Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 675
AS - Asia 321
EU - Europa 194
Totale 1.190
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 661
SG - Singapore 308
IT - Italia 91
IE - Irlanda 21
NL - Olanda 19
CA - Canada 14
DE - Germania 14
FI - Finlandia 12
GB - Regno Unito 12
AT - Austria 10
BE - Belgio 7
CN - Cina 6
LT - Lituania 6
KR - Corea 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
FR - Francia 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
ID - Indonesia 1
JP - Giappone 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
SE - Svezia 1
Totale 1.190
Città #
Santa Clara 594
Singapore 193
Cascina 50
Florence 28
Dublin 21
Amsterdam 18
Helsinki 12
Toronto 9
Vienna 9
London 8
Brussels 7
Frankfurt am Main 7
Ottawa 5
Milan 4
Phoenix 3
Forest City 2
Fort Worth 2
Guangzhou 2
Nuremberg 2
Pontedera 2
Seoul 2
Ashburn 1
Colombo 1
Hong Kong 1
Los Angeles 1
Meinohama 1
Rome 1
Seattle 1
Stoke-on-Trent 1
Surabaya 1
Turin 1
Totale 990
Nome #
MPEG-2 coded video traces transmitted over a satellite link: Scalable and non-scalable solutions in rain fading conditions 21
Performance evaluation of the SIRIO maneuver system 15
GaliLEO. A simulation tool for traffic on LEO satellite constellations. Presentation of the architecture 14
Modeling Ka-band scintillation as a fractal process 13
Evolution of the SIRIO in-orbit strategy 13
FODA/IBEA-tdma Satellite access scheme for mixed traffic at variable bit and coding rates. Implementation specifications 12
EASY RIDER - Prototipo del FW su sensore stradale multifunzione 12
Interactive Media with Personal Networked Devices (INTERMEDIA) - FP6 12
Feeders-TDMA: a distributed-control algorithm for satellite channel capacity assignment in a mixed traffic and faded environment 12
Networking with multi-service GEO satellites : cross-layer approaches for bandwidth allocation 12
Emulator for testing the performance of framed access schemes 12
EASY RIDER - Sperimentazione e validazione 11
GaliLEO. A simulation tool for traffic on LEO satellite constellations. Presentation of the architecture 11
Network coding applications to high bit-rate satellite networks 11
FRACAS - FRAmed Channel Access Simulator - User Manual 11
DRS compression applied to MPEG-2 video data transmitted over a satellite channel 11
Outage probability of an adaptive TDMA satellite access scheme 11
PERceptive Spaces prOmoting iNdependent Aging (PERSONA) - FP6 11
Experimental results of MPEG-2 coded video transmission over a noisy satellite link 11
Cross-layer interaction between TCP and physical layer 11
Maximizing single connection TCP goodput by trading bandwidth for BER 11
SatNEx III - FR "Final report" 10
SatNEx IV - Tecnical Note of SatNEx IV - Call of Order 1 Part 1 - WI4 10
Performance evaluation of a multi-level allocation algorithm for VBR traffic over a geostationary satellite. 10
Non-collision probability of a subset of users in DSA systems 10
Fade countermeasure using signal degradation estimation for demand-assignment satellite systems 10
Practical experiences in interconnecting LANs via satellite 10
Video streaming transfer in a smart satellite mobile environment 10
Quality estimation of PSK modulated signals 10
A multi-level satellite channel allocation algorithm for VBR real-time data 10
A simulation tool to validate and compare satellite TDMA access schemes 10
FODA/IBEA-TDMA: satellite access scheme for MIXED traffic at variable bit and coding rates. System description 10
MTG - Multi-application Traffic Generation rel 4.0 10
Progetti Strategici Legge 449/97; SETTORE: Piattaforme ITC abilitante complesse ad oggetti distribuiti ; Progetto: Infrastrutture software per reti ad-hoc orientate ad ambienti difficili 10
Dynamic rate shaping on MPEG-2 video streams for bandwidth saving on a faded satellite channel 10
Experimental results of a demand-assignment thin route TDMA system 10
A Traffic Generator for Testing Communication Systems: Presentation, Implementation and Performance 10
EASY RIDER - Casi d'uso e integrazione risultati attività di sviluppo 10
EASY RIDER - Dimostratore sistema SW integrato con sensore stradale multifunzione 9
Long-lived TCP connections via satellite: cross-layer bandwith allocation, pricing, and adaptive control 9
A bandwidth assignment algorithm on a satellite channel for VBR traffic 9
EASY RIDER - Aggiornamento architettura generale specifiche funzionali e requisiti di sistema con feedback test site 9
The performance of a TDMA satellite system for non real-time and real-time traffic 9
Transport layer protocols and architectures for satellite networks 9
EASY RIDER - Dimostratore ingegnerizzato sistema SW integrato con sensore stradale multifunzione 9
GALILEO Progress report 9
Bursty data traffic via satellite: Performance comparison between two TDMA access schemes 9
Satellite Network of Excellence (SatNEx) - FP6 9
