Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 302
AS - Asia 97
EU - Europa 31
Totale 430
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 302
SG - Singapore 89
IT - Italia 16
FI - Finlandia 10
CN - Cina 5
DE - Germania 3
KR - Corea 3
GB - Regno Unito 1
NL - Olanda 1
Totale 430
Città #
Santa Clara 288
Singapore 71
Helsinki 10
Guangzhou 5
Rome 4
Seoul 3
Aversa 2
Falkenstein 2
Fano 2
Manta 2
Amsterdam 1
Frankfurt am Main 1
Milan 1
Naples 1
Totale 393
Nome #
null 12
Evaluation of pelitic formations for waste disposal using GIS technologies 12
The paleoenvironment and depositional context of the Sumerian site of Abu Tbeirah (Nasiriyah, southern Mesopotamia, Iraq) 10
Synthetic seismic forward modeling of a high-frequency depositional sequence: the example of the Tiber Depositional Sequence (Central Italy), International Conference of Fluvial Sedimentology (ICFS) 10
I depositi pleistocenici di Ponte Galeria e la Polledrara di Cecanibbio. 9
Synthetic seismic forward modeling of a high-frequency depositional sequence: The example of the Tiber depositional sequence (Central Italy) 9
Sedimentology and coastal dynamics of carbonate pocket beaches: The Ionian-Sea Apulia coast between Torre Colimena and Porto Cesareo (Southern Italy) 9
Compositional, micromorphological and geotechnical characterization of Holocene Tiber floodplain deposits (Rome, Italy) and sequence stratigraphic implications 9
Architecture of turbidite lobe complexes from the Messinian Laga Basin (Central Apennines, Italy). 8
Sediment dispersal pathways in the Po coastal plain since the Last Glacial Maximum: Provenance signals of autogenic and eustatic forcing 8
A source-to-sink compositional model of a present highstand: An example in the low-rank Tiber depositional sequence (Latium tyrrhenian margin, Italy) 8
Compositional, micromorphological and stratigraphic characterization of Holocene Tiber floodplain deposits (Rome, Italy) 8
Mammalian fossil record, depositional setting, and sequence stratigraphy in the Middle Upper Pleistocene of Roman Basin 8
Compositional, micromorphological and geotechnical characterization of Holocene Tiber floodplain deposits (Rome, Italy) and sequence stratigraphic implications 8
Biostratigraphical, paleoecological and paleoclimatic data of the Pleistocene-Holocene succession of the Tevere deltaic area: preliminary results from the Pesce Luna well. 8
Caratterizzazione geologica e geotecnica dei terreni della città di Roma 8
New constraints to the evolution of the Pleistocene-Holocene succession of the Tevere deltaic area: first data from the Pesce Luna well. 8
The influence of alluvial stratigraphic architecture on liquefaction phenomena: A case study from the Terre del Reno subsoil (southern Po plain, Italy) 8
La Polledrara di Cecanibbio (Rome): a late Middle Pleistocene palaeontological and archeaeological site 8
The Middle Pleistocene deposits of the Roman Basin (Latium, Italy): an integrated approach of mammal biochrology and sequence stratigraphy 8
New elephants remains in the early Middle Pleisotcene of the Roman basin (Latium. Italy): taphonomy, sedimentology, and GIS methodology 8
Facies, composition and provenance of the Agnone Flysch in the context of the early Messinian evolution of the southern Apennine foredeep (Molise, Italy) 7
Assetto deposizionale, stratigrafia sequenzaile e record fossile a mammiferi delle successione del Pleisotocene medio-superiore del Bacino Romano 7
Stratigraphy, sedimentology, and archaeology of Middle Pleistocene localities near Ceprano, Campogrande area, Italy 7
Sedimentology and physical stratigraphy of the Messinian turbidite deposits of the Laga Basin (central Apennines, Italy) 7
Combining satellite multispectral imagery and topographic data for the detection and mapping of fluvial avulsion processes in lowland areas 7
Geotechnical characterization of the upper Pleistocene Holocene alluvial deposits of Roma (Italy) by means of multivariate geostatistics: Cross-validation results. 7
The depositional architecture of the Pleistocene deposits of the Roman Basin (Italy) 7
An inverse problem to infer paleo-flow conditions from turbidites 7
Allogenic and autogenic controls on the upper Pleistocene-Holocene fluvial deposits of the Tevere River, Roma, Italy 7
The mudstone composition as reflected in the sedimentary evolution of a turbidite basin: The example of the Agnone Flysch (Molise, Italy) 7
A three layers model for the turbidity current: An inverse problem to infer the ignition condition from turbidite deposits 7
