Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 568
AS - Asia 241
EU - Europa 176
SA - Sud America 2
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 988
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 565
SG - Singapore 210
IT - Italia 122
CN - Cina 21
FI - Finlandia 19
DE - Germania 14
BE - Belgio 6
GB - Regno Unito 5
CA - Canada 2
IN - India 2
LV - Lettonia 2
NL - Olanda 2
PT - Portogallo 2
TW - Taiwan 2
AT - Austria 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
CH - Svizzera 1
EC - Ecuador 1
HR - Croazia 1
IS - Islanda 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
KR - Corea 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PA - Panama 1
PE - Perù 1
PK - Pakistan 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
TH - Thailandia 1
Totale 988
Città #
Santa Clara 495
Singapore 115
Cascina 30
Rome 26
Helsinki 19
Pisa 19
Florence 12
Falkenstein 8
Milan 8
Leuven 5
Los Angeles 5
Genoa 4
Guangzhou 4
Chipping Norton 3
Novate Milanese 3
Ashburn 2
Riga 2
Scandicci 2
Taipei 2
Auckland 1
Baku 1
Bishkek 1
Bologna 1
Brussels 1
Fucecchio 1
Guayaquil 1
Islamabad 1
Leeds 1
Lima 1
Lisbon 1
London 1
Manduria 1
Modena 1
Naples 1
Nuremberg 1
Ottawa 1
Phoenix 1
Pontedera 1
Reykjavik 1
Riyadh 1
Seoul 1
Toronto 1
Vienna 1
Zagreb 1
Totale 789
Nome #
Deep learning and structural health monitoring: temporal fusion transformers for anomaly detection in masonry towers 27
Vibration monitoring of historical towers: new contributions from data science 26
Seismic response and ambient vibrations of a Mediaeval Tower in the Mugello area (Italy) 23
FE model updating of masonry towers: modeling and numerical issues 20
Long-term monitoring of a masonry tower with wireless accelerometers 19
Effects of temperature variations on the modal properties of masonry structures: an experimental-based numerical modelling approach 18
A multidisciplinary approach integrating geomatics, dynamic field testing and finite element modelling to evaluate the conservation state of the guimaraes castle's tower keep 17
Nonlinear FE model updating for masonry constructions via linear perturbation and modal analysis 17
A case study for the NOSA-ITACA project: the "Voltone" in Livorno 16
Investigating the relation between complex mode shapes and local damage for structural assessment 16
Experimental investigations and numerical modelling: a fruitful interaction for the nonlinear dynamical analysis of masonry structures 16
Numerical pre-diction of the seismic behaviour of a masonry vault mock-up using the NOSA-ITACA code 15
Thermo-mechanical analyses of masonry structures in fire conditions 15
Ambient vibrations of the San Frediano bell tower in Lucca 14
Shake-table testing of a brick masonry groin vault: overview of blind predictions and postdictions and comparison with experimental results 14
On the numerical solution of constrained eigenvalue problems in structural engineering 14
Assessment of the dynamic behaviour of an ancient masonry tower in Lucca via ambient vibrations 14
Effects of the stress field on the dynamic properties of masonry bell towers 14
Progetto NOSA-ITACA - caso studio: il Voltone, piazza della Repubblica, Livorno 14
A finite element model updating method based on global optimization 13
Measurement of the vibration response of the medieval Maddalena Bridge (Italy). 13
FE model updating: sensitivity, reliability and regularization issues 13
Dynamic characterization of progressively damaged segmental masonry arches with one settled support: experimental and numerical analyses 13
Progetto TITANIO - Sensori innovativi per il monitoraggio del patrimonio architettonico. Rapporto sull'attività svolta nel periodo 19 Agosto 2017 - 19 Agosto 2018 13
Dynamic Behaviour of the Carillon Tower in Castel San Pietro Terme, Italy 13
Ambient vibrations of the Guinigi tower in Lucca 13
From structural health monitoring to finite element modeling of heritage structures - The Medieval Towers of Lucca 13
Collasso di archi in muratura soggetti a carichi orizzontali o cedimenti delle imposte 13
Model updating procedure to enhance structural analysis in FE Code NOSA-ITACA 13
Finite element model updating for structural applications 13
FE model updating of the Matilde donjon in Livorno 12
TruDI software, version 2.0 - A Matlab code for structural dynamic identification 12
Safety assessment of masonry constructions via numerical tools: the NOSA-ITACA code 12
Numerical modelling of historical masonry structures with the finite element code NOSA-ITACA 12
A new numerical procedure for assessing the dynamic behaviour of ancient masonry towers 12
Towards a cloud-based platform for structural health monitoring: implementation and numerical issues 11
MOSCARDO - Tecnologie ICT per il MOnitoraggio Strutturale di Costruzioni Antiche basato su Reti di sensori wireless e DrOni [MMS Lab, Rapporto tecnico n. 2] 11
A digital twin-based platform for structural health monitoring: preliminary results 11
Tracking the variation of complex mode shapes for damage quantification and localization in structural systems 11
Analisi strutturale del "Voltone" sottostante la piazza della Repubblica a Livorno 11
Optimal sensor placement for bridge structural health monitoring: integration of physics-based models with data-driven approaches 11
Fea for masonry structures and vibration-based model updating using NOSA-ITACA 11
Dynamic response of masonry structures to temperature variations: experimental investigation of a brick masonry wall 11
Monitoraggio dinamico di ponti mediante reti wireless di sensori 10
