Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 375
AS - Asia 81
EU - Europa 18
Totale 474
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 375
SG - Singapore 78
FI - Finlandia 6
FR - Francia 6
IT - Italia 6
CN - Cina 2
HK - Hong Kong 1
Totale 474
Città #
Santa Clara 360
Singapore 59
Helsinki 6
Cagliari 2
Turin 2
Ashburn 1
Council Bluffs 1
Hong Kong 1
Phoenix 1
Totale 433
Nome #
Influenze genetiche e ambientali nello sviluppo della dipendenza 18
Role of genetic background in the effects of adolescent nicotine exposure on mesolimbic dopamine transmission 12
Fischer 344 and Lewis Rat Strains as a Model of Genetic Vulnerability to Drug Addiction. 11
Conditioned saccharin avoidance induced by infusion of amphetamine in the nucleus accumbens shell and morphine in the ventral tegmental area: Behavioral and biochemical study 10
Adolescent Cannabis exposure differentially affects heroin reinforcement and accumbens dopamine transmission in Lewis and Fischer 344 rats 10
Mesolimbic dopamine transmission of adolescent and adult rats are differentially affected by drugs of abuse 10
Adolescence versus adulthood: Differences in basal mesolimbic and nigrostriatal dopamine transmission and response to drugs of abuse 10
Strain dependence of adolescent Cannabis influence on heroin reward and mesolimbic dopamine transmission in adult Lewis and Fischer 344 rats 10
Characterization of the Neurochemical and Behavioral Effects of the Phenethylamine 2-Cl-4,5-MDMA in Adolescent and Adult Male Rats 10
Complex interactions between the steroid derivative RU 5135 and the GABAA-receptor complex 9
Drug addiction as a disorder of associative learning. Role of nucleus accumbens shell/extended amygdala dopamine 9
Strain differences in the long-lasting effects of adolescent nicotine exposure on mesolimbic dopamine transmission of Lewis 9
Influence of age and genetic background on ethanol intake in model of alcohol abuse 9
Cannabis; epidemiological, neurobiological and psychopathological issues: An update 9
Drugs of abuse: biochemical surrogates of specific aspects of natural rewards? 9
Neurobiologia delle dipendenze: lo stato dell'arte 9
Adolescent Cannabis exposure differentially affects heroin reinforcement and accumbens dopamine transmission in Lewis and Fischer 344 rats 9
Adolescent cannabis exposure increases heroin reinforcement in rats genetically vulnerable to addiction 9
Effects of 3,4-methylendioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy ) on dopamine transmission in the nucleus accumbens shell and core 9
Cannabis come sostanza d'abuso 9
Reciprocal changes in dopamine responsiveness in the nucleus accumbens shell and core and in the dorsal caudate-putamen in rats sensitized to morphine 9
Impairment of acquisition of intravenous cocaine self-administration by RNA-interference of dopamine D1-receptors in the nucleus accumbens shell 9
Is there a teratogenicity risk associated with cannabis and synthetic cannabimimetics' ('spice') intake? 9
Influence of Age and Genetic Background on Ethanol Intake and Behavioral Response Following Ethanol Consumption and During Abstinence in a Model of Alcohol Abuse 9
Adolescenza: tra opportunità e vulnerabilità 9
Widespread reduction of dopamine cell bodies and terminals in adult rats exposed to a low dose regimen of MDMA during adolescence 9
Differential influence of morphine sensitization on accumbens shell and core dopamine responses to morphine- and food-conditioned stimuli 9
Role of vescicular dopamine in the in vivo stimulation of striatal dopamine transmission by amphetamine: evidence from microdialysis and Fos immunohistochemistry 9
Energy drinks at adolescence: Awareness or unawareness? 9
Conditioned saccharin avoidance and sensitization to drugs of abuse. 8
Strain dependence of adolescent Cannabis influence on heroin reward and mesolimbic dopamine transmission in adult Lewis and Fischer 344 rats 8
Calcium-dependent, tetrodotoxin-sensitive stimulation of cortical serotonin release after a tryptophan load 8
D9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (D9-THC) exposure during adolescence and mesolimbic DA response to D9-THC and heroin in adult Lewis and Fischer344 rats 8
Differences in dopamine responsiveness to drugs of abuse in the nucleus accumbens shell and core of Lewis and Fischer 344 rats. 8
Neuroleptics increase striatal acetylcholine release by a sequential D-1 and D-2 receptor mechanism 8
Opioid Reinforcement: What It Is And How It Can Be Modulated By Cannabinoids 8
Dopamine and drug addiction: the nucleus accumbens shell connection. 8
Changes in GAD67 mRNA expression in the extended amygdala of rats sensitized to morphine or amphetamine 8
Differential effects of drugs of abuse on dopamine transmission in the nucleus accumbens shell and core of Lewis and Fischer344 rats. 8
Homologies and differences in the action of drugs of abuse and a conventional reinforcer (food) on dopamine transmission: an interpretative framework of the mechanism of drug dependence 8
Role of vesicular dopamine in the in vivo stimulation of striatal dopamine transmission by amphetamine: Evidence from microdialysis and Fos immunohistochemistry 8
Deconstructing the influence of genetic and age vulnerability to psychiatric disorders 8
Behavioral sensitization to Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol and cross-sensitization with morphine: differential changes in accumbal shell and core dopamine transmission 8
Selective psychostimulant sensitization by food restriction: differential changes in accumbens shell and core dopamine 7
Intravenous administration of ecstasy (3,4-methylendioxymethamphetamine) enhances cortical and striatal acetylcholine release in vivo 7
Behavioural sensitization after repeated exposure to Delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cross-sensitization with morphine 7
Nicotine and ´9-tetrahydrocannabinol ( ´9-THC) differentially affect dopamine transmission in the nucleus accumbens shell and core of Fischer 344 and Lewis rats 7
Effetti del gamma-idrossibutirrato (GHB) sulla trasmissione dopaminergica nel nucleo accumbens del ratto: somiglianze con altri farmaci d'abuso 7
Long-term increase in GAD67 mRNA expression in the central amygdala of rats sensitized by drugs and stress. 7
Behavioural sensitization to 9-tetrahydrocannabinol ( 9-thc) and cross-sensitization with morphine: biochemical correlates 7
Psychostimulant sensitization: differential changes in accumbal shell and core dopamine 7
Differential changes in accumbens shell and core dopamine in behavioral sensitization to nicotine 7
Dopamine-dependent behavioural stimulation by non-peptide delta opioids BW373U86 and SNC80: 2. Place-preference and brain microdialysis studies in rats 7
Nicotine differentially affects dopamine transmission in the nucleus accumbens shell and core of Lewis and Fischer 344 rats 7
Conditioned saccharin avoidance and sensitization to drugs of abuse. 7
Totale 477
Categoria #
all - tutte 1.657
article - articoli 1.288
book - libri 40
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 63
Totale 3.048

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/20246 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
2024/2025471 3 4 65 32 343 24 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 477