Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 819
AS - Asia 331
EU - Europa 131
AF - Africa 4
Totale 1.285
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 818
SG - Singapore 303
IT - Italia 84
FI - Finlandia 27
CN - Cina 20
DE - Germania 5
PL - Polonia 4
ES - Italia 3
NL - Olanda 3
EG - Egitto 2
ID - Indonesia 2
SI - Slovenia 2
TW - Taiwan 2
UG - Uganda 2
AT - Austria 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
CA - Canada 1
GB - Regno Unito 1
JP - Giappone 1
KR - Corea 1
LT - Lituania 1
PK - Pakistan 1
Totale 1.285
Città #
Santa Clara 740
Singapore 213
Helsinki 26
Pisa 20
Guangzhou 17
Florence 11
Cascina 8
Rome 6
Boardman 4
Brescia 4
Milan 4
Warsaw 4
Logroño 3
Naples 3
Falkenstein 2
Forest City 2
Kampala 2
Phoenix 2
Slovenske Konjice 2
Surabaya 2
Amsterdam 1
Bologna 1
Cairo 1
Frankfurt am Main 1
Gwanak-gu 1
Kaohsiung 1
London 1
Monterotondo 1
Montopoli in Val d'Arno 1
Multan 1
Nuremberg 1
Pasadena 1
Perugia 1
Pomigliano d'Arco 1
Pozzuoli 1
Prato 1
Ravello 1
Reggio Emilia 1
Saint Cloud 1
Sassari 1
Seattle 1
Tokyo 1
Toronto 1
Valfabbrica 1
Vienna 1
Totale 1.100
Nome #
Machine learning techniques in breast cancer preventive diagnosis: a review 34
Prototipo chatbot 18
Game accessibility for visually impaired people: a review 17
null 16
A systematic review of chatbots in inclusive healthcare: insights from the last 5 years 15
Investigating the use of the Thunkable end-user framework to develop haptic-based assistive aids in the orientation of blind people 15
A comparative study of disabled people's experiences with the video conferencing tools Zoom, MS Teams, Google Meet and Skype 14
A Chatbot-based assistive technology to get information on a clinical environment 14
Is Generative AI mature for alternative image descriptions of STEM content? 13
SelfLens: a portable tool to facilitate all people in getting information on food items 13
An enriched emoji picker to improve accessibility in mobile communications 13
Creare un documento accessibile 13
Making everyday objects more inclusive: a case study via remote participatory design 13
Book4All 12
Thunkable come strumento di sviluppo a supporto dell'accessibilità 12
Experience of visually-impaired children in the enjoyment of cartoons 12
Accessibility of e-government websites in Italy: the user experience of people with disabilities 11
Linee guida per pannelli e cartelloni accessibili progetto Itinera Romanica+ dei monti pisani 11
Book4All: a tool to make an e-book more accessible to students with vision/visual-impairments 11
Haptic-based cognitive mapping to support shopping malls exploration 11
Valutazione dell'accessibilità del portale e della app Itinera Romanica (http://ir.j.webmapp.it) 11
Un piano di test per l'esplorazione di una mappa digitale su dispositivi mobili tramite canali audio e vibrotattile 11
Exploiting the haptic and audio channels to improve orientation and mobility apps for the visually impaired 11
A mobile educational game accessible to all, including screen reading users on a touch-screen device 10
Electronic commerce "in the dark" 10
Electronic Commerce: a great opportunity for the Blind 10
Dispositivo compatto per la sanificazione del cibo 10
Using haptic feedback to support cognitive mapping in mobile applications for orientation and mobility 10
Accessibilità dei siti web: principi, contesto internazionale e normativa italiana 10
Sistema integrato per l'individuazione dei prodotti commerciali facilitando sia la comprensione di quanto scritto su di essi che il loro eventuale acquisto e procedura per la sua utilizzazione 10
An interactive cognitive-motor training system for children with intellectual disability 10
Enriching graphic maps to enable multimodal interaction by blind people 10
A software architecture for a personalized and context-aware indoor navigation system 10
Linee guida per la valutazione del logo Joelette dell'accessibilita' progetto itinera romanica+ dei monti pisani 10
Collaborative Editing for All: the Google Docs Example 10
Designing e-learning collaborative tools for blind people 10
ICT to Support Inclusive Education - Universal Learning Design (ULD) 9
SIMILAR - EU IST-2002-507609 9
Haptic reference cues to support the exploration of touchscreen mobile devices by blind users 9
Exploiting RFIDs and tilt-based interaction for mobile museum guides accessible to vision-impaired users 9
Improving mobility of pedestrian visually-impaired users 9
Playing with geometry: a multimodal Android App for blind children 9
Sito Web Linked Open Data 2014 9
La tecnologia a supporto della visita museale: opportunità e limitazioni 9