MOSCARDO - Tecnologie ICT per il MOnitoraggio Strutturale di Costruzioni Antiche basato su Reti di sensori wireless e DrOni [MMS Lab, Rapporto tecnico n.1] 10
Progetto REVOLUTION - Piattaforma open-source orientata ai digital twins: tecniche di digitalizzazione 3D, monitoraggio delle vibrazioni e modellazione agli elementi finiti per la valutazione dello stato di conservazione di edifici storici e infrastrutture civili 10
Model parameter estimation using Bayesian and deterministic approaches: the case study of the Maddalena Bridge 10
Studio della cupola del Duomo di Massa Marittima 10
Structural health monitoring for architectural heritage: case studies in Central Italy 10
Dynamic behaviour of the carillon tower in Castel San Pietro, Italy 9
Deep learning and structural health monitoring: an application to heritage structures 9
TITANIO - Sensori innovativi per il monitoraggio del patrimonio architettonico [Rapporto tecnico n. 1] 9
Modal analysis of masonry-like structures 9
Assessment of the acceleration floor spectra through dynamic identification: the Museum of Bargello in Florence 9
A new tool for monitoring and assessing the structural health of ancient masonry constructions 9
Pre and post-diction simulation of the seismic response of a masonry cross vault tested on a shaking table 9
NOSA-ITACA: a free FE program for historic masonry buildings 9
A new tool for monitoring and assessing the structural health of ancient masonry constructions 8
TruDI - A Matlab toolbox for structural dynamic identification 8
Ambient Vibrations of Age-old Masonry Towers: Results of Long-term Dynamic Monitoring in theHistoric Centre of Lucca 8
Nonlinear analyses of the medieval "Ponte del Diavolo", Borgo a Mozzano, Italy 8
Sensing the health state of a city structural monitoring system by IoT wireless sensing devices 8
Leveraging advanced numerical calibration to filter out temperature effects on vibration-based monitoring data: application to the Mogadouro clock tower 8
Progetto SOUL - Simologia urbana nel centro storico di Lucca 8
Sensing a city's state of health: structural monitoring system by Internet-of-Things wireless sensing devices 8
Monitoraggio dinamico e modellazione strutturale di edifici storici nel territorio lucchese: il progetto MONSTER 7
Train-induced vibrations on the Maddalena Bridge in Borgo a Mozzano (Italy) 7
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of a Segmental Masonry Arch Subjected to Horizontal Settlements 7
Modal analysis of masonry structures 7
Wireless sensor networks for continuous structural health monitoring of historic masonry towers 7
The influence of deflections on the static and dynamic behaviour of masonry columns 7
Propagation of waves in masonry-like solids 7
Modal analysis of historical masonry structures: linear perturbation and software benchmarking 7
Dynamic characterization of the Tower of Palazzo dei Vicari in Scarperia (Italy) during and after the 2019 Mugello seismic sequence 7
Pre- and post-diction simulation of the seismic response of a masonry cross vault tested on a shaking table 7
Fatigue behavior of stiffener to cross beam joints in orthotropic steel decks 7
Propagation of waves in masonry-like solids 7
Operational methods for the assessment of existing structures 7
Long-term dynamic monitoring of medieval masonry towers 6
Investigations on the dynamic behaviour of the Clock Tower in Lucca 6
Progetto MONSTER - Monitoraggio Strutturale di Edifici Storici con Tecnologie Wireless e Strumenti di Calcolo Innovativi [Rapporto tecnico n. 2] 6
Progetto MONSTER - Monitoraggio Strutturale di Edifici Storici con Tecnologie Wireless e Strumenti di Calcolo Innovativi [Rapporto tecnico n. 1] 6
Chapter 4: Fatigue 6
Structural health monitoring of ancient constructions within the framework of the MOSCARDO project 6
Experimental and numerical investigations on the seismic behaviour of the San Frediano bell tower in Lucca 6
Il progetto MONSTER: monitoraggio strutturale di edifici storici con tecnologie wireless e strumenti di calcolo innovativi 6
Structural analysis of the Dome of San Cerbone Cathedral in Massa Marittima (Italy) 6
Editorial: urban vibrations and their effects upon built heritage: measurements, characterization, and simulations 6
Dynamic monitoring of a tunnel-like masonry structure via WSN 6
Analisi delle vibrazioni prodotte dall'oscillazione delle campane sul Campanile del Santuario del Santissimo Crocefisso Castel San Pietro Terme (BO) 6
The influence of environmental parameters on the dynamic behaviour of the San Frediano bell tower in Lucca 6
Enhanced accelerometer for structural health monitoring 6
Torri in... movimento. Tutela e sicurezza nel progetto Soul del CNR 6
Studio del comportamento strutturale del Voltone di piazza della Repubblica a Livorno 5
Analisi strutturale del "Voltone" a Livorno 5
Safety assessment of masonry constructions via numerical tools: the NOSA-ITACA code 5
PROGETTO SOUL - Sismologia urbana nel centro storico di Lucca. Rapporto di progetto n. 2 5
Ambient vibration recording on the Maddalena Bridge in Borgo a Mozzano (Italy): data analysis 5
Totale 1.048
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.839
article - articoli 1.169
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 149
Totale 5.157

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202444 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 5 15 18 3
2024/20251.023 33 20 173 87 486 80 36 108 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.067