Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 532
AS - Asia 238
EU - Europa 55
Totale 825
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 532
SG - Singapore 204
KR - Corea 30
IT - Italia 26
FI - Finlandia 18
DE - Germania 5
CN - Cina 4
NL - Olanda 3
AT - Austria 1
IE - Irlanda 1
RU - Federazione Russa 1
Totale 825
Città #
Santa Clara 508
Singapore 152
Seoul 30
Helsinki 18
Falkenstein 5
Naples 5
Guangzhou 4
Amsterdam 3
Marano di Napoli 2
Marigliano 2
Palermo 2
Phoenix 2
Trento 2
Trieste 2
Avellino 1
Dublin 1
Moscow 1
Pollena Trocchia 1
Vienna 1
Totale 742
Nome #
Diurnal and circadian regulation of opsin-like transcripts in the eyeless cnidarian Hydra 35
A comprehensive protocol for efficient differentiation of human NPCs into electrically competent neurons 24
ClC-2-like Chloride Current Alterations in a Cell Model of Spinal and Bulbar Muscular Atrophy, a Polyglutamine Disease 14
Clenbuterol-mediated modulation of ion currents in a cellular model of spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy 12
A Monolayer System for the Efficient Generation of Motor Neuron Progenitors and Functional Motor Neurons from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells 12
Clenbuterol-sensitive delayed outward potassium currents in a cell model of spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy 10
Combined light and temperature effects on Hydra periodic behaviour 10
First identification and localization of a visual pigment in Hydra (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) 10
Ion Channels and Neurological Disease 10
Early molecular and cellular characterization of extraocular phototransductive elements in Hydra (Cnidraria, Hydrozoa) 9
Compound and cellular bioelectrical activity and the dermal photosensitivity of Hydra. 9
Differences in figure reversal between cylindric and cubic patterns 9
Micro-Raman detection of the differentiation state of SH-SY5Y cells grown on silicon and aluminium substrates 9
Interfacing primary cortical neurons with PMCS TiO2 films to design bio-hybrid memristive device mimicking neuromorphic functionalities 9
Introducing the Italian Society of Pure and Applied Biophysics - SIBPA 9
Dissociated cells for the analysis of ocular and extraocular photoreception in invertebrates 9
The top-down contribution of will to the modulation of bottom-up inputs in the reversible perception phenomenon 9
Different weights of the influence of different light pulse position inside a stimulation in Hydra 9
Hydra photosensitivity 9
Molecular and Functional Diversity of Visual Pigments: Clues from the Photosensitive Opsin-Like Proteins of the Animal Model Hydra 9
Evolving visual pigments: Hints from the opsin-based proteins in a phylogenetically old "eyeless" invertebrate 9
Diffuse Nerve Net of Hydra Revealed by NADPH-Diaphorase Histochemical Labeling 9
Non visual photoreception in Hydra: Molecular and morpho-functional correlates of the signal transduction cascade, 9
Nitric oxide signaling pathways at neural level in invertebrates: Functional implications in cnidarians 8
Functional interactions of the nervous network underlying the Hydra behaviour 8
Will: A vague idea or a testable event? 8
Hydra photoresponses 8
Hydra photoresponses 8
Neural network model of Hydra photoresponsive behaviour 8
Seeing without looking: Models and mechanisms of non-visual photoreception 8
Searching the photoreceptive elements of Hydra 8
Biosystems interfaced to memristors: Early evidences to study neuromorphic architectures 8
A multidisciplinary approach to study the functional properties of neuron-like cell models constituting a living bio-hybrid system: SH-SY5Y cells adhering to PANI substrate 8
Mental manipulations related to figure reversal of rectangular and curvilinear ambiguous patterns 8
Early molecular and cellular characterization of extraocular phototransductive elements in Hydra 8
Influence of subliminal stimulation on multistable visual pattern perception 8
Altered ionic currents and amelioration by IGF-1 and PACAP in motoneuron-derived cells modelling SBMA. 8
Reversal of cubic and cylindric figures 8
Bio-hybrid interfaces to study neuromorphic functionalities: New multidisciplinary evidences of cell viability on poly(anyline) (PANI), a semiconductor polymer with memristive properties 8
Prototyping a memristive-based device to analyze neuronal excitability 8
Bottom-up and top-down interactions in multistable ambiguous pattern perception 8
Mental manipulations related to figure reversal of rectangular and curvilinear ambiguous patterns 8
Brain Vision and Artificial Intelligence 7
Photoresponsive behaviour in Hydra 7
From neuronal coding to consciousness 7
Conscious and intentional access to unconscious decision-making module in ambiguous visual perception 7
