Istituto per la BioEconomia - IBE - Sede Secondaria San Michele all'Adige (TN)
Edifici alti in legno: il terremoto non ci spaventa!
2023 Fellin, Marco; Fanti, Riccardo; Passer, Mauro; Polastri, Andrea; Casagrande, Daniele
Experimental characterization of stiff aluminium connectors for multi-panel CLT shear-walls
2023 Rigo, P; Polastri, A; Casagrande, D; Callegari, E; Ramazzini, A; Sestigiani, L
Light-frame timber shear-walls with diagonal board sheathing: experimental and numerical investigation
2023 Setti, A; Casagrande, D; Polastri, A; Fanti, R; Follesa, M; Riggi, E
Design of Multipanel CLT Shear Walls with Bidirectional Mechanical Anchors following Capacity-Based Design Principle
2022 Masroor, M; Doudak, G; Casagrande, D
Mechanical behaviour of multi-panel cross laminated timber shear-walls with stiff connectors
2022 Polastri, A; Casagrande, D
The role of lintels and parapets on the mechanical performance of multi-storey cross laminated timber shearwalls with openings
2022 Khajehpour, M; Casagrande, D; Doudak, G
An adaptable prefabricated timber-wall system for social emergency contexts: A self-construction participatory approach in Santiago of Chile
2021 Pianegonda A.; Favargiotti S.; Paoloni F.; Polastri A.; Casagrande D.
An analytical approach for multi-panel CLT shearwalls attached to the base with equally spaced anchors
2021 Masroor M.; Casagrande D.; Doudak G.
An upgrade of existing practice-oriented FE design models for the seismic analysis of CLT buildings
2021 Rinaldi V.; Casagrande D.; Cimini C.; Follesa M.; Fragiacomo M.
CLT Shear Walls Anchored with Shear-Tension Angle Brackets: Experimental Tests and Finite-Element Modeling
2021 D'Arenzo, G; Casagrande, D; Polastri, A; Fossetti, M; Fragiacomo, M; Seim, W
Experimental and numerical study on the mechanical behaviour of CLT shearwalls with openings
2021 Casagrande, D; Fanti, R; Doudak, G; Polastri, A
Influence of the rocking behavior of shearwalls on the fundamental period of CLT structures
2021 Casagrande, D; Pacchioli, S; Polastri, A; Pozza, L
Interaction between acoustics and structural engineering in cross laminated timber buildings
2021 Morandi, F; Polastri, A; Casagrande, D; Paoloni, F; Speranza, A; Chiodega, M; Barbaresi, L; Gasparella, A
Investigating the kinematic modes of CLT shear-walls with openings
2021 Mestar, M; Doudak, G; Polastri, A; Casagrande, D
Kinematic modes of CLT single-storey shearwalls with openings in the inelastic range
2021 Mestar M.; Doudak G.; Casagrande D.
On the distribution of internal forces in single-storey CLT symmetric shear-walls with openings
2021 Casagrande, D; Fanti, R; Greco, M; Gavric, I; Polastri, A
Proposal for an equivalent frame model for the analysis of multi-storey monolithic CLT shearwalls
2021 Casagrande, D; Doudak, G; Vettori, M; Fanti, R
Rigid or flexible? A numerical investigation on the in-plane behaviour of CLT floor diaphragms
2021 D'Arenzo, G; Casagrande, D; Seim, W
Simplified strategies for the numerical modelling of CLT buildings subjected to lateral loads
2021 Rinaldi, V; Casagrande, D; Cimini, C; Follesa, M; Sciomenta, M; Spera, L; Fragiacomo, M
Structural performance of a hybrid timber wall system for emergency housing facilities
2021 Casagrande, D; Sinito, E; Izzi, M; Pasetto, G; Polastri, A