Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse - IGG - Sede Secondaria Torino
Stratigraphic evidence of glacier interactions in the Isarco-Pusteria valley junction (Italian Alps): unraveling the Late Pleistocene landscape evolution
2024 Monegato, Giovanni; Fioraso, Gianfranco; Sciascia, Federico; Borgatti, Lisa; Menzies, John; Benedetti, Gianluca; Rodani, Stefano
Subsurface geology of the Torino metropolitan area (Westernmost Po Plain, NW Italy)
2024 Irace, Andrea; Marcelli, Igor; Fioraso, Gianfranco; Festa, Andrea; Catanzariti, Rita; Raco, Brunella; Menichini, Matia; Masetti, Giulio; Brussolo, Elisa; Vivaldo, Gianna; Doveri, Marco
Disentangling the stratigraphic architecture of the Rivoli-Avigliana end moraine system (Western Alps, NW Italy)
2021 Fioraso, G; Monegato, G; Balestro, G; Hajdas, I; Baggio, P
Geochemical, geostatistical and time series analysis techniques as a tool to achieve the Water Framework Directive goals: An example from Piedmont region (NW Italy)
2021 Raco B.; Vivaldo G.;Doveri M.; Menichini M.; Masetti G.; Battaglini R.; Irace A.; Fioraso G.;Marcelli I.;Brussolo E.
Geology of the southern Dora-Maira Massif: insights from a sector with mixed ophiolitic and continental rocks (Valmala tectonic unit, Western Alps)
2020 Balestro G.; Nosenzo F.; Cadoppi P.; Fioraso G.; Groppo C.; Festa A.
Little Ice Age glacial systems and related natural instability processes in the Orco Valley (North-Western Italy)
2019 Lucchesi S.; Bertotto S.; Chiarle M.; Fioraso G.; Giardino M.; Nigrelli G.
Role of structural inheritance in the gravitational deformation of the monviso meta-ophiolite complex: The pui-orgiera serpentinite landslide (varaita valley, western alps)
2019 Fioraso G.; Balestro G.; Festa A.; Lanteri L.
Il "periodo d'oro" degli studi geologici nelle Alpi Marittime tra il XIX e il XX secolo
2018 Barale L.; Mosca P.; Fioraso G.
New geomorphological and chronological constraints for glacial deposits in the Rivoli-Avigliana end-moraine system and the lower Susa Valley (Western Alps, NW Italy)
2018 IvyOchs S.; Lucchesi S.; Baggio P.; Fioraso G.; Gianotti F.; Monegato G.; Graf A.A.; Akcar N.; Christl M.; Carraro F.; Forno M.G.; Schluchter C.
Geology of Piemonte region (NW Italy, Alps-Apennines interference zone)
2017 Piana, F; Fioraso, G; Irace, A; Mosca, P; D'Atri, A; Barale, L; Falletti, P; Monegato, G; Morelli, M; Tallone, S; Vigna, G.B.
Geology of Piemonte region (NW Italy, Alps-Apennines interference zone)
2017 Piana, F.; Fioraso, G.; Irace, A.; Mosca, P.; d'Atri, A.; Barale, L.; Falletti, P.; Monegato, G.; Morelli, M.; Tallone, S.; Vigna, G. B.
Geology of the curone and staffora valleys (NW Italy): Field constraints for the Late Cretaceous - Pliocene tectono-stratigraphic evolution of northern apennines
2017 Barbero, Edoardo; Festa, Andrea; Fioraso, Gianfranco; Catanzariti, Rita
Geology of the Curone and Staffora Valleys (NW Italy): field constraints for the Late Cretaceous - Pliocene tectono-stratigraphic evolution of Northern Apennines
2017 Barbero, E; Festa, A; Fioraso, G; Catanzariti, R
Impact of massive deep-seated rock slope failures on mountain valley morphology in the northern cottian alps (Nw italy)
2017 Fioraso, G
The classification scheme of the piemonte geological map and the OntoGeonous initiative
2016 Lombardo, Vincenzo; Piana, Fabrizio; Fioraso, Gianfranco; Irace, Andrea; Mimmo, Dario; Mosca, Pietro; Tallone, Sergio; Barale, Luca; Morelli, Michele; Giardino, Marco
Clima e ghiacciai nelle Alpi Occidentali italiane: variabilità ed evoluzione negli ultimi 150 anni
2015 Nigrelli G.; Lucchesi S.; Fioraso G.; Chiarle M.
Fortifications of the late 800's in the Upper Susa Valleys (Italian Cottian Alps): A geo-morphological perspective
2015 Mosca, P; Fioraso, G
Geology of the Villalvernia - Varzi Line Between Scrivia and Curone valleys (NW Italy)
2015 Festa, A; Fioraso, G; Bissacca, E; Petrizzo, Mr
IT applications for sharing geoheritage information: the example of the geological and geomorphological trail in the Monviso massif (NW Italy).
2015 Balestro, G; Cassulo, R; Fioraso, G; Nicolò, G; Rolfo, F; Bonansea, E; Cadoppi, P; Castelli, D; Ferrando, S; Festa, A; Groppo, C; Morelli, M; Mortara, G; Mosca, P
Climate variability and Alpine glaciers evolution in Northwestern Italy from the Little Ice Age to the 2010s
2014 Nigrelli, G; Lucchesi, S; Bertotto, S; Fioraso, G; Chiarle, M