphenylamine to m-MTDATA 7
Investigation of the surface species during temperature dependent dehydrogenation of naphthalene on Ni(111) 7
Thiophene-Based Oligomers Interacting with Silver Surfaces and the Role of a Condensed Benzene Ring 7
Production of silver-silica core-shell nanocomposites using ultra-short pulsed laser ablation in nanoporous aqueous silica colloidal solutions 7
From Chains to Arrays: Substrate-Mediated Self-Assembly of Diboron Molecules 7
Preparation of Silver Nanoparticles Confined in SBA-15 Mesoporous Silica by Ultrashort Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquid 7
Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy by ultrashort pulses: Are there still perspectives? 6
Time-resolved laser spectroscopies and thin films properties of Ag nanoparticle oligothiophene nanocomposites 6
PPT Isolated Molecule and Its Building Block Moieties Studied by C 1s and O 1s Gas Phase X-ray Photoelectron and Photoabsorption Spectroscopies 6
Lone-Pair Delocalization Effects within Electron Donor Molecules: The Case of Triphenylamine and Its Thiophene-Analog 6
Silver nanoparticle-oligothiophene nanocomposites and related time-resolved spectroscopy studies and structural properties 6
5-Substituted Benzothiophenes: Synthesis, Mechanism, and Kinetic Studies 6
Donor-acceptor oligothiophene-fullerenes triad: synthesis and preliminary photophysical characterization 5
Synthesis and characterization of 1,3-dithienylisothianaphthene analogs and their silver nanocomposites 5
Identifcation of supramolecular structure in a semiconductor mixture of two organic compounds: curcumin and paracetamol 5
Time-resolved Spectroscopy and Structural Properties of Oligothiophene Monomers Combined with Ag Nanoparticles Obtained in Liquid by Ultrashort Laser Ablation 4
A new triad donor-acceptor compound: synthesis and photophysical behaviour 4
Steady-state and time-resolved photophysical behaviour in solution of a new donor-acceptor oligothiophene-fullerene compound 4
Photophysical and theoretical investigations on oligothiophene-fullerenes triad system 4
Synthesis and photophysical characterization of new push-pull oligothiophenes systems 4
Inverse calibration free fs-LIBS of copper-based alloys 1
Heterocycles in Peptidomimetics and Pseudopeptides: Design and Synthesis 1
Totale 340
Categoria #
all - tutte 1.493
article - articoli 1.005
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 2.498

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202423 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 15 7
2024/2025317 14 3 63 34 128 64 11 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 340