EASY RIDER - Progettazione FW per il supporto delle tecniche 9
MTG Multi-applications traffic generator; presentation and use 9
DRIFS-TDMA: A proposal for a satellite access distributed-control algorithm for multimedia traffic in a faded environment 9
Wireless communication, identification and sensing technologies enabling integrated logistics: a study in the harbor environment 9
A deep analysis on future web technologies and protocols over broadband GEO satellite networks 9
A tool for the performance evaluation of a communication system 9
EASY RIDER - Definizione specifiche e tecniche dei protocolli 9
Long-lived TCP connections via satellite: cross-layer bandwith allocation, pricing, and adaptive control 9
Suitability of DAMA and contention-based satellite access schemes for TCP traffic in mobile DVB-RCS 9
Evaluating the impact of smart technologies on harbor's logistics via BPMN modeling and simulation 9
Goodput optimisation of long-lived TCP connections in a rain-faded satellite channel 9
An inexpensive rain fade countermeasure technique for DA-TDMA satellite systems 9
An experimental study on the quality of service of video encoded sequences over an emulated rain-faded satellite channel 8
A traffic generator for the performance evaluation of a satellite network 8
Evaluating the impact of smart technologies on harbor's logistics via BPMN modeling and simulation 8
Design and implementation of a flexible, software based TDMA system 8
Radio resource management across multiple protocol layers in satellite networks: a tutorial overview 8
Comparison of FEC types with regard to the efficiency of TCP connections over AWGN satellite channels 8
A fractal attenuation model for the Ka band 8
A Satellite access scheme for trasmission of ATM CELLS 8
Fusion of digital television, broadband internet and mobile communications: enabling technologies 8
Internetworking in the STELLA/II project 8
A multifrequency TDMA/TDM system for a VSAT terminal network operating in Ka band 8
Attitude Maneuver Program Manuale d'uso 8
SatNEx III - Review of the DTN State of the Art 8
EASY RIDER - Architettura generale / Specifiche funzionali e requisiti di sistema 8
Signal quality monitoring to counter rain fading with adaptive information bit energy in satellite thin route TDMA systems 8
Delay analysis for interLAN traffic using two suitable TDM satellite access schemes 8
EASY RIDER - Prototipo Firmware su HD general purpose 8
EASY RIDER - Requisiti ed architettura di rete 8
Wireless communication, identification and sensing technologies enabling integrated logistics: a study in the harbor environment 8
Goodput optimization of long-lived TCP connections in a faded satellite channel. Extended Version 8
A deep analysis on future web technologies and protocols over broadband GEO satellite networks 8
FODA/IBEA-TDMA: system description final report 8
FODA/IBEA-TDMA: A flexible fade countermeasure system for integrated services in user-oriented networks 8
The intraCoastal satellite communicator system 8
On the applicability of reliable transport protocols in satellite delay tolerant and disruptive networks 7
Adaptive cross-layer bandwith allocation in a rain-faded satellite 7
Comparison of FEC types with regard to the efficiency of TCP connections over AWGN satellite channels 7
Quality of service measurements of video encoded sequences over an emulated Ka band satellite environment 7
SPDY - A new paradigm in Web technologies: performance evaluation on a satellite link 7
The performances of the FODA access scheme: theory and simulation results 7
FODA-TDMA: Final Report On The New Protocol For Mixed Traffic. Theoretical Study and First Simulation Results 7
Literature survey and study of different possible network coding scenarios and related characteristics 7
Medium access control scheme for supporting user mobility in digital video broadcasting-return channel via satellite/satellite second generation - general architecture and functionalities 7
Networking with multi-service GEO satellites : cross-layer approaches for bandwidth allocation 7
Detection of errors recovered by decoders for signal quality estimation on rain-faded awgn satellite channels 7
Linear analysis of the transient for a datagram demand assignmentsatellite access scheme in TDMA 7
Satellite dynamic bandwidth allocation (FH-JFDA) algorithm and architecture of the relevant demonstrator 7
Dynamic bandwidth allocation 7
Resource management and transport layer 7
Totale 934
Categoria #
all - tutte 5.650
article - articoli 1.514
book - libri 36
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 170
Totale 7.370

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202417 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 7 7
2024/20251.179 8 16 203 241 565 83 40 23 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.196