The effects of pattern shape, subliminal stimulation, and voluntary control on multistable visual perception 7
Light regulation of transcripts of classic and unconventional opsins in the eyeless cnidarian Hydra 7
Nucleoporin Nup358 Downregulation Tunes the Neuronal Excitability in Mouse Cortical Neurons 7
Suppression of Hydra attenuata period shortening activity by repetitive phase delay 7
The extraocular photosensitivity modulating the periodic behaviour of Hydra 7
Non ionizing radiation and temperature effects on Hydra motility 7
More on will driven (multistable) visual perception change 7
The modulation of multistable visual perception and the intentional penetrability of visual processing 7
Non-visual photosensitivity and circadian vision 7
Ion channels and neuronal excitability in polyglutamine neurodegenerative diseases 7
Differences in figure reversals between cylindric and cubic patterns 7
The intention and imagery contributions to the multistable pattern perception 7
A descriptive model of the interactions in the nervous network of Hydra 7
Resetting the periodic activity of Hydra at a fixed phase 7
Alteration and amelioration of ionic currents in motoneuron-derived cellsmodelling spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA) 7
Primary cortical neurons on PMCS TiO2 films towards bio-hybrid memristive device: A morpho-functional study. 7
A novel bioinformatic approach to study the molecular evolution of animal photoreceptor proteins 7
Increased transcription of transglutaminase 1 mediates neuronal death in in vitro models of neuronal stress and A beta 1-42-mediated toxicity 7
Application of the patch-clamp technique to photoreceptor cells of the crayfish Orconectes limosus 6
Extraocular photosensitivity in invertebrates: a look into biophysical processes and functional mechanisms 6
SIBPA on the crest of the Adriatic Sea wave: Introduction to the SIBPA XXIV (2018 congress) special issue 6
Diurnal and circadian expression of genes encoding opsin-like photoreceptor proteins in Hydra 6
Non-visual photoreception in invertebrates 6
Brain Research: Brain and Vision (Guest Editors) 6
Motifs and Facets of Phototransduction in Image-Forming Vision and Non-Visual Photoreception in Metazoa 6
A rhodopsin-like protein is the photopigment underlying the extraocular photoreception in a phylogenetically old invertebrate 6
The photobiology of Hydra's periodic activity 6
Influence of pattern shape on spontaneous figure reversal 6
Opsin(s) from Hydra: Molecular phylogenetic hints of functional diversity for visual pigments in metazoa 6
Biofisica della fotorecezione e strutture fotosensibili negli invertebrati 6
BioSystems, Referee 6
Brain Vision and Artificial Intelligence 6
Photic alterations of the periodic movement activity of Hydra 6
Identificazione delle linee di progettazione di un microscopio magnetico SQUID ad alta risoluzione per misure biologiche 6
Influence of visual stimulation and volition on pattern perception 6
Light regulation of opsin(s) gene expression in Hydra 6
EXPLAN: a programming language for complex visual stimuli presentation. 6
The problem of Hydra photoresponse 6
Vision: The Approach of Biophysics and Neurosciences 5
Studiando la fotorecezione di Hydra: modalità visive animali non convenzionali ed evoluzione del sistema visivo 5
SIBPA under the Tuscan sun: Introduction to the SIBPA XXIII Special Issue 5
Brain, Vision and Artificial Intelligence , Co-Editor 5
Sensory and mental access to the mechanism responsible of multistable perception 5
From Structure to Information in Sensory Systems 5
Brain and Vision: Editorial 5
Phototransduction motifs in Metazoa: From non-visual photoreception to image-forming vision 5
The role of altered voltage-gated currents in motor-neuron degeneration: Analysing the spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA) case 5
Structural and regulatory facets of the opsin-like visual pigments in Hydra 5
Diurnal and Circadian Expression of Genes Encoding Opsin-like Photoreceptor Proteins in Hydra (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) 5
Raman micro-spectroscopy study of living SH-SY5Y cells adhering on different substrates 5
Top-down interference in visual perception 5
Fine structure and axonal organization in the buccal ganglia nerves of Aplysia (Mollusca, Gastropoda) 5
Totale 774
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.010
article - articoli 1.825
book - libri 441
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 599
Totale 6.875

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202448 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 35 0
2024/2025809 1 24 142 79 443 115 5 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 857