Geological and geotechnical characterization of the subsoil of Roma (Italy): spatial modelling of the upper Pleistocene-Holocene alluvial deposits by means of multivariate geostatistics 6
Two examples of confined basins from Central Apennines (Italy): thr Messinian Salto-Tagliacozzo and Laga Basin. 6
Integrated basin analysis approach to the study of the central Apennines foreland system; the Laga Basin case history, Italy 6
Geometric framework and thermal history of the Laga basin: constraints for integrated basin analysis 6
Integrated geological and geotechnical modelling of Rome 6
Facies and geometries of turbidite lobe deposits from the Messinian Laga Formation (central Apennine, Italy) 6
Ecomorphological adaptation in three mudskippers (Teleostei: Gobioidei: Gobiidae) from the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman 6
I terreni di Roma sotto l'aspetto della geologia tecnica 6
Caratteristiche geologiche e geotecniche dei terreni della città di Roma 6
Facies Analysis Applied to Quarrying A review of the possible use of sedimentology to increase knowledge and use of ornamental sandstones 6
Foredeep turbidites of the northern and central Apennines: Marnoso-arenacea and Laga Formations 6
I depositi torbiditici del Messiniano inferiore dell Appennino centrale: bacini del Salto-Tagliacozzo e della Laga (Lazio, Abruzzo, Marche), 6
Tectonic and climate control on turbidite sedimentation: the Messinian deposits of the Laga formation (Central Italy) 5
Deepwater channels and lobes systems in the Messinian turbidite deposits of Laga Basin (Central Apennines, Italy). 5
Incised-valleys, their filling and mammal fossil record: a case study in the Middle-Upper Pleistocene deposits of the Roman Basin (Latium, Italy). 5
Evoluzione spazio-temporale di petrofacies carbonatoclastiche intrabacinali ed extrabacinali e silicoclastiche nel sistema di bacini di foreland dell Appennino Centrale 5
Interaction among foreland deformations, growing structures and turbidites sedimentation in the evolution of the Apennines fold-and-thrust-belt 5
Facies and geometry of channel and channellobe transition deposits in a confined turbidite basin (Lower Messinian Laga Formation, central Apennines, Italy). 5
Facies, geometries and architecture of channel and lobe elements of the Messinian Laga 1 and Laga 2 Turbidite complexes. 5
Esempi di modellazione gelogica nell'area urbana di Roma 5
The Middle Pleistocene Paleolithic site with large mammal fauna of La Polledrara di Cecanibbio (Rome, Italy): recent data and prospects 5
The Laga basin: Stratigraphic and Structural Setting. 5
The high-resolution sequence stratigraphy and the mammal fossil record: a test in the Middle-Upper Plaistocene deposits 251 of the Roman Basin (Latium, Italy) 5
The Messinian Laga Formation, facies, geometries, stratigraphic architecture and structural style of a confined turbidite basin (Central Apennines, Italy). Excursion Guidebook 5
Sedimentary sequenze and mammal biochronology: the case of Middle Pleistocene of the campagna Romana area 5
A simple three layers model for eulerian behaviour of a turbidity current as a function of the Richardson number: sedimentological implication for the interpretation of the turbidite facies 5
Depositional architecture of the late quaternary lower Tiber River s valley infill (central Italy): implications for geohazards assessment in an urban area 5
Le gisement paléolithique à grands mammifères du Pleistocène moyen à La Polledrara di Cecanibbio (Rome, Italie): données recentes et perspectives. 5
Remarks on the Late Middle Pleistocene mammalian faunal complexes biochronology of the Campagna Romana (Latium, Italy) 5
Tectonic and paleotopography control on turbidite sedimentation in confined basin: the lower Messinian wedge top sedimentation of the Laga formation (central Italy) 5
Assetto deposizionale e stratigrafia sequenziale della successione del Pleistocene medio-superiore/Olocene del Bacino Romano 5
Stratigraphic constraints for the 3D modeling of the Tevere Alluvial Valley beneath Rome (Italy) 4
Plastic burial by flash-flood deposits in a prodelta environment (Gulf of Patti, Southern Tyrrhenian Sea) 1
Totale 433
Categoria #
all - tutte 1.801
article - articoli 777
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 29
Totale 2.607

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202414 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 8 4
2024/2025419 4 5 65 39 231 74 1 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 433