Design of web-based tools to study blind people's touch-based interaction with smartphones 9
Monitoring learning in children with autism 9
Vibro-tactile enrichment improves blind user interaction with mobile touchscreens 9
A Modified Google Docs UI accessible via screen reader 9
Using localisation technologies and haptic feedback for a more inclusive society 9
Making conference CDs accessible: a practical example 9
Educational Impact of Structured Podcasts on Blind Users 9
Making visual maps accessible to the blind 9
Making "Google Docs" User Interface More Accessible for Blind People 9
Applying Web Usability Criteria for Vision-Impaired Users: Does It Really Improve Task Performance? 9
Designing a mobile application to record ABA data 8
Sistema per la verifica di guidelines multiple di usabilità ed accessibilità in siti web 8
Can I find what I'm looking for? 8
Tactile feedback to aid blind users of mobile guides 8
Accessing Google Docs via Screen Reader 8
Web accessibility: principles, international context and italian regulations 8
A semi-automatic support to adapt e-documents in an accessible and usable format for vision impaired users 8
Accessibility evaluation of video conferencing tools to support disabled people in distance teaching, meetings and other activities 8
Vibrotactile feedback to aid blind users of mobile guides 8
Improving interaction via screen reader using ARIA: an example 8
Easing Web Guidelines Specification 8
Is flash really accessible when interacting through screen readers? 8
How to make everyday objects more inclusive: a case study via remote participatory design 8
Evaluating a modified Google user interface via screen reader 8
An analytic tool for assessing learning in children with autism 8
Distance meetings during the Covid-19 pandemic: are video conferencing tools accessible for blind people? 8
Improving user experience in the museum 8
SI-Lab annual research report 2021 8
A Portable Application Supporting ABA Intervention 8
How blind people can manage a remote control system: a case study 8
An inclusive educational game usable via screen reader on a touch-screen 8
Translating museum visual contents into descriptions for blind User: a multidisciplinary approach 8
An environment for defining and handling guidelines for the Web 7
Learning ecology and ethology in the Museum of Natural History and Territory of Calci (University of Pisa): a multisensorial and "egalitarian" approach for special users 7
Structured Audio Podcasts via Web Text-to-Speech System 7
Editorial: Serious games, education and inclusion for disabled people editorial 7
Software per insegnamento precoce a bambini con sindrome autistica: ABCD SW 7
ICT to Support Inclusive Education. Introduction to the Special Thematic Session 7
Enhancing Wikipedia editing with WAI-ARIA 7
Video conferencing tools: comparative study of the experiences of screen reader users and the development of more inclusive design guidelines 7
Concept of an add-on tactile display for smart phones as a helping device for blind users 7
Automatic inspection-based support for obtaining usable Web sites for vision-impaired users 7
Accessibility of Android-based mobile devices: a prototype to investigate interaction with blind users 7
Distance learning: new opportunities for the blind 7
Improving search engine interfaces for blind users: a case study 7
Design and validation of the readable device: a single-cell electromagnetic refreshable Braille display 7
Serious games for the rehabilitation of disabled people: results of a multilingual survey 7
Automatically structuring text for audio learning 7
Analysis and Improvement Proposal of Google Documents as a Groupware Tool 7
Esposizione multimodale e multimediale interattiva ed inclusiva per le persone con disabilità visiva 7
Increasing accessibility of online board games to visually impaired people via machine learning and textual/audio feedback: the case of "Quantik" 7
Introduction to the special theme Assistive technologies for a more accessible and inclusive society 7
Editing Wikipedia Content by Screen Reader: Easier Interaction with ARIA 7
Accessing Google Docs via Screen Reader 7
Criteria for Usability of Accessible Web Sites 7
Augmented contents as assistive technology to make more inclusive everyday objects for visually impaired people 7
Totale 957
Categoria #
all - tutte 6.023
article - articoli 1.141
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 761
Totale 7.925

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202472 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 3 24 18
2024/20251.241 19 10 245 110 641 208 8 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.313